When my son was 6 years old and playing his first year of football ... he thought the same as you .... but when he grew up and started playing u/7's he realised it was a team sport that went for 50 mins and to blame one error or team mate for losing a game was childish, asinine and simply wrong headed ...
PSS .... Asinine extremely stupid or foolish.
"Lydia ignored his asinine remark"
synonyms: stupid, foolish, pointless, brainless, mindless, senseless, doltish, idiotic, imbecilic, imbecile, insane, lunatic, ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd, preposterous, nonsensical, fatuous, silly, childish, infantile, puerile, immature, juvenile, inane, witless, half-baked, empty-headed, unintelligent, half-witted, slow-witted, weak-minded