Just my opinion.....

vidmar said:
Jatz Crackers said:
Which forum experience was the best for you? Choose one option:

a) The old MWSE forum
b) The old Silvertails forum (before the closure of MWSE)
c) The current Silvertails (post MWSE closure)

Re-read my post to see it's intent and that it was not a criticism of the site or forum

Wasnt suggesting criticism Vid, so all is good.
Vid is correct in a lot of ways and his first post was spot on the money, I for one took this a bit seriously when I first came on here, got offended and said so (and was put into place if I remember)....now I take most posts 'wth a grain of salt', expecially the ones that come on straight after a loss. As to the best forum experience.....they are really all the same. The difference now (with this one) is there's the originals and the newbies so there's a LOT more people involved, some of whom drop in, throw a few spears and exit quickly never to be seen again. If there was one difference at MWSE is that people had to pay to post and that did cut out the occasional opposition supporter that just signs up for a stir. I for one like the "have a whinge" forum and think a fair few more of the threads should start there rather than end there.

But at the end of the day it's all pretty good fun....some posters get agro with each other...that is the nature of forums where you can "hide" behind a keyboard.....one thing Vid was right about it's doubtful that much of what is said on here would be said "face to face" and that needs to be considered by everyone BEFORE they post something.
Bob....did you see Bob at Byron Bay???

I had a mate go (lives at Lennox Head) and told me it was pretty good!!
I have been in Hawaii, but flew back last week and caught the second show at the SEC.

Awesome, my eighth Bobness show.
Yep I have seen him a few times, but eight now that's a real fan....he can be somewhat "hot and cold"....I have had one good experience and another where he wasn't quite with it......but appreciate he's a fair age these days!
Fro said:
my Bad Jono, I thought he was from Liverpool, Sorry Vid if thats not right.

He's a Manc. Traitor!! He's from Manchester, loves the Buzzcocks...but supports Liverpool!! Traitor!!!
Jono said:
Fro said:
my Bad Jono, I thought he was from Liverpool, Sorry Vid if thats not right.

He's a Manc. Traitor!! He's from Manchester, loves the Buzzcocks...but supports Liverpool!! Traitor!!!

Obviously he'd rather have swine flu than support Man Spew. An understandable feeling IMO.
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Devil's advocate.

In the old days opinion was given face to face, in a pub or at work or school or on a bus or wherever.

(Village green & dunking pond)

In group discussions if you didn’t have the knowledge to have an opinion you listened and learned because if you jumped in too early or spoke crap then your ignorance would be shown and you would face the consequences or at least stand there looking like a tool.

(You remained quiet to avoid having your nose broken by neanderthals)

Then cue the internet - Instant access to any fact - you can even change Wikipaedia to suit your argument if you want – if it’s on the net or in the paper it must be true?

(Fair chance it is true - if wiki is wrong someone will correct it & to a lesser respect the same with print media)

Too many people come over the big “I am” because they’re invisible, anonymous and don’t have to account for their actions or posts – they can simply log out or sit quietly out of harms way – I’ve PM’d enough of them to discuss things in private or debate them on their “false facts” and not had a response from them to know that.

(Isn't this why we have forums - debate it not whisper in secret)

There are some who enjoy stirring the pot but then run away when they are taken to task for the crap they post or are made to look silly..Why would you do that, do you not have more important or constructive things to do with your lives? GO AWAY!

(I love stirring the pot - harmless fun - wind them up & watch them go)

More importantly, they would never dare do it or hope to get away with it in a face to face situation.

(I'm happy to repeat anything I post in person - However not everything I post is my true opinion)

To many (especially those who live out of town or can’t get to chat with mates at the ground) forums like this are the new natter in a pub or talk with your work mates and as such they are very important and provide a vital link to the team and happenings around it.

(Agreed & is the perfect place to make a pest of yourself)

There are some very well informed people who love the club and want to see it do well and post some good points.

