Actually @Woodsie (and this might surprise a few people), I believe that the concept of wearing a t-shirt one day a year would be incredibly tokenistic and ultimately useless if it's not paired with other practical actions.
you are doing better than me ... I'm still trying to grasp the notion that people demand, or have an expectation, that I will wear something supporting their sexual preferences .... or being proud of it.
I wouldn't even wear a t-shirt saying I was proud of my own ... I must be the most un-phobic person in the world ... I just don't give a shiite what someone else's sexual orientation is ... I would probably take a very different approach if we still had laws making same sex illegal, or marriage was banned .
Pss ... I just read today that Japan has legislated against same sex marriage ... so we can add them to the list of countries we can protest at sporting events ...