MERGED: Board Issues Mega Thread

RE: Scott Penn Told To Quit

I've got to agree with Ryan here.

I expect people to call this post condescending so one step ahead there. I expect others to call me a troll. That is not my intention.

Here are the links where I called this unfolding, except it was longer than a few months ago (which I thought) and actually over 12 months ago.

Please read these two threads:

I'd urge people to read them, then come back here and comment.

I got hammered for my comments in "Manly needs a Dogs Style Cleanup" thread, but those reading those comments now, are they not justified?

Oh and BTW on another topic, people question me about "BS" on here. This is where (early Feb 2011) I called Hasler on moving clubs about a week prior to announcement.
MrInvisible said:
Tues/Weds this week will be a good or bad day, depending how you look at things.

MrInvisible said:
Ceagle said:
MrInvisible said:
Tues/Weds this week will be a good or bad day, depending how you look at things.
What are you talking about dickhead? Dessie is staying on next year. hahahaha.
Hang on .. are you getting excited and gloating over the fact your coach has ONLY confirmed to be fufilling his contractual obligations from something he signed earlier on in this year?

If anything I'd be worried. Consider this.

If Des was happy with the Sea Eagles and their current offer, wouldn't he have confirmed with that statement made tonight that he is with Manly for a few more years?

If I'm a fan I'd be somewhat concerned that he is only following through with something that was already decided a few months ago.

MrInvisible said:
Ceagle, you ask yourself the question on why people dislike Manly. The answer is simple, fans like you. Take a good look at how you are going on, considering your team just won a grand final.

Grow up and stop playing the two forums against each other, and cause problems between fans, as you are not far from copping a ban for troublemaking.

Re the topic at hand, I'm sitting on my hands on this one and just watching it unfold. The question you should be asking yourself, is why I'm being deliberately vague in regards to comments about this subject 😉

So for those calling me a troll and a liar, please it's not my intention, I'm just simply bringing information I know to the table and sharing it was Manly supporters.
RE: And on it goes....

Apparently the new spokesman for the club is Phil Sydney but he hasn't ever spoken as fas I could tell. Hmmm
RE: Penn threatens to pull Manly funding

I cant believe this . When is this ever going to end !!!
RE: Scott Penn Told To Quit

Hello Ryan,

Maybe I posted that to get a reaction from you. I see it worked.

To be honest, I didn't even bother to read your post until just then. Until it involved a typically overwrought response from you.

In reality, I was sticking a pin into your pomposity.

I'm not quite sure how you deduce from a one word response what my thoughts are, or what my position is? Do you read minds via cyberspace? Wow - what a talent.

Your lack of self-awareness is laughable.


RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

Bring on next Monday night ...

Ryan said:
Des & Crusher must be thanking their lucky stars they don't align themselves with these absolute morons on the board.

Seriously, are they really this stupid?

Bob Reilly always points out that he volunteers his time, and he does this out of love. Well, I'm putting my hand up to replace him people.

+ I commit that the members will be used in dialogue before any motion is put forward.
+ I commit that all that matters is the clubs goodwill, the clubs profit, The Sea Eagles permanent viability.
+ I commit that I will work with , Scott Penn, David Perry, Geoff Toovey, the other board members, the fan base to create an environ that positive, pro-active, innovative, consistent & viable long term.
+ I promise to use my skills in finance to ensure there is no more gauging off the books (like refreshments has been for many years by the board).
I commit to a one member system, to simplify matters.
+ I commit that no Eagles staff member apart from Geoff Toovey, David Perry will be discussing matters with the media (unless it is for synergy / marketing re: sponsorship etc) - I mean positives.
+ I commit to reducing debt on the balance sheet.
+ I commit to open lines of communication, where all cards are left on the table.
+ Having to manage high level board room, intense discussions over the past 17 years as a Banker, I will use these skills to ensure board meetings add value, and there are tangible benefits (sometimes people can agree to disagree) - these animalistic meetings assimilate to cannibilism. Ridiculous.
+ I commit that the players of the club, are the assets of the club, and marketed that way.
+ I commit to use my EXISTING relationship with Michael Regan (Warringah Mayor) through childrens sports to garnish a better relationship with the council / government
+ One of my sole focuses, will be to liase with governments - I got our 10,000 odd signature to Morris Iemma, which got us 10 mill. I could do a LOT more, I assure you. I know many a benchmen through various chambers of commerce.
+ I commit to a reconciliation of process at board levels, to improve output.

