Just some stats.....
Possession - Manly 52%, Newcastle 48%
Sets - Manly 31/38 (82%), Newcastle 27/39 (67%)
Runs/Metres - Manly 185 for 1668, Newcastle 154 for 1474
Line Breaks - Manly 5, Newcastle 3
Offloads - Manly 17, Newcastle 7
Kick Metres - Manly 354, Newcastle 249
Tackles / Missed Tackles - Manly 310/29, Newcastle 347/32
Penalties - Manly 9, Newcastle 8
Errors - Manly 12, Newcastle 14
Jake Trbojevic led our tackle count with 39 (0 missed). Then came Taupau and Api both with 35 tackles and 1 missed. Dylan Walker was our worst for missed tackles with 4. Killer, Skivy and Lussick had 3 missed each. DCE made 26 tackles and missed 2 in his return.
Steve Matai ran the most metres for Manly with 158. Taupau, Jake and Tommy were next with 145, 138 and 134 respectively
We made 5 line breaks today. Jake had the most with 2. Tom, BJ and Wiliame had the other 3.
Brayden Wiliame marked his first ever win in first grade with a try. Lest we forget his curse.