I have a confession to make ...
I am an addict and addicted to speed
I tried counselling but to no avail. I am a lost cause !
I get my speed fix from .....
Fast cars , Fast Woman , and Speed on the Rugby League field
There is absolutely no substitute for speed .
Nothing gets the adrenaline going to reach the pinnicale of ephoria and ecstacy
My speed addiction started when I saw the Incomparable Immortal and the greatest player of all time Bob Fulton explode through a gap and left players mesmerised in their wake clutching at thin air as he scored under the post
Nothing Thrills like Speed . Nothing !
I am an addict and addicted to speed
I tried counselling but to no avail. I am a lost cause !
I get my speed fix from .....
Fast cars , Fast Woman , and Speed on the Rugby League field
There is absolutely no substitute for speed .
Nothing gets the adrenaline going to reach the pinnicale of ephoria and ecstacy
My speed addiction started when I saw the Incomparable Immortal and the greatest player of all time Bob Fulton explode through a gap and left players mesmerised in their wake clutching at thin air as he scored under the post
Nothing Thrills like Speed . Nothing !
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