omnipotent beings discussion

Ask away in terms of my faith. I’ll answer anything you like, but I have stated this clearly already.
Come on Kev, what do you believe?

Did the acts of the old testament happen?
Did the flood happen and was it a global event? Did it wipe out all life?
Is there a particular denomination you prescribe to?
Are there parts of the bible you dismiss and others you follow? Which ones and why?
How do feel about the story of Jephthah (Judges 11-12)? What do you think happened in this story or how should this story be interpreted or put to use?

Also happy to move this over to some sort of Christian forum if you feel you are getting ganged up on.
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If old mate Muzz did have a ticket in the lottery with a one in a billion chance of winning ....

What is certain ... is that there is a 100% certainty that somebody will win it ...

Understanding big numbers is difficult for some people ....
Big numbers are difficult for some. Okay. Everything is connected with precision. Systems built upon systems, the ozone layer for example. (Wow what a wonderful act of random perfection that is.)

The three great mysteries of science are time, space and matter. They have tried valiantly to get to the core of it but come up short every time. The atomic world led to the sub atomic world, then the sub atomic world led to WTF?

We are currently on a little blue rock of hyper intensive order (that many science foons would have us believe occurred by chance.) Albert Einstein said, “those of us who believe in physics understand that reality is nothing more than a stubborn illusion.” Perhaps, he should have asked where the illusion was coming from.

The most prominent conjecture (by far) in most of science at this point is that the universe, the earth, right down to the coded cells in our skin, are all the product of absolute randomness. I mean REALLY???

If we are the fish and the earth is the fish bowl, then I want to know, how did the bowl get there and how did the fish get inside?

Back to old mate @Woodsie and his slap about big numbers. In mathematics, anything that is considered 10 to the fiftieth power to one is deemed impossible.10 to the eighty second to one is the estimated figure of how many atoms there are in the entire known universe.

Roger Penrose came up with the following figure
10 to the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
When asked about the chance of the universe being able to produce one single planet which is capable of sustaining life. Each zero represents an impossibility. Meaning we are all wedged in a place that should not exist. And that’s just where we start. How are those numbers @Woodsie? Too hard for a simple man like myself to grasp I’ll admit.
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Come on Kev, what do you believe?

Did the acts of the old testament happen?
Did the flood happen and was it a global event? Did it wipe out all life?
Is there a particular denomination you prescribe to?
Are there parts of the bible you dismiss and others you follow? Which ones and why?
How do feel about the story of Jephthah (Judges 11-12)? What do you think happened in this story or how should this story be interpreted or put to use?

Also happy to move this over to some sort of Christian forum if you feel you are getting ganged up on.
You’re back in Ostrich mode mate... you haven’t answered my simple question regarding dykes on bikes yet.
Come on Kev, what do you believe?

Did the acts of the old testament happen?
Did the flood happen and was it a global event? Did it wipe out all life?
Is there a particular denomination you prescribe to?
Are there parts of the bible you dismiss and others you follow? Which ones and why?
How do feel about the story of Jephthah (Judges 11-12)? What do you think happened in this story or how should this story be interpreted or put to use?

Also happy to move this over to some sort of Christian forum if you feel you are getting ganged up on.
How’s about you ask one question at a time? Give me an opportunity to respond, and I will do the same. Otherwise it’s just meaningless babble.
But you don't just believe in a designer. You believe in the Christian god. But you're unwilling to state exactly what it is you believe. I've offered you my beliefs on God, why can't you express yours? Whenever we get close to this answer, that you promised, do you deflect questions and change the topic back to science? Do you think they need to be protected? Why?

