keep politics out of the game

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The unconscious stuff is interesting. This is in part pseudo science in my opinion…theories like CRT ect are divisive more than helpful…. Anything implicit needs to manifest into something explicit to be real… it gets really silly when people try to tell you that you are unconsciously racist or an action is unconsciously racist or biased etc. kind of reminds me of the religious dogma used against non Christian women in the Middle Ages i.e. women accused of being witches etc…
Hey @Red Pill - how ya doing. I really really try not to get too serious on here about things other than footy but I did just want to ask why you think CRT is more divisive than helpful? I ask specifically about this coz I spend a lot of time here in the States and it's something that is really specific to them. Despite the efforts of some in Oz (thinking Sky After Dark intellectuals) trying to make it an issue for us. Given it is something that has been around for decades and has only become something for (ohhhhh, I don't want to say it coz I had the whole left/right BS) the, let's say "further right" to hitch their wagon to use as another example of the so called "left" to brain wash people into becoming so called "woke" (another BS term that has been blown up to become stupid speak for some) - why do you bring this up as part of your pseudo science discussion? Man, I just read that and I'm not sure I even understand the question. Probably a bad idea after my long lunch. Good luck.
Hey @Red Pill - how ya doing. I really really try not to get too serious on here about things other than footy but I did just want to ask why you think CRT is more divisive than helpful? I ask specifically about this coz I spend a lot of time here in the States and it's something that is really specific to them. Despite the efforts of some in Oz (thinking Sky After Dark intellectuals) trying to make it an issue for us. Given it is something that has been around for decades and has only become something for (ohhhhh, I don't want to say it coz I had the whole left/right BS) the, let's say "further right" to hitch their wagon to use as another example of the so called "left" to brain wash people into becoming so called "woke" (another BS term that has been blown up to become stupid speak for some) - why do you bring this up as part of your pseudo science discussion? Man, I just read that and I'm not sure I even understand the question. Probably a bad idea after my long lunch. Good luck.
I am doing well mate. CRT is not specific to the states but has more traction than it currently has in Australia. In saying this, in my workplace I have already being exposed to elements of it. I believe in QLD there are laws aimed at keeping it out of the education system up there but not in other states atm. Any theory in my opinion that uses a theory ( not yet supported by empirical science) that tells one party that their is a unconscious bias against them not only in headspace but through the entire culture is divisive as it creates a sense of victimhood and entitlement which leads to resentment against the so called perpetrators. Quite Nasty mate….But hey that is just my humble opinion. Btw I think woke is at least as real as the so called right extremist etc in Australia, but I agree with you’re sentiment that extreme politics really exists on the fringes and the everyday person could not give two hoots unless some element of the media on both sides of the spectrum tries to convince them otherwise…which is happening atm. In may view I see the ABC as a tax payers activism station with self indulgent journalism at its worst in some cases. What they have tried to do to our elite special forces is tragically sad…. It appears they will believe anyone who has a story to tell especially if it can undermine what they see as colonial Australia. But don’t let my opinions spoil your day as I see you have a different take which is cool with me….
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The unconscious stuff is interesting. This is in part pseudo science in my opinion…theories like CRT ect are divisive more than helpful…. Anything implicit needs to manifest into something explicit to be real… it gets really silly when people try to tell you that you are unconsciously racist or an action is unconsciously racist or biased etc. kind of reminds me of the religious dogma used against non Christian women in the Middle Ages i.e. women accused of being witches etc…
