Grizzly old fart
Have they always been weaponised for drug distribution as the 4 Corners program highlighted with the poor Polynesian kids in the Western Suburbs?
Maybe you didnt live through the 80's when the Vietnamese gangs such as 5T were on the prowl. I saw a lot of it because I worked for some time i the Fairfield-Cabramatta region. Drugs, extortion, violence, weapons. A wild period. Then there were the Lebanese gangs of Lakemba-Bankstown in the 90s For a time the Vietnamese gangs were in confrontation with the Lebanese gangs. Then there were the bike gangs in the south west. Remember the Comanchero-Bandido battle in Milperra. There's even a growing African gang presence in Sydney and Melbourne. That recent gang land shooting in the Auburn fitness centre, resulted in cars being torched, one almost immediately outside of my block of units on the street. Welcome to gangland Budgie