I could go on. Do I have your vote?

Will you commit to liking Geoff Toovey ?
RE: And on it goes....

Phantar said:
ManlyBacker - if you're reading this, I'll concede that I should have left the 'shameless knobs' part out. Didn't help my argument. But the gist of what I said re: Hasler/Penn is very true. My source is impeccable.

If they do pull the pin, I'm sure Quantum (or someone else) will step in to fill the breach anyway.

Phantar, I am a straight shooter and only post a couple of times a day. I am known by a large number on here personally including a number of the MWDRLFC and MWSE boards and if I have it wrong they can get my number in minutes and call me to vent. I know Des's issues go back a long time and involved other members in a very strong way.

I have been consistent over the years about transparency in some of the voting done by the FC. I don't have a vendetta against anyone and want what everyone else does which is a prosperous and successful club. I guess disputes are hard to keep out of the press but I wish they were.

I see the same posters attempting character assassinations and it seems to change as frequently as the winds and none of it seems productive. I have given chunks of time to the club but I know many who dwarf my contributions into insignificance and to them I am grateful because without them we wouldn't have one. So I am distrustful when I see them being denigrated as I appreciate what they do.

Based on financial results released in March Quantum is in no position to inject funds into our club. I won't embarrass a sponsor listing the details here but they are public knowledge. Getting large sums for a footy club is incredibly difficult and if the Penns walk away I hope there is a genuine plan in place.
RE: And on it goes....

Ryan said:
Phantar said:
I said as much on another thread SE007.

ManlyBacker - if you're reading this, I'll concede that I should have left the 'shameless knobs' part out. Didn't help my argument. But the gist of what I said re: Hasler/Penn is very true. My source is impeccable.

If they do pull the pin, I'm sure Quantum (or someone else) will step in to fill the breach anyway.

No, no, no...that's your standard, your ilk if you will. You made your statement. Stand by it.

You need to stop talking about the sympton's. That's most peoples problem. This finger pointing, and media garb is nothing but destructive. Here's a novel thought Phantar.

Consider some SOLUTIONS.

I know that's difficult, but going down your route does nothing but hurt the club, fan base and team.

There should be a thread created about what solutions fans could suggest to fix things, rather than debate about who should be hung drawn and quartered.

The problem there, is there is siege mentality on these boards (these days). People would cut off their noses despite their face. People don't focus on solutions....I'm sorry - I don't get it.

Stopped reading after 2 lines, so much hatred so little life
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

Mr I - you don't get it do you? No one cares that you have inside info, or made some educated guesses about manly having a divided board 12 months ago (i think most here could have told you that). It's your attitude - you think manly needs to have a 'dogs style cleanout' - remind me again how many premierships this cleanout has gotten you? And manly with its dysfunctional board has 3 gf's in 5 yrs. So do you get now why we all think you're a troll??
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

May be worth pointing out that as you are not a Football Club member you can't stand for a board position.

Love your passion but joining would be a good first step?
RE: Scott Penn Told To Quit

lovefooty said:
The Wheel said:
I would hope the football club informs its members why a motion of no confidence was reuired and voted by our (the FC members) representatives on the board.

Take the personalities out of it, if this is as reported it is extremely serious situation.

I would hope there would be some correspondecne from the Chairmen and the board to their members - however based upon recent times I am not expecting any form of correspondence.

Well are you a member ? if so ask , if not you should join or not expect an answer. I am and have asked and have been given all the answers i needed to know and then some.

Yes I am a football club member and I shouldnt have to ask.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

L80 said:
Mr I - you don't get it do you? No one cares that you have inside info, or made some educated guesses about manly having a divided board 12 months ago (i think most here could have told you that). It's your attitude - you think manly needs to have a 'dogs style cleanout' - remind me again how many premierships this cleanout has gotten you? And manly with its dysfunctional board has 3 gf's in 5 yrs. So do you get now why we all think you're a troll??
The inside info comments from those who claim I am full of BS. Just proving a point that comments I make may not happen that instant, but are occurring.