Hey @Red Pill - how ya doing. I really really try not to get too serious on here about things other than footy but I did just want to ask why you think CRT is more divisive than helpful? I ask specifically about this coz I spend a lot of time here in the States and it's something that is really specific to them. Despite the efforts of some in Oz (thinking Sky After Dark intellectuals) trying to make it an issue for us. Given it is something that has been around for decades and has only become something for (ohhhhh, I don't want to say it coz I had the whole left/right BS) the, let's say "further right" to hitch their wagon to use as another example of the so called "left" to brain wash people into becoming so called "woke" (another BS term that has been blown up to become stupid speak for some) - why do you bring this up as part of your pseudo science discussion? Man, I just read that and I'm not sure I even understand the question. Probably a bad idea after my long lunch. Good luck.
I am doing well mate. CRT is not specific to the states but has more traction than it currently has in Australia. In saying this, in my workplace I have already being exposed to elements of it. I believe in QLD there are laws aimed at keeping it out of the education system up there but not in other states atm. Any theory in my opinion that uses a theory ( not yet supported by empirical science) that tells one party that their is a unconscious bias against them not only in headspace but through the entire culture is divisive as it creates a sense of victimhood and entitlement which leads to resentment against the so called perpetrators. Quite Nasty mate….But hey that is just my humble opinion. Btw I think woke is at least as real as the so called right extremist etc in Australia, but I agree with you’re sentiment that extreme politics really exists on the fringes and the everyday person could not give two hoots unless some element of the media on both sides of the spectrum tries to convince them otherwise…which is happening atm. In may view I see the ABC as a tax payers activism station with self indulgent journalism at its worst in some cases. What they have tried to do to our elite special forces is tragically sad…. It appears they will believe anyone who has a story to tell especially if it can undermine what they see as colonial Australia. But don’t let my opinions spoil your day as I see you have a different take which is cool with me….
Hey - I don't profess to be an expert but my understanding is that the whole CRT concept began in the US and was looking at how race (specifically black Americans) were impacted socially and economically by social and/or institutional and/or governmental policies. Remembering this has been around for decades and has only become a thing of prominence in recent years. It was considering the open (and not so open) discrimination of black folks when it came to education, getting a job, getting loans for a house, what areas they could live, where they could sit on a bus, where they could have a drink etc etc. This seems to have been conflated with broader current issues and has been used by certain groups as an argument that white folks are being told it's their fault and that they should feel guilty for past injustices. Which frankly, is BS. Here in the US the champions of this (the Tucker Carlson types) simply lie about this sort of thing being taught to primary school kids. Yet when challenged, they can't name one school where this is done. So I have to respectfully disagree that this did not start as a specific US theory/concept. And know worries about spoiling my day, this is just a chat about perspectives and always important. But I have had a good day and I'm probably not far from nodding off. cheers
Hey @Red Pill - how ya doing. I really really try not to get too serious on here about things other than footy but I did just want to ask why you think CRT is more divisive than helpful? I ask specifically about this coz I spend a lot of time here in the States and it's something that is really specific to them. Despite the efforts of some in Oz (thinking Sky After Dark intellectuals) trying to make it an issue for us. Given it is something that has been around for decades and has only become something for (ohhhhh, I don't want to say it coz I had the whole left/right BS) the, let's say "further right" to hitch their wagon to use as another example of the so called "left" to brain wash people into becoming so called "woke" (another BS term that has been blown up to become stupid speak for some) - why do you bring this up as part of your pseudo science discussion? Man, I just read that and I'm not sure I even understand the question. Probably a bad idea after my long lunch. Good luck.

