Rainbow Jersey Press Conference

Des has owned this stuff. His leadership style is not everyones cup of tea but he has bucket loads

one of his finest public moments

Now comes the tricky part. Des will galvanise the squad as long as there spiritual reasoning is sound.

He has 7 young men bumbling through life trying* to do the right thing and thats ok. Conviction is a good thing.

but elsewhere the current scene is religion v society recently went toe to toe
society won a points decision
A legal line was drawn in the sand
both sides have been guarding the line and crying like little bitches over every encroachment.

if its causeworthy then we are ROOTED. we being Manly
if these dudes are deeply spiritual , and this isnt about 5G this could be superpower **** in desmodos chalice

why we didnt just ditch the jersey and sort it next month is a mystery . Opposing wills , and lack of respect , is the only real reason i could imagine. It appears no damage control has been taken by manly or the NRL

with expansion bids getting stronger this is really amateur ,
I have previously read about Tongan men who dressed as women in traditional times, and fluid sexuality in pre-colonial Tahiti. This bloke in today’s herald is correct:

“Jioji Ravulo, Australia’s first Pasifika professor in social sciences at Sydney University, has been working with the NRL for more than 10 years. He said that sexuality among many Pacific communities was fluid before the missionaries arrived. “I also believe Pasifika people need to be proud of our pre-colonial views of queerness, and reclaim such views as part of our ability to love our neighbour as ourselves.”
Des, has certainly helped the club through this self inflicted mess.
But seriously we are going to get flogged on Thursday. I just hope it won’t be to ugly.
But hey, who believes in Miracles?

it is very refreshing to see the unity across the boards here and the input and reflections of the members also.
This, unfortunately is a rather complex yet simple issue most of which may have been avoided by simple consultation and communication. The playing group was entitled to and deserved to be consulted before the decision was made to develop the concept. Other clubs had , in fact, rejected the idea of playing in a similar jersey or having a pride flag incorporated into the team and players jumpers due to the minefield that the whole identity politics **** show has been their
world over . As much as it pains me to say it, the club should have said no, left the politics out of the club and got on with the season. Please understand this, the club, players , supporters and stakeholders have NEVER intended to cause anything negative to anyone at all. Its a shame the club has ended up here.

My biggest concern here is the players as a whole. They in no way, regardless of their stance , deserve to be vilified, ostracized and isolated . The whole point was to be inclusive yet here we find ourselves doing the opposite. This goes against EVERYTHING the club the NRL and the community for the most part stand for and values . One hopes the players return and are welcomed back to the group, club and community . Its been a tough few years and will continue to be so lets get it together, stay united and get his club to where it should be.
The club has invested heavily in facilities, programs, junior development and community engagement. The club has always held an US V THEM belief bringing together the fans and the club to hold a position of strength and siege mentality which has served us well when we are against the wall. Now it is time to bring it in tight and take the reigns to a positive and winning culture .
I was waiting for you all to turn on each other here in the forums but happily that hasn't happened .
The discussions have been civil and some posts have been extremely thoughtful and communicated some very valid points which paint most of the picture. It is pleasing that we are still united .

Please continue to do what you do best which is supporting our wonderful club and its team from the front office to the playing group.

The only thing the club needs to do next is win, win well and bring back water boys and sand buckets.

Which brings me to my next question which you will see in the discussion forum.

Thanks to all those who "liked" my posts and gave awards and feedback. As for those of you who know me personally, and there are a few, thanks . I look forward to seeing you at the games and functions.

Off topic,
A special mention must go out to Reuben Garrick. He is a fantastic young bloke who is absolutely awesome with the fans, and especially the kids . He should be applauded for who he is . Of all the past and current players and staff, Reuben is shining example of who were should aspire to be. He is thoughtful, considerate, engaging and terrific and always has timwe to sign somehthing , take a photo or have a chat. I caught up with him to have a chat a few weeks ago and i really enjoyed listening to him talk. He has a great backstory and is having a stellar career.What a top bloke. If you fans have a chance to say hi to him, take the time to have a chat and thank him for being such a great club man. Thanks mate.
Keep an eye out for me post in the other area.

PS. Hey Carpo, how about you give supercoach a call? I spoke to your boys the other day and its great to see them doing so well.
Thanks for the update. If those players wish to seek a release, I am sure I won't be the only fan who will happily see them leave. Aside from the club, I blame christian missionaries. They have a lot to answer for!