Go back to my previous post. I don't "have to believe something mate". I'm happy to admit when I don't know something - to do otherwise is just dishonest. 2000 years ago many people believed that disease was caused by curses, demons and sin. What sort of a world would we live in if all people continued to believe that and didn't look for an answer (when they were honest and admitted that they didn't know).
Yes, indeed, I most certainly do believe in the creator God of the Christian bible. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the saviour of the world. And boy do I need saving, because I have done many bad things over the course of my life.
Yes, indeed, I most certainly do believe in the creator God of the Christian bible. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the saviour of the world. And boy do I need saving, because I have done many bad things over the course of my life.
Did the acts of the old testament happen?
Yes, indeed, I most certainly do believe in the creator God of the Christian bible. I also believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God, the saviour of the world. And boy do I need saving, because I have done many bad things over the course of my life.
I'll tell you what Kev. Regardless of whatever you have done; I forgive you. What's more, I will give forgiveness with only one condition (I don't care about whether you wear a cotton/wool blend or spend Sunday's reading only one book) - just learn from your mistakes and try to be a better person.
People aren't perfect. We often relfect the environments we live and grow up in. None of us are perfect and we make mistakes. What matters is what we take away from those mistakes. What matters is how we aim to treat others today and tomorrow and how we work on ourselves to rise above our past mistakes.
@Kevinward777 .. you predicated your reaponse with this statement ....
"Okay. Everything is connected with precision."

Where did you get that gem ... goes against every law of physics which state that everything is in a state of chaos ... that all things are in a state of decline ... Stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems and all things in/on or around will eventually be returned to atoms ..

Your wonderful and poetic notion of precision ignores the simple ... yes simple ... fact that the million or so life forms and species that we currently have co-existing on Earth today are the sole evoluntionary surviors of probably billions of failed life forms. There is absolutely no precision in the earths climate from one century to the nextt ... all things are in a state of change .....

You said ... "The three great mysteries of science are time, space and matter. They have tried valiantly to get to the core of it but come up short every time. The atomic world led to the sub atomic world, then the sub atomic world led to WTF?"

WOW ... Scientists make one remarkable discovery after another ... and your take on it is . .. distain .... way to sound like a .....

You said ...."
If we are the fish and the earth is the fish bowl, then I want to know, how did the bowl get there and how did the fish get inside?"

About as sensible and useful in a debate as me asking if God created the world .. who created God .... primary school stuff.
Entropy, one of the laws of thermodynamics stares that everything deteriorates over time. We observe this on a day to day basis. As humans we use technology in an attempt to slow this process. There is only one single example in the history of life whereby entropy doesn’t apply and the construct of living things improves. Aaaand that is in the religion of evolution.

Symbiotic systems that are intimately dependent upon other systems are all around us. Sometimes the key to what you’ve been looking for is right in front of you when you take a moment to have a look at it. To get a DNA strand you have to get the proteins configured perfectly, yet to get the proteins you need a DNA strand. There is no chicken before the egg... it is literally impossible.

9 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened.
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@Kevinward777 .. you predicated your reaponse with this statement ....
"Okay. Everything is connected with precision."

Where did you get that gem ... goes against every law of physics which state that everything is in a state of chaos ... that all things are in a state of decline ... Stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems and all things in/on or around will eventually be returned to atoms ..

Your wonderful and poetic notion of precision ignores the simple ... yes simple ... fact that the million or so life forms and species that we currently have co-existing on Earth today are the sole evoluntionary surviors of probably billions of failed life forms. There is absolutely no precision in the earths climate from one century to the nextt ... all things are in a state of change .....

You said ... "The three great mysteries of science are time, space and matter. They have tried valiantly to get to the core of it but come up short every time. The atomic world led to the sub atomic world, then the sub atomic world led to WTF?"

WOW ... Scientists make one remarkable discovery after another ... and your take on it is . .. distain .... way to sound like a .....

You said ...."
If we are the fish and the earth is the fish bowl, then I want to know, how did the bowl get there and how did the fish get inside?"

About as sensible and useful in a debate as me asking if God created the world .. who created God .... primary school stuff.
@Kevinward777 .. you predicated your reaponse with this statement ....
"Okay. Everything is connected with precision."

Where did you get that gem ... goes against every law of physics which state that everything is in a state of chaos ... that all things are in a state of decline ... Stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems and all things in/on or around will eventually be returned to atoms ..

Your wonderful and poetic notion of precision ignores the simple ... yes simple ... fact that the million or so life forms and species that we currently have co-existing on Earth today are the sole evoluntionary surviors of probably billions of failed life forms. There is absolutely no precision in the earths climate from one century to the nextt ... all things are in a state of change .....

You said ... "The three great mysteries of science are time, space and matter. They have tried valiantly to get to the core of it but come up short every time. The atomic world led to the sub atomic world, then the sub atomic world led to WTF?"

WOW ... Scientists make one remarkable discovery after another ... and your take on it is . .. distain .... way to sound like a .....

