Professional stop sulking

No offense but I dont agree with any of that by a long long shot.

The club wouldnt fold. Individually, fans have almost zero influence & collectively little influence.
And Foran & DCE are at noones mercy.
Individually fans have little influence and collectively little influence. There your words bud.
No putting words in anyone's mouth.
And I completely disagree.
Fans matter full stop. No fans at games or watching on TV means no NRL, fullstop. Not rocket science bud....
I don't know about the others but the others are not on the nightly News telling Fans to suck it up.
I was actually stunned when Chez first said it as I thought that he had better awareness of protecting his 'brand'. It really sounded petulant, he should have just ran with the cliche that every other Player trots out - "I understand their disappointment, but I am doing whats best for my Family" 😎

Chez makes his living from the paying Public, so he needs to grow thicker skin as you get the accolades along with the criticism.@:cool:

I remember a while back when Hayne was going to leave Parra for more monies somewhere, the Fans threw coins onto the field the next game he played out there 😛
I don't know about the others but the others are not on the nightly News telling Fans to suck it up.
I was actually stunned when Chez first said it as I thought that he had better awareness of protecting his 'brand'. It really sounded petulant, he should have just ran with the cliche that every other Player trots out - "I understand their disappointment, but I am doing whats best for my Family" 😎

Chez makes his living from the paying Public, so he needs to grow thicker skin as you get the accolades along with the criticism.@:cool:

I remember a while back when Hayne was going to leave Parra for more monies somewhere, the Fans threw coins onto the field the next game he played out there 😛

I value your opinion much higher than many others on this site @HappilyManly I'm sure you know that.

Just take into account though the amount of continued hate DCE is having to deal with on a weekly basis. On top of that, the media are only interested in hounding him. He must be very close to breaking point. I'm sure he is only reacting, or commenting in relation to the dills that are giving it to him from all angles 24/7. And he does have a point doesn't he? I'm fully aware that we are in for a rough couple of years, but I'm prepared to dig in, keep the flag raised and ride it out, without throwing insults in all directions.

He should impose a media ban on himself I guess. But then he'd be branded a coward for not fronting the irate fans. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. lol

Be that as it may, the point is, he should not have to put up with attacks on his family, in his personal life, for the teams failings. Our losses are far from his own on field doings, or lack of effort.

I draw the line where people can't differentiate between a sport, and off field life. I think it's low and uncalled for. The lesser intelligent (and being a self educated Qlder, I'm far, far from the sharpest tool in this shed lol) will disagree I'm sure and say all's fair in.....
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I couldn’t agree more with Lurker & Mozgrame when it comes to this topic of trolling of public figures but I feel this debate is being dumbed down with some supporting arguments displayed by these types of comments: (not picking on you Happily Manly, just citing examples to make my point)

(a) “The Problem is that Chez started it”
(b) “Even Kochie said”

(a) sounds childish (b) is just a child.

DCE doesn’t need to harden up, nor be compelled to turn off his social media, nor choose to restrict who has access to his comments.

That just misses the point & avoids the real issue and that is personal responsibility. If Cherry cops abusive trolling (I have not read the alleged abuse on Instagram) then at the moment you guys seemingly share a consensus that he is responsible in some way for alleviating the problem. I wholeheartedly disagree.

One thing you will find with abusive trolls is that they dismiss outright any attempt to direct them back to taking responsibility for what they say and do. They seem to think they have a right to act in any way they see fit, to say whatever negative thing they wish. They support their abuse by blaming the person who is the recipient, or deflecting blame to a non related issue or person. It is always someone elses responsibility to change, not theirs.

I wouldn’t class what I saw DCE write as being abusive. IMO, it could well be misconstrued as dismissive or petulant or churlish or some such, but he certainly isn’t abusing anyone. If people feel the need to be that overly critical of DCEs comment then maybe the spade full of cement needs to be redirected.
"Well they're not true supporters then. A true supporter sticks with a Club no matter the result"

Personally, I don't think the club (any club) should allow of their players who have signed elsewhere to front the media or appear on TV talking about the club.

