Salary Cap Witch Hunt. **Appeal unsuccessful**

I would think this will either finish quickly, or be dragged out to the death by Greenburg. If he believes Manly have an email of any damaging substance, there may be some behind the scenes negotiation, and if an agreement can be reached, it might be settled soon. If no agreement is forthcoming, this could be a real power battle. Do we have Todd by the balls, or does he have us by the feathers and wallet? That be the question...
Storm appeal won't affect season, NRL lawyer says
By Brad Walter
22 May 2010 — 3:00am

The NRL believes the legal battle over the salary cap penalties imposed on the Melbourne Storm will not throw this year's premiership into chaos.

The Storm's four independent directors are seeking an injunction that would enable the team to begin playing for points again this season until the Victorian Supreme Court decides on their legal appeal.

Should they succeed and Melbourne made the play-offs it would make a mockery of the competition if the court was to later uphold the NRL's decision to strip the world club champions of the 2007 and 2009 premierships, ban them from earning any points this season and ordering them to pay $1.6 million in fines and returned prizemoney.

Alternatively, an eventual ruling in the Storm's favour may lead to the club suing for damages if they were denied the opportunity to win this season's competition.

A directional hearing in Melbourne yesterday heard that a trial may take place in July or August but NRL lawyer Tony O'Reilly later told reporters outside the court he was confident the legal case would be resolved well before the finals series, starting September 10.

''We would be pretty confident we would be able to get it done in July, and that will get it all over a long time before the semi-finals, and it will be all sorted out a couple of months ahead,'' O'Reilly said.

The NRL sought to involve News Ltd in the case by asking that Valimanda, a company owned by the media organisation that holds the Storm's licence to play in the competition be included in the legal proceedings.
I don’t know where people are getting their information from regarding clubs being prohibited from using legal avenues as a way to appeal.
Not sure there is much in this thread that is in any way anything but pure speculation. The simply truth is that Greenberg can do whatever the hell he likes. I'm almost certain there is a clause in the Clubs NRL agreement which says court is not an option. Add to that the fact that Courts aren't about justice, right and wrong but rather who can pay.
Can you dig something up on the clause you are alluding to, or are you speculating?
Where are all Manly's heavy hitters when we really need them? Gladys, Abbott, Fulton, Baird, Arko? Surely these people have a bit of sway? You can't imagine the NRL doing this to the Roosters. Politis wouldn't stand for it. Is there any way we can employ Cameron Smith as our CEO while he is still playing? We would be exonerated pretty quickly.
And I think this is what the club is trying to highlight...that Manly is being unfairly targeted.
If its true then we could be in serious trouble if the NRL does have an agenda against us and the club needs to start fighting back before it's too late - queue conspiracy theory:
Expansion plans have been on the radar again this season and the NRL/Super league's plans for this have always included reducing the number of Sydney teams to keep the overall team number from getting to high. With the lowest number of member, an aging and a poorly accessible stadium (from the city) and pulling back from any commitment to the central coast we are number one with a bullet to be moved on from Sydney (or the comp), I suspect there a a couple of others on the hit list as well. But we are one of the most successful clubs in recent times and we are still able to secure the required sponsorship and funding despite the constant negative press surrounding the club. As soon the wheels start to wobble financially I have no doubt the NRL will jump in to offer the club a deal to secure its position in the competition.

Well take the raiders for example. They came out the other week and admitted they had to shed players so they could be salary cap compliant, but weren't named and shamed like us, and funny how the Panfers all of a sudden shed a few players, but nothing was said about them, and the Moloney scenario, gee didnt that get swept under the carpet, and there was suppose to be a FEW OTHERS CLUBS in the same boat as us, but again, we were the only club named and shamed
Storm appeal won't affect season, NRL lawyer says
By Brad Walter
22 May 2010 — 3:00am

The NRL believes the legal battle over the salary cap penalties imposed on the Melbourne Storm will not throw this year's premiership into chaos.

The Storm's four independent directors are seeking an injunction that would enable the team to begin playing for points again this season until the Victorian Supreme Court decides on their legal appeal.

Should they succeed and Melbourne made the play-offs it would make a mockery of the competition if the court was to later uphold the NRL's decision to strip the world club champions of the 2007 and 2009 premierships, ban them from earning any points this season and ordering them to pay $1.6 million in fines and returned prizemoney.

Alternatively, an eventual ruling in the Storm's favour may lead to the club suing for damages if they were denied the opportunity to win this season's competition.

A directional hearing in Melbourne yesterday heard that a trial may take place in July or August but NRL lawyer Tony O'Reilly later told reporters outside the court he was confident the legal case would be resolved well before the finals series, starting September 10.

''We would be pretty confident we would be able to get it done in July, and that will get it all over a long time before the semi-finals, and it will be all sorted out a couple of months ahead,'' O'Reilly said.

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The NRL sought to involve News Ltd in the case by asking that Valimanda, a company owned by the media organisation that holds the Storm's licence to play in the competition be included in the legal proceedings.
This is why the last agreements signed were changed.
Well take the raiders for example. They came out the other week and admitted they had to shed players so they could be salary cap compliant, but weren't named and shamed like us, and funny how the Panfers all of a sudden shed a few players, but nothing was said about them, and the Moloney scenario, gee didnt that get swept under the carpet, and there was suppose to be a FEW OTHERS CLUBS in the same boat as us, but again, we were the only club named and shamed

I think the whole “ we see Manly as one of the clubs we’d love to move” idea is much much bigger than anyone thinks.

If ( a very big if) they have enough players I’d suggest the following would be what they feel.

1) second Brisbane team ( new).

2) second NZ team ( new), and mainly due to another time zone giving them the potential for an extra live game.

3) relocate a Sydney team ( say Manly) to Perth.

4) reboot the Bears to become the Central Coast Bears based out of Gosford.

5) relocate a Sydney team ( say Cronulla) to Adelaide.

You then have a true “ National” Rugby League and loads of other time zones for the extra live games.

So how does the “ Perth Sea Eagles” sound to you?
I think the whole “ we see Manly as one of the clubs we’d love to move” idea is much much bigger than anyone thinks.

If ( a very big if) they have enough players I’d suggest the following would be what they feel.

1) second Brisbane team ( new).

2) second NZ team ( new), and mainly due to another time zone giving them the potential for an extra live game.

3) relocate a Sydney team ( say Manly) to Perth.

4) reboot the Bears to become the Central Coast Bears based out of Gosford.

5) relocate a Sydney team ( say Cronulla) to Adelaide.

You then have a true “ National” Rugby League and loads of other time zones for the extra live games.

So how does the “ Perth Sea Eagles” sound to you?

I hate everything you said, but think your right.
This is why the last agreements signed were changed.

There may be a compulsory dispute resolution process or a bar on bringing certain actions, but a clause that has a blanket prohibition on bringing any Court proceedings would not be enforceable and I think the Court would take a dim view of it being included in any contract in the first place.
a) Not sure therThe simply truth is that Greenberg can do whatever the hell he likes.
b) I'm almost certain there is a clause in the Clubs NRL agreement which says court is not an option.


a) no he cant
b) lololololololol There can be no such clause of course. Who is going to adjudicate on anything in dispute ? Give you one guess.
If the NRL give up chunks Sydney and think they can compete with the AFL on a national level, they are kidding themselves.

That ship sailed 20 years ago. Give it another 10 years under low quality incompetent agenda driven administration and AFL will be number 1 in Sydney too. Another 10 years after that they’ll take Brisbane.

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