Whaddya think?
1. Each argument & supporting point must be numbered & sub-headed. As in:
1. Adam & Eve
1.1 Genetics
1.2 Theological basis
2. Each argument & supporting point must not be re-explained. If any item needs to be raised repeatedly, the repetition will be assigned a new number, the statement under that will be: Refer to point (the number of the original item).
3. Each argument using information and statistics gathered from sources must be referenced: e.g.: “Religion is the opiate of the masses” Karl Marx (Urban Dictionary, under "Religion." German economist & Communist political philosopher (1818 - 1883)
4. You may reference from websites as long as the site is shown: e.g. http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/31765.html
5. If conflicting information is found on the same point, both figures will be admitted. It is up to the jury to decide which it chooses to believe.
6. If any of these rules are breached, the opposing side may appeal to the judge. The judge has the power to direct the jury to ignore the remark, request the party to remove or amend the argument, or edit or delete the item/post.
7. At the end of the debate, both parties may make a summary of their points so far, with no new points to be raised or rebuttal.
8. After this, the judge may issue directions to the jury on how to cast their vote and may, if s/he so chooses, provide their own summary of events.
9. The judge’s summary must be shown to be impartial. If either party has concerns, it will be referred to an independent person (selected by both parties) and either retained or deleted.
10. The jury has a total of 3 days to confer. If unanimous decision is made before this, it is admissible.
11. If there is no unanimous decision reached, a poll may be taken where simple majority wins.
12. The jury is to decide on a “balance of probabilities” basis.
13. The jury is not to take, insofar as possible, their own bias into account.