Manly - Top 8

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Premium Member
Tipping Member
The also have 2 byes to come the cowboys
Next week is such a vital match I don’t see us making the 8 if we lose next weekend just other teams starting to pull away from us,
Yeah, can't see how we catch the Cowboys if we lose next week with their byes. I guess there are still a couple of others we could catch but we have get a few wins soon.

Ron E. Gibbs

First Grader
Dogs, Dragons, Cowboys and Dolphins can all easily drop out.

Hell, as unlikely as it is I wouldn't rule out Sharks stumbling out.

So many so defeatist, we are right in it.
Given how casually they've thrown away points over the course of the season, I'm sure the players are confident they can "turn it on" and win games when they need to, and I hope to hell they can. But, again, they're going to need to do it soon.

Mark from Brisbane

“ Boomer still Booming”
Premium Member
Tipping Member
We have to win 6 from 9. No chance. We can only win at home (4 games left ). Can't win more than 2 in a row. We'll finish 12th. We won't beat Cows , Rorters, Dogs Faders all away or Sharks at home.
It’s a fair ask , I think you are probably on the money.

We’ve dropped games this year that we shouldn’t have , they are now coming back to bite us on the arse.

Injuries / suspensions haven’t helped


Reserve Grader
every year is the same, we'll fade and miss the 8. and dont want to be a party pooper or jinx turbo, but.......can ..............him getting......😢 ........again. ooh, whats happened to Brooks free reign to run both left and right side of the field, as he did in las vegas and a few games after that. Lately he plays like he did at the tigers.
Last edited:


Journey Man
Tipping Member
All games are winnable with The right team selections , The right game plan and the right on field attitude .Everything must fall into place to get into the right place and Excuses wont get you there

This is the place to be
This is where the Premiership Winning Magic starts to unfold

bob dylan

First Grader
Premium Member
Tipping Member
every year is the same, we'll fade and miss the 8. and dont want to be a party pooper or jinx turbo, but.......can ..............him getting......😢 ........again. ooh, whats happened to Brooks free reign to run both left and right side of the field, as he did in las vegas and a few games after that. Lately he plays like he did at the tigers.

It's what happens when your roster is shyte.

Brookes doesn't look all that interested these days. Maybe Toms return might help.

Tragic Eagle

Premium Member
Tipping Member
Sadly my prediction is that if we don't beat the Cowboys this weekend we wont be in the top 8 again this season. We threw away about 8 competition points this year after good starts in games and in a tight competition that is tough to get over. We need to start the run this weekend or its curtains for 2024.


Sadly my prediction is that if we don't beat the Cowboys this weekend we wont be in the top 8 again this season. We threw away about 8 competition points this year after good starts in games and in a tight competition that is tough to get over. We need to start the run this weekend or its curtains for 2024.
Yep agree. Depending on what happens we could end up top 4 or bottom 4.

Kiwi Eagle

Staff member
We have to win 6 from 9. No chance. We can only win at home (4 games left ). Can't win more than 2 in a row. We'll finish 12th. We won't beat Cows , Rorters, Dogs Faders all away or Sharks at home.
You’d probably also say that we can’t beat Penrith, Roosters or Storm, and have tipped all 3 over this season

Don’t know which way it will go, it is very fine margins this year with about 10 teams all at the same level looking to take up 4 spots, a lot of it will come down to the luck of having the squad healthy at the right time across the competition

Ron E. Gibbs

First Grader
Don’t know which way it will go, it is very fine margins this year with about 10 teams all at the same level looking to take up 4 spots, a lot of it will come down to the luck of having the squad healthy at the right time across the competition
It also comes down to having a strong enough squad to cope with those injuries, etc. I just don't know that we've got the depth to do it, or the consistency. A string of losses seems more likely than a string of wins, unfortunately.

Kiwi Eagle

Staff member
It also comes down to having a strong enough squad to cope with those injuries, etc. I just don't know that we've got the depth to do it, or the consistency. A string of losses seems more likely than a string of wins, unfortunately.
I think our depth is actually slightly under rated in most spots, maybe backrow is our weak point, and our squad matches up reasonably well among those we are battling around our spot on the ladder. We have been fairly deep into the backline depth and held our own pretty well, similar with front row depth as well. We have had our share of injuries, but haven’t been pumped in any game which is one favourable sign


Journey Man
I think our depth is actually slightly under rated in most spots, maybe backrow is our weak point, and our squad matches up reasonably well among those we are battling around our spot on the ladder. We have been fairly deep into the backline depth and held our own pretty well, similar with front row depth as well. We have had our share of injuries, but haven’t been pumped in any game which is one favourable sign

Scores against us:

24, 14, 28, 20, 18, 22, 30, 18, 26, 30, 13, 20, 32, 14, 14 (average against 22 - per game).

Our literal best effort defensively all season is 13 against. We haven't kept a team to under 10 since early April 2023 (15 months ago).

But I'm glad we are finding positives in not getting thrashed.

Kiwi Eagle

Staff member
Scores against us:

24, 14, 28, 20, 18, 22, 30, 18, 26, 30, 13, 20, 32, 14, 14 (average against 22 - per game).

Our literal best effort defensively all season is 13 against. We haven't kept a team to under 10 since early April 2023 (15 months ago).

But I'm glad we are finding positives in not getting thrashed.
Can chuck a negative angle on that comment if you like mate, all I said is that is shows the depth isn’t terrible if we aren’t getting absolutely destroyed when the depth players have to come up. 22 points a game, probably sits us mid comp among the averages ? I have no idea, but probably similar to the sides we are in the pack with

Warriors had 66 put on them, Cowboys and Dragons have both had a couple of 40+ scores on them, Raiders gave up 50ish to the Tigers.

Competing every week at least shows a bit of desire and effort going into things


Journey Man
Can chuck a negative angle on that comment if you like mate, all I said is that is shows the depth isn’t terrible if we aren’t getting absolutely destroyed when the depth players have to come up. 22 points a game, probably sits us mid comp among the averages ? I have no idea, but probably similar to the sides we are in the pack with

Warriors had 66 put on them, Cowboys and Dragons have both had a couple of 40+ scores on them, Raiders gave up 50ish to the Tigers.

Competing every week at least shows a bit of desire and effort going into things

Actually, I take back my post, and apologize. I am shocked to say we are the 6th BEST team defensively. Wow, I didn't expect that tbh. Last I looked (months ago), we were 3rd worst.

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