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Thanks to all those who "liked" my posts and gave awards and feedback. As for those of you who know me personally, and there are a few, thanks . I look forward to seeing you at the games and functions.

Standing ovation. Thanks for being here, we couldnt have done it without you.
The bounty mutineers wanted to stay in Tahiti because of their free love society. They didn’t want to go back to the uk. After the mutiny they went to Tahiti and went troppo, setting up their own society on Pitcairn island. Dylan walker is a descendent of this mutineer/Tahitian group.
Very disappointed in our Samoan heritage players that have chosen not to wear the jersey especially as Samoa openly has 4 genders ...
"Within Samoan society, tolerance of all individuals and their likes, dislikes and choices is very important, and children are not pushed to conform to particular gender roles in the same way that Western children generally are." clearly this quote from a Samoan Culture website is out of step with todays young men of Samoan origin, if our lads are representative of their cohort ...
A quote from a number of media outlets today would seem they may not be so representative of their culture but the missionary influences of the past 150 odd years
Frank Puletua insists homophobia isn’t a part of Polynesian culture as he tells Manly’s pride jumper boycotters to BACKFLIP and play in the rainbow strip.

Some of my favourite young players but ....if you wont wear the jersey that represents inclusion but will wear one that promotes gambling etc ... then I say don't play at all

I hope this is not the beginning of the end of our great club but the beginning of a rebuild of players that want to wear the Manly jersey no matter what pressure is put on them by religion and family.

As a matter of interest (on religion in sport),I was trialling for Manly's SG Ball team on 1970 and was told by one of the selectors, that I was pretty good but as I was no catholic I had no chance.

Very disappointed in our Samoan heritage players that have chosen not to wear the jersey especially as Samoa openly has 4 genders ...
"Within Samoan society, tolerance of all individuals and their likes, dislikes and choices is very important, and children are not pushed to conform to particular gender roles in the same way that Western children generally are." clearly this quote from a Samoan Culture website is out of step with todays young men of Samoan origin, if our lads are representative of their cohort ...
A quote from a number of media outlets today would seem they may not be so representative of their culture but the missionary influences of the past 150 odd years
Frank Puletua insists homophobia isn’t a part of Polynesian culture as he tells Manly’s pride jumper boycotters to BACKFLIP and play in the rainbow strip.

Some of my favourite young players but ....if you wont wear the jersey that represents inclusion but will wear one that promotes gambling etc ... then I say don't play at all

I hope this is not the beginning of the end of our great club but the beginning of a rebuild of players that want to wear the Manly jersey no matter what pressure is put on them by religion and family.

As a matter of interest (on religion in sport),I was trialling for Manly's SG Ball team on 1970 and was told by one of the selectors, that I was pretty good but as I was no catholic I had no chance.

Here is the info on the Tongan gender fluidity tradition, it is a third gender shared by Tongans, Samoans and Hawaiians

Very disappointed in our Samoan heritage players that have chosen not to wear the jersey especially as Samoa openly has 4 genders ...
"Within Samoan society, tolerance of all individuals and their likes, dislikes and choices is very important, and children are not pushed to conform to particular gender roles in the same way that Western children generally are." clearly this quote from a Samoan Culture website is out of step with todays young men of Samoan origin, if our lads are representative of their cohort ...
A quote from a number of media outlets today would seem they may not be so representative of their culture but the missionary influences of the past 150 odd years
Frank Puletua insists homophobia isn’t a part of Polynesian culture as he tells Manly’s pride jumper boycotters to BACKFLIP and play in the rainbow strip.

Some of my favourite young players but ....if you wont wear the jersey that represents inclusion but will wear one that promotes gambling etc ... then I say don't play at all

I hope this is not the beginning of the end of our great club but the beginning of a rebuild of players that want to wear the Manly jersey no matter what pressure is put on them by religion and family.

As a matter of interest (on religion in sport),I was trialling for Manly's SG Ball team on 1970 and was told by one of the selectors, that I was pretty good but as I was no catholic I had no chance.

If the Pride jersey is such a good idea I look forward to the other 15 clubs introducing them in the round when they play Manly.
Its women in league round FFS. It has and never has been nothing to do with inclusiveness apart from Club Manly have f#cked up. The rest of the rainbow blow up has been only from Club Manly f#cking up. Im All for the cause, but this weekend isn't the place. PVL again has shown NO lack of leadership as the Boss of the League.
I agree that it should not have been rolled out during women in league round.
That's a very important round as far as I'm concerned. Should have the focus on the contribution of women in our game and lives. They deserve it
As a matter of interest (on religion in sport),I was trialling for Manly's SG Ball team on 1970 and was told by one of the selectors, that I was pretty good but as I was no catholic I had no chance.