With all due respect, the board don't get you a grand final. Your players and coaching staff do.

Why do you think all of a sudden the proverbial is hitting the fan and players and staff are leaving the club?

Think what you like but being completely blunt the Manly club would have been better off never associating with the Penn's. The sad thing though is that at the time they really had no choice. When an alternative was offered hissy fits were had until that other choice pulled out.

Here's hoping someone that has a stack of coin comes along (who truly cares about the club and it's supporters), puts up the money, buys outt the Penns (so they are happy), then is happy to provide financial backing whilst handing over power back to the Leagues Club.

Board would be stable and happy, players and staff happy, and most importantly fans happy and with a stable view to the future for the club.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

With all due respect, the board don't get you a grand final. Your players and coaching staff do.

Why do you think all of a sudden the proverbial is hitting the fan and players and staff are leaving the club?

I am really perplexed here, firstly you, your buddies at the kennel and the clowns on talkin sport are saying we have to shed players to remain under the salary cap. Now your saying we are losing player and staff because of our board issues.

Fact 1 We lost a coach because the bulldogs offered signifcantly more money. He then systematically went about inducing staff members to go with him. He went to as such lengths as to wait out a staff members house 3 hours with a letter of offer from the dogs. My source of that is a board member.

Fact 2 Manly have lost Dean Whare who when at full strength fights for a regular spot in first grade.
We have lost Tony Williams who was offered a considerable amount more from the bulldogs.

Think what you like but being completely blunt the Manly club would have been better off never associating with the Penn's. The sad thing though is that at the time they really had no choice. When an alternative was offered hissy fits were had until that other choice pulled out.
Firstly before I comment on this rubbish above I want to make 1 point crystal clear. As a Member of the District club I have 100% confidence in Chairman Bob Reilly and his board with exception of one former staff member

What have said about Penn family is disgusting and proves how out of touch you are.

There would probably been no leagues club today if Penn Health didn't purchase the building then their Shares in MWSE Ltd.

Penn Health, like Delmege and Quatum like the leagues club in the past have all contributed significantly funds towards MWSE Ltd. To say our club would be better off with out the Penn family's involvement once again reiterates the kind of GRUB you are.

You talk about an issue with URM and Penn and hissy fits that totally incorrect. To quote someone who meet Anthony Johnson he doesn't care who doesn't like who he wants the club to be successful, if he needs to buy out both owners he would. I think you will find it was the football club who instigated talks with Anthony because they have always been in favour of multiple owners and sharing the risk.

No owner has to sell shares if they don't wish too whether thats Penn Health, Surfside or MWDRLFC so what you are saying is totally inaccurate.

Here's hoping someone that has a stack of coin comes along (who truly cares about the club and it's supporters), puts up the money, buys outt the Penns (so they are happy), then is happy to provide financial backing whilst handing over power back to the Leagues Club.

The above once again you don't understand the structure of our administration and how the clubs operates.

Manly Leagues have no official connection with the MWSE LTD at all so they will never have control of the club. They are in no financial position to back the NRL club.

For your benefit MR I, Manly Warringah Sea Eagle LTD is a made up of 3 entities

1 MWDRLFC the original owner of the club (12 - 13%) approx and the 1 prefence share that relates to clubs Name, Colour and Home Ground 2 Board Members
2 Surfside (36-37%) approx, owned by quatum with a small minority share held by club saviour Max Delmege 2 Board Members
3 Penn Sport (50-51%) Approx 3 Board Members

I do empathise with Scott Penn that he owns 51% of the business but only has 42% of the vote however he was aware when he bought out the leagues club shares that they only had one sport on the board.

As a football club member I would be the first one on the phone to Bob Reilly if he gave up one of our clubs spot on the board expecting a pretty good answer.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

Hmm interesting, but what would be your solution to the problem Cameron?

