My angle tonight is not so much answering if there's a "God" or not, but closer to the question of fate, destiny, or perhaps if there is a "grander plan" (you know, when we all say, "That was meant to be", quite often amazed, as I was yesterday).
I'm on antibiotics, and pretty heavy pain-relief if required; and got told to stay in bed for the weekend (by my GP, we all have heard that). Well I couldn't and went for a gentle walk along "my river" which always helps, more or less. It was only meant to be brief as I'm trying to follow doc's orders.
Anyway down near an Information Centre where travellers or tourists use like everywhere else I saw a bloke sitting down near an amazing Harley-Davidson (I love bikes) and stopped to have a closer look. Well I got a closer look alright. And the guy having his pit-stop (and ciggie) I suddenly recognized. (We were occasional drinking buddies back when I drank very heavily). I hadn't seen him for six years at least. (He left town and I also heard went to prison for awhile, which he confirmed whilst we talked).
I recognized him more readily than he did me, because of my beard and longer-hair now, but you click with some people so well it's like it was six months not six years since sighting each other. He knows me and I reckon I know him pretty equally so we can be straight up with no grey areas.
So naturally I'd had a shockin' week and told him so. But I added, "Still not as bad as 2 years in the big-house for U, I know mate". His answer really floored me and I still feel very moved by it.
To paraphrase as succinctly as I can he said, "Mick we're all in prisons one way or another". (Meaning slaves to our jobs or lack thereof, responsibilities, financial restraints, physical or mental challenges, relationships and loyalties to friends, partners, family that confine or define our lives and can change rapidly (quite often out of our control etc.) You know what I mean.
But he added the simplest and most obvious "prison' we all share.
Our mortality. (Sooner or later we'll all be gone and that is something none of us can escape). It was delivered without bitterness or sorrow; just in the tone to suggest, make the best of it, don't sweat the small stuff, get your priorities clear and be true to yourself as much as possible (U then stand a better chance of being truer to everyone; and simplifying your life, at least a little).
Yes. It was a long conversation in the end, lol.
I know he's a very different man to the one I knew 10 years ago, last seeing about six years ago, as said. Obviously literally being in prison is a powerful challenge, but rather than breaking him, or his spirit, it clearly helped him become a better man. And whilst we all know it's usually the beginning of the end for many (prison) and a continuation of a downward-spiral, some manage to come out unscathed and reignite their lives in a better direction.
He's clearly doing that, physically as well as mentally (or spiritually however best defines it for you). He's travelling widely (making amends for those that understand 12-step programs). And I am so damn grateful I ran into him today, believe me!
Apart from the fact we'd not seen or spoken in 6 yrs. He was only in town for an hour's pit-stop, refuel, feed etc. And I could've chosen to go for my walk anytime today, or not at all, as advised by my GP, (which I hope you see how "unlikely" the chances were of even meeting up like that, it's the subsequent conversation on top, occuring as well, that still has me shaking my head. (Grateful but dumb-founded to be precise).
From my other posts on "a God" I'm not really any closer to resolving that Q in my mind. It's that Q of are all things random, or actually following some far greater pattern or rhythm beyond an average person's comprehension?
*I watched Manly tonight of course, am disappointed but most of us know I hope with 4 or 5 of our starting 13 out, it was always going to be a long-shot up there in the end*
The game-talk is for elsewhere except to say, talking to my old mate yesterday helped me get footy into perspective a bit better (and we're still alive and had another great season whatever happens now).
My bottom-line (apart from REALLY needing a talk like that from anyone) is "Was it meant-to-be, destiny, fate, or possibly a legitimate or logical cosmic-plan after all? Because yes, basically I'm no closer to being convinced there's an actual, official grand "GOD" responsible for all things.
Anyway I wanted to share something positive (after venting in Soapbox).
Got some pics (and contact details of course). He was sweet with me sharing this if I chose to, just not post his name or number-plate.
(He's not on-the-run! Please don't entertain that thought for a
His wheels:
And my "heaven-sent" river, very near to where we talked.
Even a cynical, sometimes jaded bloke like myself can still be amazed by life; and perhaps slightly more open to the suggestion of a God...
Then I watched Manly with our troops dropping all over-the-place (at the worst possible time, a week from the Finals) and was soon irrationally cursing "Him" or whomsoever is "Up There" and running the show for being so damned unfair!
We're complex beasts, or I am, speaking for myself; but old mate free and on -the-road, making the most of the cards he's been dealt, sure helped.
I'm going to try and remember that as much as I can.