When I was a younger man, I imbibed substances and drank way too much.
I knew it was not good for me and I would have to stop one day.
I did when I was in my 40's & 50's.
A lot of musicians and actors don't stop and/or take way too much and they die.
Jim Morrison wrote some of the best poetry and lyrics of all time.
So did Michael Hutchence, though both died young.
They were both deep thinkers and intelligent people.
I've thought about certain actions and activities and chose not to endanger my life, therefore I'm still alive.
People are always telling me "You are a very deep thinker".
I wish that Jim & Michael were still here with us.
Paul Hester & James Freud were 2 of Australia's best musicians who took their own lives.
Great thinkers like me believe that things will improve and get better.
They do and they have.
People saw Jim Morrison as an icon of 1960's rebellion against the establishment.
Ray Manzarek said that if Jim had his time over, he would've been a Zen Gardener.
He would've lived a quiet and tranquil existence.
Jim would've had more time to be a "Thinking Man".