Or do you think this whole reporting of issues" by the media is BS and there is no problem?

At least this time they are quoting actual comments from people rathre than "a source said" or "insiders say", etc.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

vidmar said:
May be worth pointing out that as you are not a Football Club member you can't stand for a board position.

Love your passion but joining would be a good first step?

I was an avid season ticket holder and football club member, until all this boardroom drivel & politics completely ruined the enjoyment of the footballing experience for me.

In other words, the actions of the board (whoever is in the right or wrong) have cost the business goodwill, and it's not just me Vidmar. You are part of that board as Bob Reilly's right hand man, so really, and with all due respect, surely you can see that these messages do more harm than good.

I'm sure your going to throw a jousting stick my way and say memberships are up. I'd say considering our success "ON" the field, the numbers haven't translated that well.

In fact, I was probably a member before you to be honest.

Do I still go to games? Yes I do. But I also have other interests. I used to buy season tickets as predominantly my donation to the team.

Phantar said:
Hello Ryan,

Maybe I posted that to get a reaction from you. I see it worked.

To be honest, I didn't even bother to read your post until just then. Until it involved a typically overwrought response from you.

In reality, I was sticking a pin into your pomposity.

I'm not quite sure how you deduce from a one word response what my thoughts are, or what my position is? Do you read minds via cyberspace? Wow - what a talent.

Your lack of self-awareness is laughable.



AAh, so it's petty, narrow minded, insular, and simplistic. Great. Thanks for confirming.
RE: And on it goes....

The Eagle said:
Ryan said:
Phantar said:
I said as much on another thread SE007.

ManlyBacker - if you're reading this, I'll concede that I should have left the 'shameless knobs' part out. Didn't help my argument. But the gist of what I said re: Hasler/Penn is very true. My source is impeccable.

If they do pull the pin, I'm sure Quantum (or someone else) will step in to fill the breach anyway.

No, no, no...that's your standard, your ilk if you will. You made your statement. Stand by it.

You need to stop talking about the sympton's. That's most peoples problem. This finger pointing, and media garb is nothing but destructive. Here's a novel thought Phantar.

Consider some SOLUTIONS.

I know that's difficult, but going down your route does nothing but hurt the club, fan base and team.

There should be a thread created about what solutions fans could suggest to fix things, rather than debate about who should be hung drawn and quartered.

The problem there, is there is siege mentality on these boards (these days). People would cut off their noses despite their face. People don't focus on solutions....I'm sorry - I don't get it.

Stopped reading after 2 lines, so much hatred so little life

Yet you felt compelled to hit reply, take the time to formulate a response (probably a tad longer than most), add your rhetoric to dialogue between two completely different people than you.

Doesn't add up. I smell stalk with you dude. Do you own a telescope, and a balaclava (and an industrial grade tub of vaseline?) You just seem the type is all.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

I haven't been following the board ructions recently, thank heavens.

But isn't the only issue at present whether or not the majority shareholder should be entitled to a majority on the board?

In either case, the Football Club still retains the famous preference share.

Or is there far more in dispute?
RE: And on it goes....

Ryan said:
The Eagle said:
Ryan said:
Phantar said:
I said as much on another thread SE007.

ManlyBacker - if you're reading this, I'll concede that I should have left the 'shameless knobs' part out. Didn't help my argument. But the gist of what I said re: Hasler/Penn is very true. My source is impeccable.

If they do pull the pin, I'm sure Quantum (or someone else) will step in to fill the breach anyway.

No, no, no...that's your standard, your ilk if you will. You made your statement. Stand by it.

You need to stop talking about the sympton's. That's most peoples problem. This finger pointing, and media garb is nothing but destructive. Here's a novel thought Phantar.

Consider some SOLUTIONS.

I know that's difficult, but going down your route does nothing but hurt the club, fan base and team.

There should be a thread created about what solutions fans could suggest to fix things, rather than debate about who should be hung drawn and quartered.

The problem there, is there is siege mentality on these boards (these days). People would cut off their noses despite their face. People don't focus on solutions....I'm sorry - I don't get it.