You said ...."
If we are the fish and the earth is the fish bowl, then I want to know, how did the bowl get there and how did the fish get inside?"

About as sensible and useful in a debate as me asking if God created the world .. who created God .... primary school stuff.
@Kevinward777 .. you predicated your reaponse with this statement ....
"Okay. Everything is connected with precision."

Where did you get that gem ... goes against every law of physics which state that everything is in a state of chaos ... that all things are in a state of decline ... Stars, planets, galaxies, solar systems and all things in/on or around will eventually be returned to atoms ..

Your wonderful and poetic notion of precision ignores the simple ... yes simple ... fact that the million or so life forms and species that we currently have co-existing on Earth today are the sole evoluntionary surviors of probably billions of failed life forms. There is absolutely no precision in the earths climate from one century to the nextt ... all things are in a state of change .....

You said ... "The three great mysteries of science are time, space and matter. They have tried valiantly to get to the core of it but come up short every time. The atomic world led to the sub atomic world, then the sub atomic world led to WTF?"

WOW ... Scientists make one remarkable discovery after another ... and your take on it is . .. distain .... way to sound like a .....

You said ...."
If we are the fish and the earth is the fish bowl, then I want to know, how did the bowl get there and how did the fish get inside?"

About as sensible and useful in a debate as me asking if God created the world .. who created God .... primary school stuff.
As per Woodsie

the simple ... yes simple ... fact that the million or so life forms and species that we currently have co-existing on Earth today are the sole evoluntionary surviors of probably billions of failed life forms

Errrrr... except for entropy. Oh wait a second now you’re agreeing with me in your commentary below...

Where did you get that gem ... goes against every law of physics which state that everything is in a state of chaos ... that all things are in a state of decline ...

I’m confused????
I'll tell you what Kev. Regardless of whatever you have done; I forgive you. What's more, I will give forgiveness with only one condition (I don't care about whether you wear a cotton/wool blend or spend Sunday's reading only one book) - just learn from your mistakes and try to be a better person.
People aren't perfect. We often relfect the environments we live and grow up in. None of us are perfect and we make mistakes. What matters is what we take away from those mistakes. What matters is how we aim to treat others today and tomorrow and how we work on ourselves to rise above our past mistakes.
Thanks mate... I appreciate the sentiment. I have to depart. It’s been great.
Back to old mate @Woodsie and his slap about big numbers. In mathematics, anything that is considered 10 to the fiftieth power to one is deemed impossible.10 to the eighty second to one is the estimated figure of how many atoms there are in the entire known universe.

Roger Penrose came up with the following figure
10 to the 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
When asked about the chance of the universe being able to produce one single planet which is capable of sustaining life. Each zero represents an impossibility. Meaning we are all wedged in a place that should not exist. And that’s just where we start. How are those numbers @Woodsie? Too hard for a simple man like myself to grasp I’ll admit.

Kevvie ... saying big numbers and typing them out .... doesn't make them true .... on what basis is that ridiculous statement that every 0 represents an impossibility made in relation to the formation of life ? ... ? by what possible measurement ... by what possible degree of proof or cedibility .... again simple numbers to confuse the simple minds ....

The only facts we have are 1) There are estimated to be a billion planets and stars in our Galaxy ... 2) .. that there is estimated to be a billion Galaxies ... 3) ..that all the elements present on Earth are shared and in abundance throughout the Universe .... and 4) ... that we know for certain that life developed on at least on of these billion, billion possible worlds .....

The mathematical probability that Earth is not the only world in the Universe where the right conditions for life to form and have formed .... is far higher by degrees than the mathematical probability that an omnipotent entity decided to construct a billion billion worlds and put life on just one of them ....
There is only one single example in the history of life whereby entropy doesn’t apply and the construct of living things improves. Aaaand that is in the religion of evolution.

I know you are confused .... your statement above is incorrect .... in the "religion" of evolution ... we high priests know that any current manifestation of a symbiotic relationship between species and/or environments is simply a passing fad .. and may only last a hundred, a thousand or even a million years ... but still only a temporary period of bliss .....all is doomed on this planet ....

But then again, we have an advantage .... we are studying the 6 billion years of avaiable data .... and not just the 6000 years you seem to believe ..

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