And the fans aren't stupid. Most know the difference between a player who isn't trying and one who is simply out of form. DCE is currently out of form, badly. But I do think he is trying his guts out (perhaps he's trying too hard and not letting his game flow?). On the other hand you can see from a mile away that Foran's not trying. He played 5 minutes of football against Canberra and shock horror in that 5 minutes he created one try and had a hand in another. We looked like a different team in that 5 minutes. He's not out of form, he just doesn't want to play his best for this team and it shows.
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I couldn’t agree more with Lurker & Mozgrame when it comes to this topic of trolling of public figures but I feel this debate is being dumbed down with some supporting arguments displayed by these types of comments: (not picking on you Happily Manly, just citing examples to make my point)

(a) “The Problem is that Chez started it”
(b) “Even Kochie said”

(a) sounds childish (b) is just a child.

DCE doesn’t need to harden up, nor be compelled to turn off his social media, nor choose to restrict who has access to his comments.

That just misses the point & avoids the real issue and that is personal responsibility. If Cherry cops abusive trolling (I have not read the alleged abuse on Instagram) then at the moment you guys seemingly share a consensus that he is responsible in some way for alleviating the problem. I wholeheartedly disagree.

One thing you will find with abusive trolls is that they dismiss outright any attempt to direct them back to taking responsibility for what they say and do. They seem to think they have a right to act in any way they see fit, to say whatever negative thing they wish. They support their abuse by blaming the person who is the recipient, or deflecting blame to a non related issue or person. It is always someone elses responsibility to change, not theirs.

I wouldn’t class what I saw DCE write as being abusive. IMO, it could well be misconstrued as dismissive or petulant or churlish or some such, but he certainly isn’t abusing anyone. If people feel the need to be that overly critical of DCEs comment then maybe the spade full of cement needs to be redirected.

Very well put @Jatz Crackers :clap:

You can tell you've seen and dealt with a few trolls in your time, Mate! :rock:

Individually fans have little influence and collectively little influence. There your words bud.
No putting words in anyone's mouth.
And I completely disagree.
Fans matter full stop. No fans at games or watching on TV means no NRL, fullstop. Not rocket science bud....

I will stick to the one point at a time with you on this:

Yes, I said "fans have little influence"

You said in reply that my opinion is "fans dont matter"

Nowhere did I say fans dont matter and no amount of you continuing on that path will change that.

Lastly the definition of bud is:

a) In botany, a bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot
b) term used to describe a womans clitorus

Considering my name is Jatz Crackers I would venture that everyone else here knows i am neither of the above.
There is no way Foran should be picked for the kiwis and this should be his punishment for being a dog.

They should select solely based on form which means that he shouldn't make the New Zealand third team

New Zealand have a history of picking players (especially halves) when they aren't at their best. Gary Freeman captained them in the 1991 series against Australia while playing reserve grade for Balmain.

I can't see why he wouldn't get picked. He's their incumbent 5/8 and he's not out of form. He's just not interested in playing for the team he's currently with.
Jatz if these blokes want to lives their lives like some soap opera parody of real life then they shouldn't be surprised when loonies bob up.This whole social media thing is the number one blight on the youth of today.Every kid in my daughters grade 6 class has a mobile phone ffs and she is actually taunted by some of these morons about not having one,

Why the hell does anyone want to know why DCE is at the Easter show with his kids and much more importantly why does he feel the need to SHARE that little morsel of information with anyone.The answer is this social media stuff is an addiction and the virtual soap opera must roll on.

If anyone can give me a reason why someone would put pictures of their family on a public as opposed to a private forum then I would love to hear it.The answer is simple.Lack of common sense and ego.

He should turn the ****ing thing off and actually enjoy the show with his kids! What a way out idea that would be because then he wouldn't get the satisfaction of knowing that everyone else knows he and his kids are at the show and he wouldn't have to deal with keyboard crazies.

We are building a ridiculous world based on celebrity and entitlement and I am supposed to feel sorry for and defend the rights of a wealthy over endulged adult who makes a CHOICE to live in a virtual world.God help us all.The fall out from this over the top social media frenzy will manifest itself in the years to come and I have not one iota of respect for people who propagate it via their celebrity.
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Yeah, I agree with the eating of cement, but it won't happen. We live in a different world. Jamie Lyon may be the last of the truly tough, with class and discretion, guys on and off the field in the NRL, or at least at Manly. Young people these days are a strange animal. I still train 5 days a week (boxing, MMA type training, it's a lifetime habit, and I'm feckin' good! lol) and I will guarantee you, young blokes today are soft. They are quick to puff up their chest on social media and throw down all sorts of challenges and threats of physical harm, and therein lies the problem.

