It seems that the court didn't sit on Friday, Monday or Tuesday. But it resumed today, with one of the females reported as giving this evidence:
Ms Masiasomua said she did not see who ultimately stabbed Mr Levi.
She also admitted she could not recognise anyone in the group who started the fight outside except that they seemed to be Tongans, but noted a "big guy" with a beard and another man wearing a dark blue sling.
Another witness Tony Quach previously told the court he had tied Fainu to the crime because of the sling. Fainu had previously undergone shoulder surgery and had his arm in a sling that evening, the jury heard.
Defence barrister Margaret Cunneen SC suggested Ms Masiasomua had not actually seen the sling, but had heard about it from others either asking her about it directly or writing about it on social media.
When speaking to police on the night of the incident, Ms Masiasomua did not mention the sling at all, the jury heard.
The trial in front of Judge Nanette Williams continues.