LOL @ Tigers

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Eagle 1

First Grader
Benji, should be the one shown the door, his not a coach and it’s pretty easy to see the boys don’t buy into his process, any other coach on the back of 9 straight and player discontent would be shown the door or gone, better to look at replacing Benji than having your star players want out. Very sad for the Tigers fans.
It's Benji's first full season, he'll get at least this and part of next season if things don't get any better.

Terry Zarsoff

First Grader
Yeah, I am sure you're right but there definitely appears to be a culture in the game nowadays, where young players with no runs on the board behave in ways that suggest they're selfish and entitled. I always marvel at these players that demand success of their club or else...I wonder if they've ever considered they ARE the club? Or least a very significant part of it. The individuals on the field are every bit as responsible as the others they hold accountable. I didn't see a great performance from Galvin the other night. Should his teammates demand more of him, or else?!
Presumably certain managers play a key role in what some of these players say to reporters. For obvious reasons.


Benji, should be the one shown the door, his not a coach and it’s pretty easy to see the boys don’t buy into his process, any other coach on the back of 9 straight and player discontent would be shown the door or gone, better to look at replacing Benji than having your star players want out. Very sad for the Tigers fans.
The Tigers are morons. They should have done more to chase a serious coach years ago. McGuire was washed up when he left Souths and is not a tactician. He was never cut out for that job. Then they signed Sheens who was washed up 15 years ago! Then they decided his untried apprentice could lead the club?! C'mon?!

They had a fair roster last year, this year they have no halves. If they'd looked after Brooks and chased a young coach with credentials, i.e. Hannay, Ryles, etc. I would suspect they'd build nicely. Instead they went with an ego maniac with no coaching credentials to speak of whatsoever.


Presumably certain managers play a key role in what some of these players say to reporters. For obvious reasons.
Absolutely. You'd like to think the parents would pull their kids aside and talk to them about what it means to commit to a team. You don't just throw the toys out of the cot when you things don't go your way. I'm sure there is a bit more to the story; maybe he is upset with the way they've handled his injury and thrown him in the deep end?


Sea Eagle forever
Tipping Member
Yeah, I am sure you're right but there definitely appears to be a culture in the game nowadays, where young players with no runs on the board behave in ways that suggest they're selfish and entitled. I always marvel at these players that demand success of their club or else...I wonder if they've ever considered they ARE the club? Or least a very significant part of it. The individuals on the field are every bit as responsible as the others they hold accountable. I didn't see a great performance from Galvin the other night. Should his teammates demand more of him, or else?!
Gen Z who have no inkling that they are the club custodians, the ones who carry the flag of the past deeds and players. They are indebted to the supporters who pay their fuking wages. Sh*ts me to tears with this I'm entitled , I win or I give up attitude rife through society now.


First Grader
He’s not that good yet and reeks of the same hubris that The Schu claims…

It’s only the media but if true Galvin drops in my opinion with trash talk like that. What a quitter.

Say what you will about Reece Walsh but his ability always backs his showboating and in a consistent way which is refreshing.
What part are you referring to when you say “it’s only the media”?
There were rumours earlier in the year that manly were after him. He looks a pretty good prospect to me, and i suspect he will grow into an outstanding ball playing lock. It is possible this agitation for a release, co-ordinated by Isaac Moses, could see him land at manly.


Premium Member
The tigers have only won 3 games out of their last 25, that is dire

The atmosphere there must be terrible

I am not a fan of clubs letting players leave before their contract expires. We have done it a lot of times, but I think it is better than making a player see out their contract when they so don’t want to be there, that attitude would be v detrimental to the playing group


There were rumours earlier in the year that manly were after him. He looks a pretty good prospect to me, and i suspect he will grow into an outstanding ball playing lock. It is possible this agitation for a release, co-ordinated by Isaac Moses, could see him land at manly.
he’s probably already got a contract lined up at the Roosters to replace Keary…which is probably why he is so desperate for a release


First Grader
Panthers are the favourites to land him, Rorters have interest there also, would have been a good pick up before he made his debut.
I believe that part of the story is pure speculation based only on the fact both the Roosters and Panthers have high profile 5/8 leaving their club this season.Tigers won’t be granting him a release anytime soon,given he’s under contract til the end of 2026.Think you’ll also find Uncle Nick is currently not on speaking terms with Isaac Moses over the way the Union deal went down with Suaalii

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