Oneyeagle said:
jbb/james said:
Oneyeagle said:
Companies are collapsing all over the joint my industry. Sanyo eg Penrith looks like they will be leaving our shores by the end of this year. Sporting teams are going to be affected over all sports by the years end. Unfortunalety this is the sign of the times. if you think its bad you should see it from my perspective. I never seen anything like it in all my working years.
I know this isn't the main reason, but Australian business is very susceptible to collapse. As so many business models are franchises and chains and similar and head office controls the business, it gives a lot of small business not much room to maneuver's through tough times. There business model is not very flexible.Qld is very bad at this as very few mom and dad shops are around, its all mega hyper maxi domes, with the same chain stores in all of them
You know your subject matie. Franchises are truly fragile in Recessions. Head office's are now taking over and again appointing managers. Has not stop WOW Sight and sound going under who sponses the Broncs. 500 staff gonesky as of yesterday. Let me please say without any question and I've told from the Best. It going to get a Hell of lot worse before it even looks like getting better.
uncertain times ahead, i agree, but for many it will open opportunity, just as buying a house and shares in a collapse can mean good times ahead, many will be able to carve out a niche in these challenging times in business also, especially when many others close there doors reducing competition