Sea eagles no longer screaming

So should I forgo putting petrol in the car, or feeding the kids, or paying the wifes hospital bills??

Just wondering which one I should not worry about paying for to be a member of a footy club.

Flip is 100% correct, why should someone pay for something which they get absolutely no value for? times are tough enough as it is.

If I want to donate to a charity I'll ring world vision or the Cancer Council
Fro link said:
Just wondering which one I should not worry about paying for to be a member of a footy club.

ISP for 1 month should just about do it I would think!!!!!!

I understand that times are tough, we are all part of the same economy. But when you are passioned by something you tend to find a way. We all have bills & my wifes cancer treatment is currently costing us around $3,000 a month, I don't whinge about it because I love her and we find a way to pay it. It is about priorities, you have yours and that is fine. I just do not understand how $1.00 a week to a person who is in full employment cannot be found.
Net at work thanks Pete.

And Wheel, whilst we all love the team and the club, there are a lot more important things in the world than a bunch of blokes running around a football field
personally I couldn't  give a Rats  if i got nothing from  my membership ,I just do it cause in my own tiny mind ,I'm doing my bit to help the club I love out, I can appreciate people who cant afford it, thats   fair enough no one is Holding a  gun to your head..
Maybe you should go and support Souths for a while to get a feel of what it is like to support a club with no hope and no future.  Because unless  our supporter base and in fact all NRL supporters as a whole change their attitude in regards to membership to be more in line with AFL clubs/supporters we will be only watching A League/AFL/Union in a decade or two.

Just my thoughts, if you can't afford then so be it.  But if you put a dollar amount on the entertainment value the Manly football club gives you then as stated earlier less than $1 per week is pretty good value.
If people can not afford membership and have other priorities that is fine however I disagree that you get nothing for what you spend.  Sure, for what you pay you do not get the same value of items in return but that would defeat the purpose of the club raising money through a membership base.  
Corso_Pete link said:
It simply astounds me that people take the time and energy to profess their love of the club yet will find reasons to not spend less than $1.00 a week to ensure that the club remains as we know it.
Have never been a member before, same major reason as Flip (live too far away to see any value in it)but you have swayed me Pete and I will join up asap.
I’ve read this thread and seen the “for’s and against’s” in respect of membership packages.

I’ve seen and written in other threads on other forums and it amazes me the amount of ignorance, selfishness and complacency that some people have.

It would be impolite and pompous of me or anyone to dictate to another how they spend their money or how they budget their funds however it is evident that some people are making their decisions with ill founded logic and a basic misunderstanding of facts.

This is my input (for what it is worth) and apologies that it is a lengthy post but I hope you’ll understand why if you take the time to read it……?

The question of “What you get for your money” is simple…..

First look here to understand the current set up and structures of the various entities

What do you get for Screaming Eagles membership?

The improved chance of your team standing alone and surviving in the NRL

You lessen the reliance of funds from the Delmege and Penn families (God forbid if they ever decided to pull their money out or their personal businesses hit hard times and they needed money to support their core business!) and also the reliance on the Leagues club grants (Who in themselves are struggling financially and in the current climate will struggle to provide anywhere near the level of funding to the football side that they have in the past)

It’s fair to say the fact that you are on this site means you are a Manly supporter – with Screaming Eagles membership you assist in financially supporting your team and it’s ability to put a team on the field, attract players and pay them and have a half decent chance of returning to the “Glory days” of old (Any self respecting supporter should know that the club was literally hours away from folding and disappearing not too many years ago due to lack of money?)

Next read here:

Football Club membership IS NOT Screaming Eagles membership (they are memberships of 2 different entities – as per the link above)

What do you get for your Football Club membership?

Well….having read the history and being a supporter of the club if the $25 Football Club membership is not seen as a viable a return on the investment to protect the history of your club and have the ability to have input to it’s future then I’m sad for you.

It’s been well publicised that clubs are doing it tough (Aren’t we all I hear you say?)

To further explain this was posted in another thread on this site a while ago but well worth a read

Now to some of the comments posted on this thread

Quote: ie, some people get benefits from the leagues club ect or anual meetings ect. Thats not an option for interstate members. So, make some changes and you'd find people more willing to part with their money.

Reply: FACT: The membership package WAS changed this season to accommodate out of town supporters. The membership price of $80 was reduced to the current figure with the features deemed as “not attractive” to non local supporters such as Leagues club membership and free travel on the supporters bus to away games removed – these are now “user pays” and an “add on’” to the Screaming Eagles membership – Did you not know that or do you want to reduce the price even more?

