JDB Federal Court Challenge

The old 'I have a relative who...... so therefore I know better than anyone' is the worst evidence that can be used in a legal case. And people that use it think they have the moral high ground because they know one person who has in this case turned away from rugby league.

This is pathetic and it's not overwhelming evidence.

We all have had instances & experiences of different things in our lives, which gives us perspective/biases/etc etc. For example (and this is completely true). My father was a roosters fan. Then they signed SBW......he just said (for whatever reason), that's it I'm not supporting them anymore, no way, they are mercenaries, he should not be allowed back in the league......

So that now makes me an expert to say people are not supporting the Roosters in droves (around 2013) because of the signing of SBW, I know....I have 1 specific example.
The worst part about Greenturd, other than his proven bias towards certain clubs, certain players and of course the games broadcast and corporate benefactors, is the fact that he is so far out of touch with the fans of the game, those at the grass roots, people like us in here, that its not even funny any more.

In court he was literally asked whether the misbehaviour of NRL players would affect the attitudes of the game’s 175,000 male and female participants. His answer was “I would absolutely assert that is the case.”

So what, he has personally spoken to all 175,000 and knows exactly how they all feel and what they all want??

Absolute bull$hit. From what I have seen on fan forums like ours and on social media in Facebook and Twitter, most (though not all) 100% disagree with this standing down of players under the "No Fault Rule" that they brought in. And even more fans than that think that he is the absolute worst ever league boss this country has ever had bar none. Even Dogs fans who you would think would actually like one of their own running the game (like we did with Arko) think that he is garbage and needs to go. And of course, that's all before you get into things like his stadium policy despite the fans of the game, especially those in Sydney, having clearly shown their preference for suburban grounds.

Arko, Quayle and even Gallop.....they all had their faults, lets not sugar coat it. Arko and Quayle really got complacent about where the game had risen to in the early-mid 90s which was one of the things that led to the Super League war. Gallop was a bit slow to react on some things, and of course we all know what happened with Snake. But the so-called job Greenturd is doing alongside his Dumb and Dumber mate Beatnik, makes all of them look like absolute kings of administration.
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He should stop creeping on his daughter's friends anyway.

More fairy tales from Todd yesterday:

De Belin's legal team attempted to argue there were many reasons why fans and participants had walked away from the game including dissatisfaction with referees, the risk of concussion and alcohol and gambling advertising.

Tensions rose when Greenberg suggested in his cross examination that concerns about concussion would not dissuade a mother from allowing her child to play rugby league.

Einfeld fired back: "Are you serious?"

Einfeld suggested that the game's encouragement of wagering was leading to dissatisfaction among some fans.

When Greenberg replied: "We've worked very hard over the last 24 months to ensure they are marketed correctly towards those who can use them."

To which Einfeld said: "That's complete and utter balderdash."

Greenberg said while some expressed dissatisfaction with referees, officials did not turn fans off the game like the issue of player behaviour.

"I've had fans tell me they'll never watch again because of the referees, only to turn up the next weekend and they're sitting in their seat," Greenberg said.

(and of course that argument could be used for those saying the same thing about player mis-behaviour)
The old 'I have a relative who...... so therefore I know better than anyone' is the worst evidence that can be used in a legal case. And people that use it think they have the moral high ground because they know one person who has in this case turned away from rugby league.

This is pathetic and it's not overwhelming evidence.

We all have had instances & experiences of different things in our lives, which gives us perspective/biases/etc etc. For example (and this is completely true). My father was a roosters fan. Then they signed SBW......he just said (for whatever reason), that's it I'm not supporting them anymore, no way, they are mercenaries, he should not be allowed back in the league......

So that now makes me an expert to say people are not supporting the Roosters in droves (around 2013) because of the signing of SBW, I know....I have 1 specific example.

It’s a shame your dad’s not Shayne Hayne
He should stop creeping on his daughter's friends anyway.

More fairy tales from Todd yesterday:

De Belin's legal team attempted to argue there were many reasons why fans and participants had walked away from the game including dissatisfaction with referees, the risk of concussion and alcohol and gambling advertising.

Tensions rose when Greenberg suggested in his cross examination that concerns about concussion would not dissuade a mother from allowing her child to play rugby league.

Einfeld fired back: "Are you serious?"

Einfeld suggested that the game's encouragement of wagering was leading to dissatisfaction among some fans.

When Greenberg replied: "We've worked very hard over the last 24 months to ensure they are marketed correctly towards those who can use them."

To which Einfeld said: "That's complete and utter balderdash."

Greenberg said while some expressed dissatisfaction with referees, officials did not turn fans off the game like the issue of player behaviour.

"I've had fans tell me they'll never watch again because of the referees, only to turn up the next weekend and they're sitting in their seat," Greenberg said.

(and of course that argument could be used for those saying the same thing about player mis-behaviour)

If the NRL had a poll on what is the main cause of why people are turning away from the game

I would guarantee that Greenturd and the other incompetent fools that are making a mockery of our game are the main reason we are all pissed off .

For the sake of the game we need a changing of the guard
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He should stop creeping on his daughter's friends anyway.