It's too easy to pass yourself off as a hard, tough guy when you're miles away from the person you are threatening, or running down. Face to face, these guys are like the barbers cat. Full of piss and hot air. What is important to remember is that Daly is the one copping sh1t. He's not giving it. He's opened himself up on social media (**** I hate that term) the same as he does to real life, actual fans. He doesn't deserve to cop crap for it, does he?

Look at it like this....Let's say you work for a company (Club) and your role is in the public eye (Player). You are used to dealing with mentally well balanced customers(fans) that are quick to say G'day and shake your hand, because they like the company (Club) you represent, and they enjoy the effort you put in to make their experience in dealing with them enjoyable.

You are moving on to a new company (Club), but have told you boss (Current Club) that you won't be slacking off while you wait to start your new career. He (The Club) has understood your moving on, and has agreed. Your work mates (Team mates) are a little shaken by your decision, but are glad to have you on board.

Now, some customers (fans) are not happy with your decision. Not only are they not happy, but they decide to stalk you on social media. They make comments not only about the way they viewed your work performance (Game time) but also about you personal life (Family)

Would you be pissed off with those customers (fans)? Would you have not lost it completely and lashed back at them (the old, if you're good enough to throw it, you're good enough to catch it bullsh1t) ?

Well, Cherry is more classy than that I guess. But that just makes him a bigger target for losers that really have no lives, seemingly. To take the time and effort to vent in such an unhealthy way seems to stink of boredom, frustration and hopelessness. Some of these people could do with a mental health assessment.
Conversely easier for a tough guy to physically belt someone in person than mentally kick someone over the head with a witty reply lol.

Many people who are leaving an organisation in the future perform under par(lack of motivation and drive in the near future) until right near the end when they want to leave on a good note.

Still don't get why people feel the need to communicate or voice their opinion to any type of star be it in sport or celebrity what is the point.

Mind you I don't get why people love getting autographs and taking selfies with celebs- "I was this close to a star they were able to scribble their name for me see I can prove it" "I'm best mates with DCE see look look please look I can prove it check this pic in my profile"
I value your opinion much higher than many others on this site @HappilyManly I'm sure you know that.

Just take into account though the amount of continued hate DCE is having to deal with on a weekly basis. On top of that, the media are only interested in hounding him. He must be very close to breaking point. I'm sure he is only reacting, or commenting in relation to the dills that are giving it to him form all angles 24/7. And he does have a point doesn't he? I'm fully aware that we are in for a rough couple of years, but I'm prepared to dig in, keep the flag raised and ride it out, without throwing insults in all directions.

He should impose a media ban on himself I guess. But then he'd be branded a coward for not fronting the irate fans. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. lol

Be that as it may, the point is, he should not have to put up with attacks on his family, in his personal life, for the teams failings. Our losses are far from his own on field doings, or lack of effort.

I draw the line where people can't differentiate between a sport, and off field life. I think it's low and uncalled for. The lesser intelligent (and being a self educated Qlder, I'm far, far from the sharpest tool in this shed lol) will disagree I'm sure and say all's fair in.....

You make an interesting point here @mozgrame with regards to the pressure that the kid is under. Let me make it clear that I'm still a bit filthy at some of the things that Daly has said, but can understand the "why" of his comments.

I've always felt that DCE is a touch selfish, with a lot of his interviews being very much "me, I, me": he often referred to "his" game and not much else unless prompted. But I get that, he's a star in the rise, and never quite referenced himself in the third person lol!! What he is finding out very suddenly is that he is no longer a club "darling", and won't be until next year. I guess he should have anticipated some antipathy from Manly fans who feel a bit betrayed, and let's face it if he was winning games we'd still be lining up to shake his hand.

But he's not winning games. Where the blame lies for the current losing streak is a topic for another thread, but we're in serious trouble and he looks like the rat deserting the ship when he could have stayed and potentially been the linchpin of a new era of domination.

So he's copping flack on personal Instagram stuff (avoidable simply by logging out) and biting back and coming off as a bit of a pratt. Put yourself in his shoes for a moment tho and imagine the pressure of being out of form, derided by your club's fans and having very recently made a momentous decision to uproot your family out of state, with the hopes and dreams of your new club riding upon your shoulders. Then you need to perform better for the club that made you, but you're carrying an injury as well. It'd be tough on anyone I reckon.
Conversely easier for a tough guy to physically belt someone in person than mentally kick someone over the head with a witty reply lol.