Quote: I spend 100's of dollars in years passed to at least get down for a few games. I really don't want to be spending any more just to see the team perform.

Reply: How much do you value the team? FACT: The team can’t exist without money – If we want a team to support then it’s fair to expect that we should pay for the privilege?

Quote: It doesn't give 'me' and in my opinion interstate members as good a value as local manly members. So, drop the price.

Reply: I know many many out of town and interstate members who feel they get value but more importantly are members so they can assist in having a team – they can’t get to many games so can’t contribute at the gate but feel that a $1 a week to see their team on the paddock is a worthwhile investment?

Quote: Look no offence guys but i have to agree with flip here you'd think the club was goin broke the way some of you are goin on.Where is $48 going anyway the club has just received $6,000,000 so brookie is saved,surely it can't be going to pay the players.He's right in a way not everyone is in a position to give out $48 it's enough i pay $120 for myself & family everytime we attend a game at brookie but to pay to post on a forum no way & it's unfair again thank god for silvertails.

Reply: The club was going broke! Without the current owners we would be broke! If Delemege and Penn don’t front up with cash we will be broke! A strong membership base will lessen the likelihood of this happening!! - Hope you have read the above on this? The $6mill from the State and the $4mill from Warringah Council will go towards ground improvements. It’s an established fact that a club in the NRL needs a budget of around $12-15million just to survive in the NRL  - you are not paying to post on a forum - you are paying to assist the club be there

Quote: I think they should be payment options

Maybe a basic membership that costs say 25 - 50 a year but if u want to upgrade that the club direct debits your account monthly through out the season.

Reply: Fair point and valid BUT for $48 the cost of administering that would more than wipe out the profit margin unfortunately.  A few seasons ago the club offered “installments” on a season ticket and it proved to be a nightmare to manage due to insufficient funds in accounts, reminder letters to be sent etc etc so I can imagine they would not be too keen to try that exercise again?

Quote: I'm not a member, I spend $1000+ on the rugby league goods and services I want per year and 98% of that is paid directly to the club, no need to pay $50 for a plastic card and crappy hat to make me feel warm and fuzzy, not interested in the functions either, I like watching footy, the other crap I don't need.

Reply: No team = No footy (The other “crap” funds it?) – Good on you for supporting the team but of the $1000 plus you spend you don’t say how (Is that on merchandise from Rebel, does that cover travel expenses, Are you assuming that 98% of gate attendance revenue goes to the club (It doesn’t) – membership fees go straight to the bottom line of the club and as they are paid at the start of the season give them the cash flow early on to allow budgets to be set and income to be assured (Compared to the vagaries of gate takings, corporate box revenue and sponsorship which are affected by all manner of factors)

Quote: I haven't paid my membership this year mainly because I want to see how long it takes to be followed up.

Reply: Dead set! What a stupid comment from somebody who should know better! As someone who prides themselves in having an “in” with the CEO and one of the owners I can’t believe that you seriously mean that?

Quote: So should I forgo putting petrol in the car, or feeding the kids, or paying the wifes hospital bills??
Just wondering which one I should not worry about paying for to be a member of a footy club.
Flip is 100% correct, why should someone pay for something which they get absolutely no value for? times are tough enough as it is.
If I want to donate to a charity I'll ring world vision or the Cancer Council

Reply: It’s fair to say we all have bills, we all have to budget and we all find it tough to make ends meet.
I began the post by saying it would be rude of me to tell you how to spend your money but I hope this post has enlightened some as to the facts regarding our great club?

I get to most games home and away and take 2 school age children with me.

We have only missed the Canberra away game this season and I fly to Auckland on Friday for 10 days which will be my holiday and I’ll catch the game at Mt Smart on Sunday week.

I’m fortunate in being able to do this but it means I make sacrifices elsewhere, I budget my income and save money where I can to be able to meet my financial commitments (Of which there are many) – The money I spend on travelling to games with the kids means that there are some things I’d like to own or things I’d like to do that get sacrificed along the way – That’s my decision and mine alone and not meant to be disrespectful of others  - It’s my decision and I justify it by the enormous amount of pleasure we get from the whole “Match day” experience and the fun we have had and the people we have met along the way.

Your choice of course…..

Thanks for you time and in closing - Ask not what your club does for you but what you can do for your club?

you say it would be rude of you, in fact you said it more than once.....then you proceed to do exactly that.

Fro that is a pathetic response, seriously just admit you are a tight arse and stop trying to justify your position in regards to membership with cheap shots & lame arguements.

Go back to being the site spelling teacher, you are a lot better at that.
Fair enough Fro if that's your considered opionion?
I think you may have missed the point of the thread.