More fairy tales from Todd yesterday:

De Belin's legal team attempted to argue there were many reasons why fans and participants had walked away from the game including dissatisfaction with referees, the risk of concussion and alcohol and gambling advertising.

Tensions rose when Greenberg suggested in his cross examination that concerns about concussion would not dissuade a mother from allowing her child to play rugby league.

Einfeld fired back: "Are you serious?"

Einfeld suggested that the game's encouragement of wagering was leading to dissatisfaction among some fans.

When Greenberg replied: "We've worked very hard over the last 24 months to ensure they are marketed correctly towards those who can use them."

To which Einfeld said: "That's complete and utter balderdash."

Greenberg said while some expressed dissatisfaction with referees, officials did not turn fans off the game like the issue of player behaviour.

"I've had fans tell me they'll never watch again because of the referees, only to turn up the next weekend and they're sitting in their seat," Greenberg said.

(and of course that argument could be used for those saying the same thing about player mis-behaviour)
All of those points are real and there is a fair argument either way for them.

But that has no bearing on whether or not the nrl has acted lawfully.
De Belin could learn fate next week
Steve ZemekAAP
Jack de Belin could learn the outcome of his case against the NRL and ARL Commission as early as next Tuesday, meaning he could be free to play for St George Illawarra in their ANZAC day blockbuster against the Sydney Roosters.

De Belin's case will wind up in Federal Court on Thursday with Melbourne Storm chairman Bart Campbell to take the witness stand and closing remarks.

The Dragons star forward is suing the game after he was stood down under the game's controversial "no fault" policy.

For the last three days, De Belin's lawyers have argued that NRL CEO Todd Greenberg and ARL Commission chairman Peter Beattie had no justification for the policy, which was described by barrister Martin Einfeld as "draconian".

Justice Melissa Perry could hand down her judgement as early as Tuesday.

Should De Belin be successful, the Dragons would be able to make an application to the NRL to allow him to be included in their team to take on the Roosters in the traditional ANZAC Day clash on Thursday, which is expected to attract a bumper crowd to the SCG.

De Belin was stood down after he was charged with the aggravated sexual assault of a 19-year-old woman.

He has pleaded not guilty.

His case, and that of co-accused Callan Sinclair, were mentioned in Wollongong Local Court on Wednesday and were adjourned to May 29.

De Belin's legal team have argued that the NRL had no evidence of De Belin's actions or purported misconduct before standing him down.

Einfeld has also made the case that there are a plethora or reasons why people might walk away from the game including refereeing controversies, concerns about concussion and alcohol and gambling advertising.

In his testimony on Wednesday, Greenberg said that he was concerned about the impact player behaviour was having on women and that they would walk away from the game.

He told the court some of his daughter's friends had told him they were refusing to play casual touch rugby league because of the game's so-called "summer from hell".
In his testimony on Wednesday, Greenberg said that he was concerned about the impact player behaviour was having on women and that they would walk away from the game.

He told the court some of his daughter's friends had told him they were refusing to play casual touch rugby league because of the game's so-called "summer from hell".

Dear Mr Greenberg
The overall majority 98% of league players are great role models of the game and great family members and citizens

Stop listening to a few of your teenage daughters friends and use some common sense for fck sake mate

Walk away from our game so it can have some hope to grow

In his testimony on Wednesday, Greenberg said that he was concerned about the impact player behaviour was having on women and that they would walk away from the game.

I also think that this, the concern that women would walk away from the game, was one of the reasons why that female touch judge from last Friday night in Townsville wasn't dropped yet both Grant Atkins and Gavin Badger were. The broadcasters (Nein and Fox), plus the NRL are always looking at getting more female viewers and more females involved in rugby league and for the NRL to drop a female touch judge for incompetence (which is exactly what it was) possibly could have drawn a female backlash which they want to avoid. So she gets to keep her position in first grade when the reality is that she was just as bad as Atkins and Badger were and like them 100% should have been dropped.
Yep, but its ok to allow a crazed maniac to play NRL

Under the influence of prescription drugs and alcohol, Lodge physically harassed and threatened a German tourist, Carolin Dekeyser, on the street at 4am, saying: "Do you think you're going to die? This is the night you're going to die."

Dekeyser began frantically ringing a stranger's intercom, waking up Cartright, Fowler and their then nine-year-old son.

When Cartright came down to let Dekeyser into the foyer, Lodge followed her inside and put Cartright in a headlock, punching him in the face repeatedly. He then locked Cartright out of his unit and began smashing furniture as Fowler and Henry hid in the bathroom.

He tried to punch his way into the bathroom before police arrested him at gunpoint.

The family were so traumatised that they moved out of their home of 20 years. Henry has suffered night tremors and is terrified when the doorbell rings, Fowler said....
Yep, but its ok to allow a crazed maniac to play NRL

Under the influence of prescription drugs and alcohol, Lodge physically harassed and threatened a German tourist, Carolin Dekeyser, on the street at 4am, saying: "Do you think you're going to die? This is the night you're going to die."

