mozgrame said:
I believe in an afterlife. I've had enough experience with ghosts/hauntings over the years. I believe in life on other planets. I can't get enough of Ancient Aliens.
As for religion, I lean strongly towards the Wiccan/Pagan belief system. The Christians stole so much of their religion and blatantly murdered so many of their members for not declaring what they believed in to be "devil worshipping" and converting to Christianity.
Please note, Wicca is nothing to do with waving a wand and have someone turn into a frog. The TV has a warped view of Wicca. It is a free for all, nature based religion, very centred on yourself and I would urge anyone that may feel a little at a loose end to investigate it. Don't just write it off as nonsense until you have fully researched and get a true understanding of what it's all about.
People tend to live in their own very small existence, refusing to explore or even consider there could be other answers to questions of origin, religion and afterlife. The more technologically advanced the world gets, the lazier and dumber we are getting as a species. We are slowly losing our survival instincts. We are losing touch with our inner selves.
Further more, I follow the Fit For Life model of diet as closely as I can and would recommend to anyone that hasn't read that book to do whatever you can to get a copy of it. You may get quite a few more years on the planet before finding the answer to the afterlife question 🙂
I had a Wiccan/ paganism-type girlfriend once, and after about 3 years of life with her, I can guarantee ya' she was a witch (with honours!) LOL.
I'm more inclined to believe in life on other planets (and UFO's for the generic view) than an actual omnipotent God. Far more inclined now having thought about it.
The actual scale of the "universe" proposes there's thousands of galaxies, or solar-systems similar to ours; or quite different. And many, many further afield we have no insight or knowledge of.
So I see the odds of all things climate and conditionally-wise only combining ONCE to create "life" as we know it, massively unlikely.
Just what any other planets, inhabitants, and evolutionary status they're at is another altogether fascinating question.
But again, on this Q of a God, yay or nay......again as you say moz, Religions are responsible for more deaths, murders, genocides and/or ethnic-cleansing attempts
than any other catalyst or country.
Surely if there is (or was) an ultimate "plan" for Earth and our Universe, the current and historical state-of-play isn't what would've been desired, much less designed?
And I agree for our level of sophistication and "progress" it does paradoxically lend itself to more sheltered, or insular live styles.
Yes, we communicate here. It's largely impersonal and too often leads to misunderstanding and overall, more of a sense of isolation.
You can shop, pay bills and manage money, eat, sleep, exercise, even "go" to the doc (via video-link) all from the comfort of your coccoon.
Will the day come we are all locked in " gated-communities" less and less interacting face to face...Still looking to the sky for any or just one answer?!
(I may track down the Fit for Life book now too, mate).