(There are some)

Unfortunately there are also the anonymous keyboard warriors who are Genghis Khan on line but often Norman Gunston in real life.

(Better to Adolf in a forum than in real life hey).

You can tell the people who are genuine - they may not always agree with each other, but much of their discussion on the game or players or officials or club happenings takes place in a face to face spirit and debate is done with knowledge, respect, factually and is well intentioned and invariably constructive.

(Many people make valuable contributions in the background without having to part of the mob mentality)

Each to their own of course and everyone is entitled to an opinion that is what makes life interesting.

(Yep - each to there own - but that isn't what this post is about is it. Toe the line people)

However, again, you wouldn’t dare say some of the nonsense posted on here to someone’s face and hope to get away with it.

(I would repeat my posts - Sorry Mr Lowe - I never liked you).

You wouldn’t slag off someone’s mate or favourite player or family member or someone they respect in front of them without being mindful of the consequences

(Sorry Ox it was time to go)

You can on forums and I’m concerned that there’s an increasing lack of respect for people at the club (players and officials) and other supporters creeping on to this site which is not good for the site, the club or its supporters.

(There is a great deal of respect for club officials & players who perform in accordance with expectations. Some sadly, don't make the cut).

This is not a “true supporter” or rose tinted glasses argument – rather, there are things said on here that the writer would never, ever have the balls to say face to face.

(And some would say)

I was in Townsville on the weekend so off the site but come back to see that Dan has had to put a general warning on the site and threatening bans – I seem to remember a similar situation happening on the official site a while ago and looked what happened there?

(I don't recall the C word being used much on the old site - Graham Lowe was what happened there - His not honoring the membership fee's taken lost him the support of many fervent members)

There has recently been press from Melbourne about their club taking legal action against a fan who posted alleged derogatory comments on a forum.

(Lets see how far it goes - will be interesting - freedom of speech v defamation).

It’s not beyond the realms that we could be targeted because as we all know not everyone in the NRL or the media likes us?

(It wasn't me - must have been my flat mate too!)

We all know there are loons and trolls get on this site, some posters even create new “forum id’s” to throw bombs or bait us (we all have our suspicions as to who some are), but it’s up to our own intelligence to sort the wheat from the chaff.

(Take the bait at your own peril - your choice - rant or don't rant)

Over the years of being a member you notice certain names crop up on this forum or you get to meet them at games and you read what they write even if you disagree with their argument because they talk knowledgably.

(Did you mean Knowledgeably - Mate I've seen you at loads of games - I'm there every week but haven't said hello as I'm usually looking after a bunch of younger lads - will say g'day one day)

They may have a rant when we lose but you know it’s because they care (or have had a few to numb the pain!). And you can think, I could happily have a pint with this lad (or lass).

(Now a pint is a pint - a schooner is a small sherry glass - every week at brookie I have a drink with several thousand on the hill. Only very rarely do I find the odd tosser I wish would fall off the top of the hill backwards.)

There are some who are dead set knobs – hence Dan having to set up an ignore function

(That's what the button is there for - it's up to you - but then if you did use it you'd have nothing to complain about)

Maybe that should be the criteria for taking someone serious, "would I like to have a bevvy with this poster?"

(Perhaps - perhaps not - plenty of people do & if you don't well thats your loss.)

Personally, there are many on here that I would (or have) BUT (and I’m hearing similar from others) there are some I wouldn’t drink with …even if it was their round.

(There are some here that would get us banned for the lingo)

Just my opinion like.....

(Just mine too - or is it - you decide - you have the choice to click the ignore button)

vidmar said:
In the old days opinion was given face to face, in a pub or at work or school or on a bus or wherever.

In group discussions if you didn’t have the knowledge to have an opinion you listened and learned because if you jumped in too early or spoke crap then your ignorance would be shown and you would face the consequences or at least stand there looking like a tool.

