Some dads are completely opposite role models and look to foster derogatory behaviour in there kids. Be thankful.
addin himself is old enough to have impressionable kids.
But AFB moments give dads opportunity to have the talk with there kids. There was a cowboys player that got punishment as an educator . I reckon the NRL shouldnt punish addin old school. In fact they should make him raise coin for 6 months for a disabled charity insisting on a certain baseline and have his contract money for the suspension placed into that charity.
We seem to think these guys have it made in th shade. They all have a story.
Use it to build a bridge , not resentment
If addin is indeed a role model we should use his status to raise awareness to educate everyone , but most importantly addin
While we are brushing up the humility stick the NRL needs to lick its wounds and meet everyone half way. Rub of the green just isnt going to cut this run of ahem luck, Its a powderkeg atm. Not just footy and refs, but life
If the refs boss isnt considering meeting with the manly squad to calm the farm , then he is either tone deaf or arrogant. While respect for referees should be demanded it does not mean it cant be lost .
On a side note dessie, addin, seige mentality . Its a weapon