Hey - I don't profess to be an expert but my understanding is that the whole CRT concept began in the US and was looking at how race (specifically black Americans) were impacted socially and economically by social and/or institutional and/or governmental policies. Remembering this has been around for decades and has only become a thing of prominence in recent years. It was considering the open (and not so open) discrimination of black folks when it came to education, getting a job, getting loans for a house, what areas they could live, where they could sit on a bus, where they could have a drink etc etc. This seems to have been conflated with broader current issues and has been used by certain groups as an argument that white folks are being told it's their fault and that they should feel guilty for past injustices. Which frankly, is BS. Here in the US the champions of this (the Tucker Carlson types) simply lie about this sort of thing being taught to primary school kids. Yet when challenged, they can't name one school where this is done. So I have to respectfully disagree that this did not start as a specific US theory/concept. And know worries about spoiling my day, this is just a chat about perspectives and always important. But I have had a good day and I'm probably not far from nodding off. cheers
Enjoy the nap mate. Apparently the Australian senate voted against CRT being taught in Australian schools. It must be a little bit more widespread and real than you might realise… cheers RP

Enjoy the nap mate. Apparently the Australian senate voted against CRT being taught in Australian schools. It must be a little bit more widespread and real than you might realise… cheers RP

Sorry mate but the IPA is a well established "right wing" (oh how I hate writing that) think tank and this article uses provocative language like "making schools unsafe", "dangerous ideology" and "children barely out of nappies being indoctrinated" but provides no evidence for this just quotes from somewhere - who knows where. It is full of broad statements, nothing from any Education officials, teachers, parents - no one. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. I'm absolutely for analysis of controversial issues but this ain't it I'm afraid. And I don't see anything about the Senate voting anything down. I can't help but feel this is an extension of the John Howard approach to not talking rationally about Australian history but more of his "black armband view of history" line from the 90's. And I understand a lot of people just want to get on with life and not talk about these things ...... but I think it's important. But now I am ready for bed ....... not a nap. Cheers mate.
Sorry mate but the IPA is a well established "right wing" (oh how I hate writing that) think tank and this article uses provocative language like "making schools unsafe", "dangerous ideology" and "children barely out of nappies being indoctrinated" but provides no evidence for this just quotes from somewhere - who knows where. It is full of broad statements, nothing from any Education officials, teachers, parents - no one. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. I'm absolutely for analysis of controversial issues but this ain't it I'm afraid. And I don't see anything about the Senate voting anything down. I can't help but feel this is an extension of the John Howard approach to not talking rationally about Australian history but more of his "black armband view of history" line from the 90's. And I understand a lot of people just want to get on with life and not talk about these things ...... but I think it's important. But now I am ready for bed ....... not a nap. Cheers mate.
Mate, the IPA has been around since the 1940’s sure they are right leaning and nothing extreme,, I doubt they are making this up. I accept your view on Tucker Carlson but not on this respectable NGO.. The Australian government did apparently vote against CRT ain the education system. If you don’t like this publication I will find you another one if you still do not believe it 🙂
A lot of CRT (for me that term will always be Cathode Ray Tube.....and has now been hijacked...but whatever) is based on perceived 'microaggressions' by those who feel that they have been hard done by. These 'microaggressions' may be intentional, or unintentional. The perpetrators of 'microaggressions' are then supposedly to face some form of censure and redress of the issue, to the betterment of the aggrieved.

Intentional microaggressions - no doubt some form of proof should be sufficient - refusing one person a home loan, and giving it to another when they both have the same collateral and income is obviously discrimination, open and shut.

Unintentional microaggressions - Pandora's Box, this one. Everyone becomes a mind reader.

In the context of the USA, I get it. More than most of you may know. FYI - black people make up only 12.1% of the total population in the USA; watching US media of any kind may lead you to think that it's approaching 50%. Latinos and Hispanics make up 18.7%, one and a half times more.

CRT and Australia.....hmmm. Have any of you applied to a job recently? Particularly with large, multinational organisations?

At the end of the application process, are (usually) two voluntary questions:

1. Do you identify as First Nations / Torres Straight Islander?
2. Gender identification - do you identify as male, female, non-binary, other?

If you answer that you are indeed identifying as First Nations / Torres Straight Islander - congratulations - you probably have a higher chance of getting the role. Organizations now have the cheery task of letting Govt know how many First Nations / Torres Straight Islanders are on the books, and you will be looked upon favorably if you do have a lot.

Identify as non-binary? Again, this may count in your favour in particular organisations, particularly if they have a quota target they are trying to meet. If you're going for a senior role, identifying as a combination of female / non-binary / First Nations is like winning the Trifecta, and may get you the role ahead of others. Large multinationals even publish figures on their diversity quotients in their annual reports.
There is an active redressing of the status quo happening all the time - Australia (IMHO) is in many ways ahead of the USA in terms of 'positive affirmation'.

If you're white, middle-aged etc - you may feel that your world is now full of 'microaggressions' - but you'll have to keep them to yourself. The only CRT you'll see is the old telly in the corner.

Human history has ever been thus; live long enough and you'll see the oppressed become the oppressors, and then back around again.

