[Resurrected] Lol @ Parra

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The comments during that clip indicate that the Hayne virus has re-infected Parra's players.

According to another thread, DCE busts a gut at training, leads and in doing so, challenges our boys to match him.

The "It's my lifelong dream bloke" is a renowned bludger and non-effort player, both at training and on the field, and it looks like the other players are just following the "Superstar's" lead; long may it continue!

My current "life long dream" is for the slime to go 0-25 this year, probably a bit much to hope for but I'm allowed to dream too.


The comments during that clip indicate that the Hayne virus has re-infected Parra's players.

According to another thread, DCE busts a gut at training, leads and in doing so, challenges our boys to match him.

The "It's my lifelong dream bloke" is a renowned bludger and non-effort player, both at training and on the field, and it looks like the other players are just following the "Superstar's" lead; long may it continue!

My current "life long dream" is for the slime to go 0-25 this year, probably a bit much to hope for but I'm allowed to dream too.
I reckon they are a good chance against Raiders next week.
When I'm feeling a bit off, or run down - a quick trip to the Chief Habibi one eyed arseholes site is all it takes to feel better.

Nothing like busting a lung laughing at the dribble posted by the great unwashed ferals that inhabit that place.

To see them go from utter adulation over his majesty the "Dalai (sign him up for 10 years) Arfur", to calling him the bush coach and worse than Ricky Stuart is just a fantastic read.

Chief is smacked down so often by his own kind there, that its even funnier than when we slapped him silly here.
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When I'm feeling a bit off, or run down - a quick trip to the Chief Habibi one eyed arseholes site is all it takes to feel better.

Nothing like busting a lung laughing at the dribble posted by the great unwashed ferals that inhabit that place.

To see them go from utter adulation over his majesty the "Dalai (sign him up for 10 years) Arfur", to calling him the bush coach and worse than Ricky Stuart is just a fantastic read.

Chief is smacked down so often by his own kind there, that its even funnier than when we slapped him silly here.
It’s taking every bit of self discipline I have not to join one eyed eel and absolutely give it to that fcukwit Chief. He is such a coward. He came on here after the eels signed Foran and Watmough when were all hurting handing out abuse to everyone. I bet he wouldn’t have the courage to log on now. What a weak pathetic excuse for a human he is. Same goes for Mr I from the kennel. Where is he now. Not on here that’s for sure.
Nick Walshaw's top tips:Score so far: 12

No brainer: If there were any, anywhere, my punting account wouldn't be down in single digits. Still, we reckon Parramatta is about to go Hawaii Five-0 against Penrith.

Like that Hawaii Five-0 reference @:D

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