Bizarre that so many people seem to think that just because someone is against endorsing pride for religious/ethical reasons they would be duty bound to have the same opinion on gambling. The issues are totally unrelated.
Bizarre that an individual's post would be classified as the thoughts of 'so many people' and second that /sarc at the end didn't give away the intent of the post.
However seeing as you want to explore the unrelated nature of taking a stand on 'Religious grounds' - which has been unquestionably touted as the motivation here by Media and players alike - lets confer with some reality on this.
Does the Bible explicity say Homosexuality is a sin? No.
Does the Bible explicitly say Gambling is a sin? No.
So neither are categorically outlined as sinful by the tenet of Christian faith.
OK. So....what about the messaging in modern-day Chsristian Religious teachings?
On Homosexuality:
The Bible clearly teaches that marriage is the exclusive and lifelong union of one man and one woman. Genesis 2 records that marriage was instituted by God from the very beginning and hard-wired into human society.
Same-sex marriage - The Christian Institute
OK - Gay Marriage is not suppported - not because it is explicitly disendorsed, but because Marriage is classified as between a Man and Woman - meaning variations outside this are
assumed to be against God's will.
Most Christian churches hold the position that you should 'Love the sinner, but hate the sin'. This is generally interpreted to mean that Christians should show love and compassion to homosexuals, but that homosexuals should not engage in sexual activity. This is because most churches teach that sex should only happen within marriage, which the Church defines as being between a man and a woman.
What does Christianity say about homosexuality? - Human sexuality and relationships - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize
See also:
Homosexuality: Not a Sin, Not a Sickness Part II "What The Bible Does and Does Not Say..." | Religious Institute
On Gambling:
Although the Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, we can discern from Bible principles that God views gambling as a sin.—
Ephesians 5:17.
- Gambling is driven by greed, which God hates. (1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Ephesians 5:3, 5) Gamblers hope to gain money through the losses of others, but the Bible condemns coveting other people’s possessions.—Exodus 20:17; Romans 7:7; 13:9, 10.
- Gambling, even for small amounts, can arouse a destructive love of money.—1 Timothy 6:9, 10.
- Gamblers often rely on superstitions or luck. However, God views such beliefs as a form of idolatry, which is incompatible with his worship.—Isaiah 65:11.
- Rather than promote a desire to get something for nothing, the Bible encourages hard work. (Ecclesiastes 2:24; Ephesians 4:28) Those who follow the Bible’s advice can “eat food they themselves earn.”—2 Thessalonians 3:10, 12.
See Also:
Christians care about gambling because of the harm it can do, to individuals, families, children and society.
At first glance, gambling seems fun and harmless. But the reality is with casinos, lottery tickets, and online gambling, gambling is becoming more of a problem in people’s lives. Our society today loves instant gratification and get-rich-quick schemes, but the Bible tells Christians not to rely...
Is gambling a sin? It's a controversial question for many Christians, but here's wisdom on how to approach sports gambling, including Daily Fantasy Sports.
There is some ambiguity around both topics - which are nuanced and complex in their own ways. However there is a LOT more debate and diversion around the position of Homosexuality in the Christian faith than there is to Gambling - which is almost universally seen as a worship of Money rather than God, and viewed inherently negatively on most Christian resources I consulted.
So hate to say it, but Gambling should actually present more of a difinitive protest on 'Religious grounds' - if that is indeed the real reason behind this boycott. The Christian teachings are far more united on the sinfulness of Gambling over straight Homosexuality (and this is dimishing the Pride intent - which is about WAAAY more than simple homosexuality alone).
So are the issues 'Totally unrelated?' Maybe - but not on the basis of 'Religious Grounds' mate. That's the hill being chosen to fight on here - so maybe get past the false equivalence and see how 'So many people' might be reading between the lines a bit here on the selectiveness of this protest.