Down and out
It can't be helped, but there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about
Mate, the IPA has been around since the 1940’s sure they are right leaning and nothing extreme,, I doubt they are making this up. I accept your view on Tucker Carlson but not on this respectable NGO.. The Australian government did apparently vote against CRT ain the education system. If you don’t like this publication I will find you another one if you still do not believe it 🙂
Mate, did you read this article coz it seems to say what i was saying. That is, that CRT was specifically looking at black people in the US some decades ago to examine the impacts of institutionalised discrimination. And regarding the Senate question - its an old trick to raise an issue that isnt an issue to make it an issue. I mean really, Pauline Hanson!!! Even the article you attached notes that it was never part of the curriculum. So one version of what is normally many propsals for any final policy or legislation was considered not relevant. You can't be saying that Hansons bill changed their minds. She can barely put a sentence together. But now I'm just getting petty and so I shouldve gone to bed.
Mate, did you read this article coz it seems to say what i was saying. That is, that CRT was specifically looking at black people in the US some decades ago to examine the impacts of institutionalised discrimination. And regarding the Senate question - its an old trick to raise an issue that isnt an issue to make it an issue. I mean really, Pauline Hanson!!! Even the article you attached notes that it was never part of the curriculum. So one version of what is normally many propsals for any final policy or legislation was considered not relevant. You can't be saying that Hansons bill changed their minds. She can barely put a sentence together. But now I'm just getting petty and so I shouldve gone to bed.
I did read it mate. I understand you don’t like Pauline. If it was so far fetched I mean the idea of CRT being taught in Australian schools the left media would have had a field day giving it to Pauline, but they did not. In my work place in Australia I have experienced elements of CRT.
I cant see any reason why CRT shouldnt be studied in Australian schools? At the very least it deserves examination alongside other multi-faceted sociological theories and concepts.

Should CRT be integrated into the curriculum? I cant really see any great utility in doing that. Further to that, I also dont believe there has ever been any serious attempt to do so.

CRT isnt a new concept. Its gained more prominence in recent times, but fundamentally its the same as it was when it was introduced in the seventies. I find it very interesting that its now popping up on Silvertails some fifty years later.
I did read it mate. I understand you don’t like Pauline. If it was so far fetched I mean the idea of CRT being taught in Australian schools the left media would have had a field day giving it to Pauline, but they did not. In my work place in Australia I have experienced elements of CRT.
I think the so called left media gave it the cover it deserved coz blind Freddy could see it for what it was - just another attempt of attention seeking from a contemptuos individual. I wouldnt dislike her so much if she wasn't such a fraud. But anyway ..... Ill go back to what I do best - making stupid comments for my amusement ....... when Im not talking footy of course. Cheers mate.
A lot of CRT (for me that term will always be Cathode Ray Tube.....and has now been hijacked...but whatever) is based on perceived 'microaggressions' by those who feel that they have been hard done by. These 'microaggressions' may be intentional, or unintentional. The perpetrators of 'microaggressions' are then supposedly to face some form of censure and redress of the issue, to the betterment of the aggrieved.

Intentional microaggressions - no doubt some form of proof should be sufficient - refusing one person a home loan, and giving it to another when they both have the same collateral and income is obviously discrimination, open and shut.

Unintentional microaggressions - Pandora's Box, this one. Everyone becomes a mind reader.

In the context of the USA, I get it. More than most of you may know. FYI - black people make up only 12.1% of the total population in the USA; watching US media of any kind may lead you to think that it's approaching 50%. Latinos and Hispanics make up 18.7%, one and a half times more.

CRT and Australia.....hmmm. Have any of you applied to a job recently? Particularly with large, multinational organisations?

At the end of the application process, are (usually) two voluntary questions:

1. Do you identify as First Nations / Torres Straight Islander?
2. Gender identification - do you identify as male, female, non-binary, other?

If you answer that you are indeed identifying as First Nations / Torres Straight Islander - congratulations - you probably have a higher chance of getting the role. Organizations now have the cheery task of letting Govt know how many First Nations / Torres Straight Islanders are on the books, and you will be looked upon favorably if you do have a lot.

Identify as non-binary? Again, this may count in your favour in particular organisations, particularly if they have a quota target they are trying to meet. If you're going for a senior role, identifying as a combination of female / non-binary / First Nations is like winning the Trifecta, and may get you the role ahead of others. Large multinationals even publish figures on their diversity quotients in their annual reports.
There is an active redressing of the status quo happening all the time - Australia (IMHO) is in many ways ahead of the USA in terms of 'positive affirmation'.

If you're white, middle-aged etc - you may feel that your world is now full of 'microaggressions' - but you'll have to keep them to yourself. The only CRT you'll see is the old telly in the corner.

Human history has ever been thus; live long enough and you'll see the oppressed become the oppressors, and then back around again.

