Winging it
Just mho. So far so bad for the Lib's leading duo. I would probably be right in saying the one issue that killed their electoral hopes last time was Workchoices - and here they go again on the first day of a new start mentioning individual contracts and Wwwworksomethingorother that can't be mentioned. They will pick up the vote from the corner shop crowd but they never lost that. They won't pick up the distrusting worker heartland where they need the numbers. Secondly, despite the doubts put forward about the fairness and effectivity of an ETS most Australians want something done. Abbott has ruled out any form of ETS and you get the feeling for now the Libs will placate the Nationals and do nothing for as long as possible. And lastly to prove that he is middle of the road Abbott is calling for less abortions. Is that three stikes? One thing that is good for Oz is that there will be a tough opposition to deal with. The bad thing is that the new look is proving to be very close to the old one and back where few want to go to. <packs up soapbox>