Stopped reading after 2 lines, so much hatred so little life

Yet you felt compelled to hit reply, take the time to formulate a response (probably a tad longer than most), add your rhetoric to dialogue between two completely different people than you.

Doesn't add up. I smell stalk with you dude. Do you own a telescope, and a balaclava (and an industrial grade tub of vaseline?) You just seem the type is all.

I thought you cut off your nose to spite your face. Geez i'm a dumb Qúeenslander.
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

MrInvisible said:
Hmm interesting, but what would be your solution to the problem Cameron?

Or do you think this whole reporting of issues" by the media is BS and there is no problem?

At least this time they are quoting actual comments from people rathre than "a source said" or "insiders say", etc.

MrInvisible said:
Cameron said:
MrInvisible said:
Darren said:
It figures on disbelief why you all respond to him? It's like being back in primary school. I know more than you do, whoopy do!! :dodgy:
and that was exactly the point I was making.

People on here already know that I'm on the ball with most things.

As to if they choose to believe it or not, I couldn't care less.

No we don't, most of us think you are full off excrement including some moderators.

You are nothing but a two face speculator you only have to see how you were jumping up and down after manly re-signed foran saying we had blackmailed the dogs over the hasler emails.

So please STOP LYING !!!!!!!!!
Speaking of which, whatever happened to those emails (that I stated never existed) and the threat of legal action?

If Manly wanted to keep T Rex why not use that ace up your sleeve?

Anywho talk to yourself in future, you've made my ignore list.

Once again you are proven to be lair how could you read my post if Im your ignore list and no one has quoted my post. A lot of people have problem with you here because you support the scum I don't. I have an issue with your constant untruths and your arrogant attitude.

As far as a solution is concerned I'm not sure how it will play out, If Scott Penn does sell out It has to be to a third party not Quatum. That's not anything personal against the Sideny's but that's to insure the risk is shared.

In 2006 Max Delmege was worth millions, the GFC hit and his wealth disappeared sadly, had Max been our sole owner we could of been in big trouble.
RE: And on it goes....

mozgrame said:
Ryan said:
The Eagle said:
Ryan said:
Phantar said:
I said as much on another thread SE007.

ManlyBacker - if you're reading this, I'll concede that I should have left the 'shameless knobs' part out. Didn't help my argument. But the gist of what I said re: Hasler/Penn is very true. My source is impeccable.

If they do pull the pin, I'm sure Quantum (or someone else) will step in to fill the breach anyway.

No, no, no...that's your standard, your ilk if you will. You made your statement. Stand by it.

You need to stop talking about the sympton's. That's most peoples problem. This finger pointing, and media garb is nothing but destructive. Here's a novel thought Phantar.

Consider some SOLUTIONS.

I know that's difficult, but going down your route does nothing but hurt the club, fan base and team.

There should be a thread created about what solutions fans could suggest to fix things, rather than debate about who should be hung drawn and quartered.

The problem there, is there is siege mentality on these boards (these days). People would cut off their noses despite their face. People don't focus on solutions....I'm sorry - I don't get it.

Stopped reading after 2 lines, so much hatred so little life

Yet you felt compelled to hit reply, take the time to formulate a response (probably a tad longer than most), add your rhetoric to dialogue between two completely different people than you.

Doesn't add up. I smell stalk with you dude. Do you own a telescope, and a balaclava (and an industrial grade tub of vaseline?) You just seem the type is all.

I thought you cut off your nose to spite your face. Geez i'm a dumb Qúeenslander.

That too !! Hahahahaha :blush:
EDIT: Go the blues !!
RE: Manly board tells Penn to quit as chairman

MrInvisible said:
Hmm interesting, but what would be your solution to the problem Cameron?

Or do you think this whole reporting of issues" by the media is BS and there is no problem?

At least this time they are quoting actual comments from people rathre than "a source said" or "insiders say", etc.

All your posts stink of being jealous of Manly's on field success. You therefore try to find or highlight any issues that our club has to make yourself feel better but at the end of the day on field success is what us fans care about the most, and Manly has and will continue to have that in spades. I hope the Dogs never win a premiership again as long as i live as i know you support them.

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