Down and out
It can't be helped, but there's a lot of it about
With, without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about
Hey Bob - theres a lot to be said for Cathode Ray Tube in this discussion - coz it once only allowed us to see things in black and white but we now have the opportunity to see things in colour. 😉
I think the so called left media gave it the cover it deserved coz blind Freddy could see it for what it was - just another attempt of attention seeking from a contemptuos individual. I wouldnt dislike her so much if she wasn't such a fraud. But anyway ..... Ill go back to what I do best - making stupid comments for my amusement ....... when Im not talking footy of course. Cheers mate.
Hey mate, the vote was quite contentious and only got up by 2 votes. According the Guardian ( please don’t tell me this is a right leaning publication🙂 ) claims it was fiercely debated. It appears labor and the greens would actually support this in Australian schools. This was not about Pauline Hanson mate… there is a culture war going on at the moment but fully understand the average person does not want a bar of it and the media is playing it….to get people consuming their products on both sides of the spectrum.
Lets hope our beloved Eagles keep out of politics in the coming future and focus on Footy.
Hey mate, the vote was quite contentious and only got up by 2 votes. According the Guardian ( please don’t tell me this is a right leaning publication🙂 ) claims it was fiercely debated. It appears labor and the greens would actually support this in Australian schools. This was not about Pauline Hanson mate… there is a culture war going on at the moment but fully understand the average person does not want a bar of it and the media is playing it….to get people consuming their products on both sides of the spectrum.
Lets hope our beloved Eagles keep out of politics in the coming future and focus on Footy.
No, you're right mate, the Guardian would not be considered a right leaning paper. Having said that, I don't understand what the point of the proposed Bill was other than to stir up more BS about white folks feeling like they are now being discriminated against. I mean ......... seriously!!

Bring on season 23 and a Sea Eagle Club committed to playing great footy and supporters that can be proud of their team and supportive of their fellow supporters whomever they are. Too much?
Fair enough @Technical Coach I respect that you are suggesting we find a mutually acceptable compromise. Arguably that would seem to be extremely difficult. We will agree to disagree on some key points in this discussion. I am also sure that there will be many other things we disagree on in the future, and potentially some other things we will agree on as well. Merry Christmas.
Agree To Disagree Merry Christmas GIF by Lifetime
I wasn't talking about a compromise between us i was talking about it in a more general sense. I've offered one option on how "inclusivity day" could be promoted that is trying to be productive and finding a middle ground somewhat, yet no-one from the other side of the fence has offered anything in return to move forward---all i am reading is "it's this way or the highway, if you don't wear a shirt as it is now we have no other options"

"Compassion and compromise" is not just a left wing mentality just a heads up.

To me your truce is more about other things that saves your reputation more than anything but i don't mind ending it because it is obviously not getting anywhere.
I wasn't talking about a compromise between us i was talking about it in a more general sense. I've offered one option on how "inclusivity day" could be promoted that is trying to be productive and finding a middle ground somewhat, yet no-one from the other side of the fence has offered anything in return to move forward---all i am reading is "it's this way or the highway, if you don't wear a shirt as it is now we have no other options"

"Compassion and compromise" is not just a left wing mentality just a heads up.

To me your truce is more about other things that saves your reputation more than anything but i don't mind ending it because it is obviously not getting anywhere.
Whatever, @Technical Coach It's not my reputation that has come under any real question due to this discussion. If it has, it says a lot more about the questioners than it says about me.
I cant see any reason why CRT shouldnt be studied in Australian schools? At the very least it deserves examination alongside other multi-faceted sociological theories and concepts.

Should CRT be integrated into the curriculum? I cant really see any great utility in doing that. Further to that, I also dont believe there has ever been any serious attempt to do so.

CRT isnt a new concept. Its gained more prominence in recent times, but fundamentally its the same as it was when it was introduced in the seventies. I find it very interesting that its now popping up on Silvertails some fifty years later.
You are free to saturate yourself with CRT doctrine as much as you like mate. Enjoy and relinquish your un earned privileges 🙂 Christianity has been around for more than 2000 years and pops up on Silvertails all the time.
You are free to saturate yourself with CRT doctrine as much as you like mate. Enjoy and relinquish your un earned privileges 🙂 Christianity has been around for more than 2000 years and pops up on Silvertails all the time.
And so it should @Red Pill It is Christmas after all 😉 Arguably Christ was "woke", 2000 years before the term was re-defined by the conservative Alt-Right. As stated in my previous post CRT is an interesting sociological concept, amongst a literal sea of other competing "sociological theories and concepts". It isn't new but seems to have gained much more prominence recently. Arguably, this is due to American conservatives re-interpreting it as a prospective sign of the coming of the end times.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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