Then cue the internet - Instant access to any fact - you can even change Wikipaedia to suit your argument if you want – if it’s on the net or in the paper it must be true?

Too many people come over the big “I am” because they’re invisible, anonymous and don’t have to account for their actions or posts – they can simply log out or sit quietly out of harms way – I’ve PM’d enough of them to discuss things in private or debate them on their “false facts” and not had a response from them to know that.

There are some who enjoy stirring the pot but then run away when they are taken to task for the crap they post or are made to look silly..Why would you do that, do you not have more important or constructive things to do with your lives? GO AWAY!

More importantly, they would never dare do it or hope to get away with it in a face to face situation.

To many (especially those who live out of town or can’t get to chat with mates at the ground) forums like this are the new natter in a pub or talk with your work mates and as such they are very important and provide a vital link to the team and happenings around it.

There are some very well informed people who love the club and want to see it do well and post some good points.

Unfortunately there are also the anonymous keyboard warriors who are Genghis Khan on line but often Norman Gunston in real life.

You can tell the people who are genuine - they may not always agree with each other, but much of their discussion on the game or players or officials or club happenings takes place in a face to face spirit and debate is done with knowledge, respect, factually and is well intentioned and invariably constructive.

Each to their own of course and everyone is entitled to an opinion that is what makes life interesting.

However, again, you wouldn’t dare say some of the nonsense posted on here to someone’s face and hope to get away with it.

You wouldn’t slag off someone’s mate or favourite player or family member or someone they respect in front of them without being mindful of the consequences

You can on forums and I’m concerned that there’s an increasing lack of respect for people at the club (players and officials) and other supporters creeping on to this site which is not good for the site, the club or its supporters.

This is not a “true supporter” or rose tinted glasses argument – rather, there are things said on here that the writer would never, ever have the balls to say face to face.

I was in Townsville on the weekend so off the site but come back to see that Dan has had to put a general warning on the site and threatening bans – I seem to remember a similar situation happening on the official site a while ago and looked what happened there?

There has recently been press from Melbourne about their club taking legal action against a fan who posted alleged derogatory comments on a forum.

It’s not beyond the realms that we could be targeted because as we all know not everyone in the NRL or the media likes us?

We all know there are loons and trolls get on this site, some posters even create new “forum id’s” to throw bombs or bait us (we all have our suspicions as to who some are), but it’s up to our own intelligence to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Over the years of being a member you notice certain names crop up on this forum or you get to meet them at games and you read what they write even if you disagree with their argument because they talk knowledgably.

They may have a rant when we lose but you know it’s because they care (or have had a few to numb the pain!). And you can think, I could happily have a pint with this lad (or lass).

There are some who are dead set knobs – hence Dan having to set up an ignore function

Maybe that should be the criteria for taking someone serious, "would I like to have a bevvy with this poster?"

Personally, there are many on here that I would (or have) BUT (and I’m hearing similar from others) there are some I wouldn’t drink with …even if it was their round.

Just my opinion like.....

not certain but my grandma told me that this can be cured with a table spoon of epson salts
vidmar said:
In the old days opinion was given face to face, in a pub or at work or school or on a bus or wherever.

In group discussions if you didn’t have the knowledge to have an opinion you listened and learned because if you jumped in too early or spoke crap then your ignorance would be shown and you would face the consequences or at least stand there looking like a tool.

Then cue the internet - Instant access to any fact - you can even change Wikipaedia to suit your argument if you want – if it’s on the net or in the paper it must be true?

Too many people come over the big “I am” because they’re invisible, anonymous and don’t have to account for their actions or posts – they can simply log out or sit quietly out of harms way – I’ve PM’d enough of them to discuss things in private or debate them on their “false facts” and not had a response from them to know that.

There are some who enjoy stirring the pot but then run away when they are taken to task for the crap they post or are made to look silly..Why would you do that, do you not have more important or constructive things to do with your lives? GO AWAY!

