You are totally out of line here Jakey and you are sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes to think about what you have postedExtending your 33 year old highest paid player after a couple of good games at the start of the season, nearly 2 whole years out from when they are off contract, until 2025 when they will be 36 years old is something I'd laugh at any club at. Particularly with a high number of talented young players and good Manly clubmen coming off contract in that time. Expect to lose a few!
The kind of move I'd expect from the Tigers or Warriors, but certainly not Manly
The 33 year old captain and half back has led the Young Maroon team to victory over NSW and has out played the 24 year old Cleary
DCE tackles 23 Cleary 20
DCE run metres 83 Cleary 49
DCE tackle busts 3 Cleary 2
DCE tries 1 Cleary Zero
DCE line breaks 1 Cleary Zero
Cleary and NSW losers DCE Hero
The moral of the story
Age shall not weary champion players as Cleary and the NSW losers found out