G'day all,Give them time?Penn was the one who came out and said he was going to sign them both by Christmas and hasn't that turned out well.It has been glaringly obvious that they were only ever interested in signing Foran.How do we know what they offered DCE,and as you say everyone knew Foran was leaving last year,so why has he thrown all his efforts in trying to resign a bloke who had already decided to leave,and basically just shut the door on the other,who was about to resign but had his offer pulled.Oh that's right Joe said there was no previous offer that he could find!
I could cop losing both of them if negotiations with both players was conducted in an even fashion,but what really galls me is that even now they still are trying to convince Foran to change his mind but have no interest to try and get DCE to change his mind.Why the double standard?Surely you would keep all options open to retain at least one?Now we are trying to "plug a gaping hole" with worse options than what we had and not just one but two positions.
As for white anting it's Foran Brett Stewart and Matai doing the white anting and they're getting away with it because they have the support of the new management,and the only bloke being white anted is Toovey,its not management that is being white anted.
Maybe they do have a plan for the future,and I hope they do,but everything they have done so far reeks of retribution and vindictiveness and they have a lot of ground to make up to show they do have some integrity and restore my confidence in them.
cheers mike