And Old Ztc is at it again.All the players and all the staff would have been told very very clearly by Mestrov ... don't blab to the media jackals, we'll sort this stuff out here between ourselves, in private. I say 'would have been told' because that was in one of Mestrov's very first public comments, no more aring of Manly dirty laundry in public.
I doubt any players or staff would disregard that so quickly. Yet stuff is leaking out almost hourly. So who could it be? (No prize for this one sorry.)
Pumping out propaganda left right and centre.
How many factions are there though ?
The Des camp
The Fulton gang.
The new Mestrov faction.
Is Penn aligned with the Fultons,Mestrov or Des ?,
Or are they a completely separate faction /
Or is the media the only faction here ,hooking us and reeling us into their BS Game ?
I'm confused !
And totally over this sh1t !
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