More importantly, they would never dare do it or hope to get away with it in a face to face situation.

To many (especially those who live out of town or can’t get to chat with mates at the ground) forums like this are the new natter in a pub or talk with your work mates and as such they are very important and provide a vital link to the team and happenings around it.

There are some very well informed people who love the club and want to see it do well and post some good points.

Unfortunately there are also the anonymous keyboard warriors who are Genghis Khan on line but often Norman Gunston in real life.

You can tell the people who are genuine - they may not always agree with each other, but much of their discussion on the game or players or officials or club happenings takes place in a face to face spirit and debate is done with knowledge, respect, factually and is well intentioned and invariably constructive.

Each to their own of course and everyone is entitled to an opinion that is what makes life interesting.

However, again, you wouldn’t dare say some of the nonsense posted on here to someone’s face and hope to get away with it.

You wouldn’t slag off someone’s mate or favourite player or family member or someone they respect in front of them without being mindful of the consequences

You can on forums and I’m concerned that there’s an increasing lack of respect for people at the club (players and officials) and other supporters creeping on to this site which is not good for the site, the club or its supporters.

This is not a “true supporter” or rose tinted glasses argument – rather, there are things said on here that the writer would never, ever have the balls to say face to face.

I was in Townsville on the weekend so off the site but come back to see that Dan has had to put a general warning on the site and threatening bans – I seem to remember a similar situation happening on the official site a while ago and looked what happened there?

There has recently been press from Melbourne about their club taking legal action against a fan who posted alleged derogatory comments on a forum.

It’s not beyond the realms that we could be targeted because as we all know not everyone in the NRL or the media likes us?

We all know there are loons and trolls get on this site, some posters even create new “forum id’s” to throw bombs or bait us (we all have our suspicions as to who some are), but it’s up to our own intelligence to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Over the years of being a member you notice certain names crop up on this forum or you get to meet them at games and you read what they write even if you disagree with their argument because they talk knowledgably.

They may have a rant when we lose but you know it’s because they care (or have had a few to numb the pain!). And you can think, I could happily have a pint with this lad (or lass).

There are some who are dead set knobs – hence Dan having to set up an ignore function

Maybe that should be the criteria for taking someone serious, "would I like to have a bevvy with this poster?"

Personally, there are many on here that I would (or have) BUT (and I’m hearing similar from others) there are some I wouldn’t drink with …even if it was their round.

Just my opinion like.....

Thanks for a timely reminder. Post with respect, and be mindful it is public. We as fans are a part of the club we support, no point in calling for the club to be professional and sophisticated if our own posting behaviour is noteworthy for boorishness, bullying, and bigotry.
vidmar said:
In the old days opinion was given face to face, in a pub or at work or school or on a bus or wherever.

In group discussions if you didn’t have the knowledge to have an opinion you listened and learned because if you jumped in too early or spoke crap then your ignorance would be shown and you would face the consequences or at least stand there looking like a tool.

Then cue the internet - Instant access to any fact - you can even change Wikipaedia to suit your argument if you want – if it’s on the net or in the paper it must be true?

Too many people come over the big “I am” because they’re invisible, anonymous and don’t have to account for their actions or posts – they can simply log out or sit quietly out of harms way – I’ve PM’d enough of them to discuss things in private or debate them on their “false facts” and not had a response from them to know that.

There are some who enjoy stirring the pot but then run away when they are taken to task for the crap they post or are made to look silly..Why would you do that, do you not have more important or constructive things to do with your lives? GO AWAY!

More importantly, they would never dare do it or hope to get away with it in a face to face situation.

To many (especially those who live out of town or can’t get to chat with mates at the ground) forums like this are the new natter in a pub or talk with your work mates and as such they are very important and provide a vital link to the team and happenings around it.

There are some very well informed people who love the club and want to see it do well and post some good points.

Unfortunately there are also the anonymous keyboard warriors who are Genghis Khan on line but often Norman Gunston in real life.

