The teams Manly has trouble with are the ones with speedy backlines and 'instinctive' players. Cronulla, Illawarra and the 'Riff showed that.
Generally speaking we can handle teams with structure who try to beat us through the forwards.
I'm expecting us to beat the Worriers because they have lost some of their backline strike power but I reckon the Titans would beat us if we played them next round because they chance their arm and throw the ball around.
It's plain to see that our forwards are not only our strength but it is where we are scoring our tries. How many tries have Sandwich, Parker and Suli scored between themselves? Four? Five, maybe?
Yet the young Typhuna has scored that many from just three appearances.
Isn't it obvious that our backline without Turbo just isn't good enough. Turbo plastered over the cracks, but without him we lack speed and creativity.
The only answer is to try new players. Now is not the time to "play safe" and stick to the known under performers. What is the worst that can happen? We get beaten by more than the 32 points we did last night?