Kaeo Weekes

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  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though


Tipping Member
We sign a lot of young guns but we have a history of coaches not giving them a go in the top grade. A perfect exanple was not playing Humphries last week, yet Bennett saw enough of him on the lower grades to sign him and he's off to the Rabbits.


Reserve Grader
I still don't see Weekes as an 80 minute player. Last night he was real good in glimpses and probably Canberra's biggest threat with the ball. But as was the case here, he still doesn't have the game smarts and goes missing for stretches.

Give me Brooks any day. More solid in defence and takes on the line more consistently.

I more annoyed about losing a genuine young game manager like Humphreys, than losing a running utility.


First Grader
Premium Member
Everyone knows Weekes is a dangerous ball runner, but I feel these few fleeting moments of footy are what are known as 'highlight reels'....
His game management falls short as a half and there are 5 errors to every flashy moment.
His tackling is below average and not sure will improve and personally I like his positives and is an exciting player, but I fully understand the reason he was allowed to jump ship.

manly al

First Grader
Shame that Kaeo was not able to show that type of elusiveness for whatever reason when he was given a full back opportunity in a couple of games with Manly last season but just the way it goes of course in a different playing situation and development stage .
Always seemed to have shades of Nicko Hynes in his overall potential , no doubt even a bit quicker and certainly versatile but on indications , still looks like a major difference in the consistency. stakes
Lehi Hoppa not quite his speed but still good toe , even now a better all round positional full back and still had Turbo , Koula and Garrick ahead of him at one at Manly
Brooks still should be regarded as a quite astute gain , Kaeo made a helpful [ for him ] club move with Manly ]s blessing and good for him

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