You can tell the people who are genuine - they may not always agree with each other, but much of their discussion on the game or players or officials or club happenings takes place in a face to face spirit and debate is done with knowledge, respect, factually and is well intentioned and invariably constructive.

Each to their own of course and everyone is entitled to an opinion that is what makes life interesting.

However, again, you wouldn’t dare say some of the nonsense posted on here to someone’s face and hope to get away with it.

You wouldn’t slag off someone’s mate or favourite player or family member or someone they respect in front of them without being mindful of the consequences

You can on forums and I’m concerned that there’s an increasing lack of respect for people at the club (players and officials) and other supporters creeping on to this site which is not good for the site, the club or its supporters.

This is not a “true supporter” or rose tinted glasses argument – rather, there are things said on here that the writer would never, ever have the balls to say face to face.

I was in Townsville on the weekend so off the site but come back to see that Dan has had to put a general warning on the site and threatening bans – I seem to remember a similar situation happening on the official site a while ago and looked what happened there?

There has recently been press from Melbourne about their club taking legal action against a fan who posted alleged derogatory comments on a forum.

It’s not beyond the realms that we could be targeted because as we all know not everyone in the NRL or the media likes us?

We all know there are loons and trolls get on this site, some posters even create new “forum id’s” to throw bombs or bait us (we all have our suspicions as to who some are), but it’s up to our own intelligence to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Over the years of being a member you notice certain names crop up on this forum or you get to meet them at games and you read what they write even if you disagree with their argument because they talk knowledgably.

They may have a rant when we lose but you know it’s because they care (or have had a few to numb the pain!). And you can think, I could happily have a pint with this lad (or lass).

There are some who are dead set knobs – hence Dan having to set up an ignore function

Maybe that should be the criteria for taking someone serious, "would I like to have a bevvy with this poster?"

Personally, there are many on here that I would (or have) BUT (and I’m hearing similar from others) there are some I wouldn’t drink with …even if it was their round.

Just my opinion like.....

Just wanted to make it the 4th copy of the original post in a row.

I will say we haven't had a "Wake up to Yourselves" thread for a while, they were as regular as clockwork on the old MWSE about 12 hours after the feeding frenzy subsided following a loss. I particularly liked the ones that quoted the need to have played first grade prior to having an opinion, or of course the old true supporter classics. Can we place someone in charge of reinstating that tradition ?
lol I forgot about that line from Zorba (re: Bailey) about having to have played 1st grade before commenting.
SeaEagleRock8 said:
Thanks for a timely reminder. Post with respect, and be mindful it is public. We as fans are a part of the club we support, no point in calling for the club to be professional and sophisticated if our own posting behaviour is noteworthy for boorishness, bullying, and bigotry.

Disagree SER8. There is a point. It's satisfying to boors, bullies and bigots. 😛

Meanwhile, Bennett is helping the Wallabies.

"Asked what key ingredient is required to help an underdog win a major tournament, Bennett - who helped New Zealand claim a stunning Rugby League World Cup victory in 2008 - said unwavering belief was critical. ''From the head coach down to the trainer and the players, everybody has got to believe,'' Bennett said."


Apparently even Bennett knew it was a reach to dredge down to forum supporter level.
Thanks Jerry1 (Mr Satan!) for your advocacy - good to see my post getting people thinking.

Ernie for no 7, thanks for your input - Have we met?
I am a bit late to post here as haven't got much access to the internet at the moment.
But good post Vid. I am a newbie so to speak but have often heard about this site in years gone by.
For the most part its a great forum and Dan clearly does a great job.
I feel( for what its worth) that there needs to be more in put from the club itself( If possible). Have someone on board as Admin who can weed out the "crap". The insults, the comments towards staff and players that are just not acceptable.
Just my in put, Not having a go. I do like most get pissed off with a lot of the people on here. Vd makes a good point. Would that be said at an after game function at the leagues club?

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