Dekeyser began frantically ringing a stranger's intercom, waking up Cartright, Fowler and their then nine-year-old son.

When Cartright came down to let Dekeyser into the foyer, Lodge followed her inside and put Cartright in a headlock, punching him in the face repeatedly. He then locked Cartright out of his unit and began smashing furniture as Fowler and Henry hid in the bathroom.

He tried to punch his way into the bathroom before police arrested him at gunpoint.

The family were so traumatised that they moved out of their home of 20 years. Henry has suffered night tremors and is terrified when the doorbell rings, Fowler said....
This man being allowed to play again undermines Greenberg’s current assertions and gets under my skin!!!! Yes to Brisbane surprise surprise!
People walk away from rugby league because of a host of issues, and one is when someone is found guilty.....Matt Lodge......we just look into his eyes and see redemption. Now that is rubbish. And that's when people get disenfranchised with the game.

You've got to throw the book at people found guilty!! Not people who are accused. The history of civilisation has shown the hysteria that can occur when people are not afforded due process and all it takes is to accuse someone of foul deeds.

Now don't get me wrong, if JDB (or anyone) is found guilty of some of these acts......I want them in prison, and rubbed out of the game. What I don't want is guilty until proven innocent....oh and then still guilty anyway.
Yep, but its ok to allow a crazed maniac to play NRL

Under the influence of prescription drugs and alcohol, Lodge physically harassed and threatened a German tourist, Carolin Dekeyser, on the street at 4am, saying: "Do you think you're going to die? This is the night you're going to die."

Dekeyser began frantically ringing a stranger's intercom, waking up Cartright, Fowler and their then nine-year-old son.

When Cartright came down to let Dekeyser into the foyer, Lodge followed her inside and put Cartright in a headlock, punching him in the face repeatedly. He then locked Cartright out of his unit and began smashing furniture as Fowler and Henry hid in the bathroom.

He tried to punch his way into the bathroom before police arrested him at gunpoint.

The family were so traumatised that they moved out of their home of 20 years. Henry has suffered night tremors and is terrified when the doorbell rings, Fowler said....
Yes nice one Greenberg ,to let that bloke back in ,yet poor old Todd Carney does a photographic trick shot and is banished never to play again ..I had forgotten about Lodge ,so I will now edit a previous post .
You absolute moron ,you have no business being involved with this game .Your abilities have been mixed up with your ambitions and based on your record you would struggle to administer the U6s .
For the good of the game resign
This guy can’t be serious...?

Using your daughters touch footy teams comments on participation ... as a basis for standing down players who have been accused of crimes but not yet proven.

It’s laughable. It’s so ridiculously absurd that it’s almost unbelievable.

His pig head surely has caught up with him.

You can’t be making serious changes to an agreed contract with the players association because your daughters teenage girlfriends team said so. Who is legally advising this moron? Has he employed Inglis in some legal advisory role?

Surely someone on the board has the smarts to see that Greensprog has gone rogue, playing with peoples lives based off some teenage girls.

Incredibly unbelievable.

Yep. Forget the NPS (Net Promotor Score).
The GDAFS (Greenberg’s daughter and friends score),
Is now considered the gold standard when it come to NRL approval ratings.
He should stop creeping on his daughter's friends anyway.

More fairy tales from Todd yesterday:

De Belin's legal team attempted to argue there were many reasons why fans and participants had walked away from the game including dissatisfaction with referees, the risk of concussion and alcohol and gambling advertising.

Tensions rose when Greenberg suggested in his cross examination that concerns about concussion would not dissuade a mother from allowing her child to play rugby league.

Einfeld fired back: "Are you serious?"

Einfeld suggested that the game's encouragement of wagering was leading to dissatisfaction among some fans.

When Greenberg replied: "We've worked very hard over the last 24 months to ensure they are marketed correctly towards those who can use them."

To which Einfeld said: "That's complete and utter balderdash."

Greenberg said while some expressed dissatisfaction with referees, officials did not turn fans off the game like the issue of player behaviour.

"I've had fans tell me they'll never watch again because of the referees, only to turn up the next weekend and they're sitting in their seat," Greenberg said.

(and of course that argument could be used for those saying the same thing about player mis-behaviour)

To which Einfeld said: "That's complete and utter balderdash."

Balderdash......love it!
I also think that this, the concern that women would walk away from the game, was one of the reasons why that female touch judge from last Friday night in Townsville wasn't dropped yet both Grant Atkins and Gavin Badger were. The broadcasters (Nein and Fox), plus the NRL are always looking at getting more female viewers and more females involved in rugby league and for the NRL to drop a female touch judge for incompetence (which is exactly what it was) possibly could have drawn a female backlash which they want to avoid. So she gets to keep her position in first grade when the reality is that she was just as bad as Atkins and Badger were and like them 100% should have been dropped.
Not only that, Edrick Lee put his foot on the touchline right in front of Casey Badger and she failed to see it, luckily it was picked up by the bunker, it could have cost us the game.
Now I'm one for women being given equal opportunity in all forms of employment where it's possible, but I would hate it if a better linesman was left out due to political correctness, just saying.

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