At Belrose in the early 80s we thought that the St Pauls and Christian Bros boys got preference for the Manly reps.
Bizarre that an individual's post would be classified as the thoughts of 'so many people' and second that /sarc at the end didn't give away the intent of the post.

However seeing as you want to explore the unrelated nature of taking a stand on 'Religious grounds' - which has been unquestionably touted as the motivation here by Media and players alike - lets confer with some reality on this.

Does the Bible explicity say Homosexuality is a sin? No.
Does the Bible explicitly say Gambling is a sin? No.

So neither are categorically outlined as sinful by the tenet of Christian faith.

OK. So....what about the messaging in modern-day Chsristian Religious teachings?

On Homosexuality:
The Bible clearly teaches that marriage is the exclusive and lifelong union of one man and one woman. Genesis 2 records that marriage was instituted by God from the very beginning and hard-wired into human society.
Same-sex marriage - The Christian Institute

OK - Gay Marriage is not suppported - not because it is explicitly disendorsed, but because Marriage is classified as between a Man and Woman - meaning variations outside this are assumed to be against God's will.

Most Christian churches hold the position that you should 'Love the sinner, but hate the sin'. This is generally interpreted to mean that Christians should show love and compassion to homosexuals, but that homosexuals should not engage in sexual activity. This is because most churches teach that sex should only happen within marriage, which the Church defines as being between a man and a woman.
What does Christianity say about homosexuality? - Human sexuality and relationships - GCSE Religious Studies Revision - BBC Bitesize

See also:
Homosexuality: Not a Sin, Not a Sickness Part II "What The Bible Does and Does Not Say..." | Religious Institute

On Gambling:
Although the Bible does not discuss gambling in detail, we can discern from Bible principles that God views gambling as a sin.—Ephesians 5:17. *
See Also:

There is some ambiguity around both topics - which are nuanced and complex in their own ways. However there is a LOT more debate and diversion around the position of Homosexuality in the Christian faith than there is to Gambling - which is almost universally seen as a worship of Money rather than God, and viewed inherently negatively on most Christian resources I consulted.

So hate to say it, but Gambling should actually present more of a difinitive protest on 'Religious grounds' - if that is indeed the real reason behind this boycott. The Christian teachings are far more united on the sinfulness of Gambling over straight Homosexuality (and this is dimishing the Pride intent - which is about WAAAY more than simple homosexuality alone).

So are the issues 'Totally unrelated?' Maybe - but not on the basis of 'Religious Grounds' mate. That's the hill being chosen to fight on here - so maybe get past the false equivalence and see how 'So many people' might be reading between the lines a bit here on the selectiveness of this protest.
Very impressive argument. But I don’t think anyone can deduce these matters or reality in this kind of way.
Religion and it’s interpretation is very personal and subjective and one can’t objectively lay it all out and impose on people how it can be interpreted. Life doesn’t work that way! Well at least from what I have experienced.
I love how the Simpsons over the years have tackled religion more specifically Christianity. Here is an interesting quote:

Reverend Lovejoy: God has never given up on anyone.

Ned Flanders: What about Sodom and Gomorrah?

Reverend Lovejoy: He lovingly destroyed them.

Christianity via its interpretations can be very hypocritical and intolerant to say the least on the other hand look at some of the organisations that have come from it and the good / love that it has produced. e.g. the salvos, world vision etc..
Very impressive argument. But I don’t think anyone can deduce these matters or reality in this kind of way.
Religion and it’s interpretation is very personal and subjective and one can’t objectively lay it all out and impose on people how it can be interpreted. Life doesn’t work that way! Well at least from what I have experienced.
I love how the Simpsons over the years have tackled religion more specifically Christianity. Here is an interesting quote:

Reverend Lovejoy: God has never given up on anyone.

Ned Flanders: What about Sodom and Gomorrah?

Reverend Lovejoy: He lovingly destroyed them.

Christianity via its interpretations can be very hypocritical and intolerant to say the least on the other hand look at some of the organisations that have come from it and the good / love that it has produced. e.g. the salvos, world vision etc..
Also there are no eels mentioned in the bible, or broncos or rabbitohs etc. However eagles are referred to more than once. So those clubs should be smited from the NRL.

In addition, religion is the biggest gamble of all time - is there an afterlife or not? What are the odds? Have faith etc

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