One of your previous posts included "why should someone pay for something which they get absolutely no value for?'

My post was intended to highlight the value that people get.

Value for those that watch Manly games? Value for those that don't want to see the club leaving Brookvale to take up the NRL offer of funding to play elsewhere as the club can't afford to run on its current income and value for those who hope we don't have to consider a merger with another club again to "streamline" operations.

At no stage in the post did I dictate to people how to spend their money (So no hypocrisy there?) - What I hoped to do was add some hard facts to the thread and help people understand what value there was to be had by supporting the club.

With these FACTS they can then make up their own minds as to the perceived value

To quote the opening of my initial post...
"It would be impolite and pompous of me or anyone to dictate to another how they spend their money or how they budget their funds however it is evident that some people are making their decisions with ill founded logic and a basic misunderstanding of facts.Hope this helps
Wheel I'm not actually talking about me, I can afford it if I chose to do so. i am far from a tight arse i just choose not to spend money on that. As is everyones right to make that choice. i was simply making the point that some people DO struggle to that extent.

Vidmar I was referring to you doing exactly what you said you werent attempting to. Hypocrite was a bit harsh and i apologise for that.
I'm not going to argue the point, people do what they like with their money,  it's really nobodies business, some of you blokes would probably be great recruiters for cults though with your persistance.
Well I just became Screaming Eagle MEM 1419 which will allow me to post at MSE as well as get some maths tuition next time I go on holidays.

This was the $48 one - I could have just become a football club member for $33 but that maths tutition was just too attractive an offer.
I wish that this had of come up earlier as I just handed in my final assesment for my marketing diploma to which i had used the MWSE membership program as a focus of study.

When trying to sell a membership to anything the company in question needs to be clear on the benefits that the customer will receive in joining up. MWSE have not done so well in expressing the value of membership and this is why we are so far behind the likes of the roosters and even the rabbitohs(who have the largest ticketed membership base in sydney).

Playing out of a foreign ground, the rabbitohs have attracted nearly 3 times the number of ticketed memberships than we have and i think this is due to the  fact that they are tapping into the passion of their fans while keeping their membership somewhat prestigious. just take a look at their online membership brochure, its a far better looking than what the sea eagles have on offer even though the products on offer are almost identical.

I for one havent taken up a membership although i follow the team with a great deal of passion. It just hasn't been sold to me and other than the occasional ad on the main website there hasn't been a lot of effort put in to attracting new members.

Value for money is what the average punter wants and with the impression that all you get out of a memebership is a plastic card, i don't see us ever competing with other clubs when it comes to member numbers.
Nice one Utility Player (the maths tuition will no doubt help calculate our superior “for and against” with so many teams in contention for the top spot at the moment LOL) – Hi Nutzcraw - Thanks for the interest.

Membership is each persons preference and is of course your choice….however here is why I purchase both if it helps you with your decision making?

From my point of view there is no "best" membership as such as I see both the Screaming Eagles and the Football Club as equally important (They used to be combined until this season but for a number of reasons they were split and made available as separate entities - Have another look through the "Sea Eagles" family link above and that should explain what each "entity" does and is responsible for?)

But just in case - basically "Screaming Eagles" is membership of the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited (Which is "owned" by the Penn and Delmege families and the Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Limited (The "Football Club") and their role is listed in the link in my previous post

Football Club membership means you will be a member of the Manly-Warringah Rugby League Football Club Limited (If you click here it will take you to the annual and financial reports for the Football Club ) who as mentioned is a part owner of the NRL license holder but more importantly holds one Preference Share in the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited giving the Football Club control of the Name, Colours, Emblem and Home Ground location of the football teams operated by the Manly-Warringah Sea Eagles Limited (ie the club we follow)

What this means is that for the club to change its name, move from Brookvale or change their colours to any great degree then there has to be agreement by the Football Club members (It is worth noting that when Max Delmege wanted to buy a significant share of the club it was overwhelmingly agreed by the Football Club members).

It is worth pointing out that there is pre-qualifying period as a Football Club member before you can vote on matters (This is a common sense practise to avoid someone recruiting a whole pile of his friends to join and then immediately being able to influence votes on key matters eg John Singleton signing up 10,000 “mates” and then voting that we move to Gosford to play at his stadium, call the team the Gold Coast Blue Tongues and play in the old Bears strip) 

I see my Screaming Eagles membership as supporting the club that takes the field today and my Football Club membership as protecting and investing for the future of the club.

As such I buy both for me and the kids.
Hope this helps

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