Short answer, No. I do not have the time for the long version.
Congratulatiions Ryan, if you word is true to your actions then you truly do your business in a most professional way. That is just not the case in the world I work in., and from most of the responses here it seems plenty of us work in a far more unfriendlier atmosphere than you do.
Now if only I could get my bank to fully explain their fee structure, why they deem it neccessary to increase them and introduce new ones with what seems like monotounous regularity and do that on just one page instead of a PDS that goes on in print so small that surely no normal person could read them comfortably then your industry will live up to your own personal high standards.
ps: This is not meant as sarcasm towards you but a general dislike of the banking industry and the way they treat customers, particulary in relation to fees, commissions and other crap that they seem to be able to charge you without really ever explaining it in any other way but to just increase their revenue. As a banker you may be able to advise us all of much the banking industry now collect in \"fees\" as opposed to say 10 years ago and how have those fees have increased their level of service to to us customers?
And on the battery topic, this'll explain a bit.
\"The advertising campaign portraying two electronic toys being powered by competing battery companies is the topic of ongoing litigation. One battery company's early advertisements did not compare their batteries to another competitor’s product, instead, they claimed that their batteries \"lasted up to 4 times longer\". Those advertisements were held to have been misleading and deceptive because they did not adequately identify which products were being compared to their own product. As a result consumers were not able to adequately assess the battery company's claim.
In recent times this battery company has changed their advertisements to ensure that they clearly identify their batteries along with their closest competitor. As the products being compared are now adequately identified, and the claims not misleading, the revised advertisements are held to have complied with the Trade Practices Act.\"
Garts - A Premium Banker has customers that have to meet certain criteria (income & lending amounts) i.e. I wouldn't look after someone with anything less than $300k in lending, or they would need to potentially have a very healthy income.
In regard to the fees, and how The Banks increase them all the time:-
You would all be surprised how little income is generated from fee income. EVERY transaction obviously has a cost, so this automatically comes off the fee income. It actually costs the bank $7- per transaction made at a branch (or there abouts). If all you customers got your way and had no fees on your accounts, it wouldn't really be financially viable for our companygoing forward would it?
Why is it when people see a plumber, doctor, carpenter etc, who all have increased their fees substantially each year, you don't complain? When a Bank does it after offerring services, people complain. We are a business as well.
It also comes to a level of education guys in regards to your Bank educating you on their products. There should be fee free accounts out there. Obviously there will be terms and conditions (like a minimum balance or something), but most Banks should have them.
Then people say, the Banks charge too much interest, and they are sick of us increasing the rates etc. Is everyone here aware that we \"borrow\" the money to give to you. It's that small margin between the difference from what we get the cash at, and what we give it to you for.
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