Many people who are leaving an organisation in the future perform under par(lack of motivation and drive in the near future) until right near the end when they want to leave on a good note.

Still don't get why people feel the need to communicate or voice their opinion to any type of star be it in sport or celebrity what is the point.

Mind you I don't get why people love getting autographs and taking selfies with celebs- "I was this close to a star they were able to scribble their name for me see I can prove it" "I'm best mates with DCE see look look please look I can prove it check this pic in my profile"

A witty reply is one thing, a witless "mental" attack is something else entirely. A truly "tough guy" will not simply belt someone over the head on a whim. Agree to the rules, the risks and the possible outcome of hopping into the ring however, and you may very quickly find yourself way out of your depth. The old saying, "Your mouth is writing cheques that your body can't cash" is proven correct in most cases.

Many people may under perform when leaving an organisation. That does not mean all do. Far from it. Des got us to another GF before he left. He could have given up early I suppose. Prove to me with 100% certainty that DCE has given up. Not just your opinion. They are like ass holes. Everyone has one. LOL. Give me the stats that categorically and unequivocally prove he has decided to not perform, and has given up on the team.

Agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments on the whole Star/Autograph business. Then again, I don't get the whole "Look at me!!!", social media nonsense either. I have 2 boys, 14 and 12. Neither are that interested in this SM rubbish. Both say they have enough fun with their actual, real life friends. Playing footy, boxing, hunting, fishing.....
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I will stick to the one point at a time with you on this:

Yes, I said "fans have little influence"

You said in reply that my opinion is "fans dont matter"

Nowhere did I say fans dont matter and no amount of you continuing on that path will change that.

Lastly the definition of bud is:

a) In botany, a bud is an undeveloped or embryonic shoot
b) term used to describe a womans clitorus

Considering my name is Jatz Crackers I would venture that everyone else here knows i am neither of the above.
No worries..............bud, you know short for buddy.
We are buddies aren't we Crackers?
Pfft DCE lovers......
I'll put this back on topic .DCE is a under performing muppet. As is Foran. Both should be dropped.
There cancer has fu$ked us enough.
That doesn't mean I condone people targeting people families. Family is off limits. DCE and Foran though are very much in the firing line from fans. Especially when they start referencing True supporters!!

Can't wait for your smart guy reply BUD.
As I said at the time. Snake was mocking DCE and his announcement after the previous week's match. Clearly NOT making statement of loyalty. He did it immediately after Tooves addressed the players after a great win and scampered off immediately after saying it. I consider it the most disrespectful and destabilising act I have seen this season. He is only second to Foran with his lack of interest on the field.

Snake has shown that as a man, he is nothing on his brother. I say cut him loose. Add Foran, and if he wants, Matai as well. Maybe then we can start to heal and defend our record of never having won the spoon. I say all this realising we are having a horror time with injuries. But even a fit roster will only mask the serious morale problems our team has at the moment. We need to address this cancer now.

Nothing but conjecture, and I don't buy it. Snake genuinely looked pumped up and passionate.
I do agree that since then his performances have been poor and has looked disinterested.
Nothing but conjecture, and I don't buy it. Snake genuinely looked pumped up and passionate.
I do agree that since then his performances have been poor and has looked disinterested.
Agree to disagree. Having said that I hope he is let go.

Thanks @KOMORI Not for my sake by any means, but for Daly's sake. He shouldn't need to be made to block or log out because of idiots attacks. Go there now and wish him well for next year as a staunch Manly fan. Our hatred and feelings of betrayal are of very little use to anyone. You may be surprised by his response, if he's still on there. At the very least, you're taking the high moral ground.

As a Manly fan, I guess I am used to feeling a little bit above the other NRL supporters. I feel like I should be able to shake hands with DCE or Foz and say, thanks for the memories boys, good luck with your futures and we'll see you in the finals, if you're lucky ;)

We will be successful in the future without you. We will rise to the same peaks. We will continue to dominate the NRL. We may take a break, regroup, re-evaluate, and buy a player or two. But you haven't killed us with your decisions.

We are MANLY, and we prefer to not air our dirty laundry in public. We'll leave that to the lesser clubs and fans.
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Nothing but conjecture, and I don't buy it. Snake genuinely looked pumped up and passionate.
I do agree that since then his performances have been poor and has looked disinterested.
To me it looked awkward and he was making a sly off the cuff point have to agree with Frank on this one.

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