Red Pill
Enthusiastic Amateur
Hey mate as you know I respect your opinion what I am getting at is a little more nuanced than that.Come on mate, Biff has obvious mental health issues & went on rants against anyone he perceived as being against him.
You can't suggest SER8 has done anything wrong simply because they are one of the many people Biff went off at.
Biff was a very very bad egg without anyones iinput from the forum but you can also handle people or more aptly rub people up in a certain way to extract more of the bad stuff or mitigate the bad stuff if handled right.. This is my opinion in regards to some of SER8 interactions on the forum. I am not insinuating SER8 has technically done anything wrong but I could imagine him antagonising an unreasonable person like Biff more than necessary being so righteous and high and mighty..Happy to agree to disagree. You can attract some things to yourself in this manner. I have seen evidence of this in my working life with workplace incident investigations etc. some people more informally call it poking the bear..
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