Can someone help a brother out please and what exactly was said in this conversation? Is it English? If i didn't know it was 2 men in their 30's i would guess it was a pair of 10 year old....
HAYNE: Hey bro, what’s doing?
PEARCE: What are you doing, brother?
HAYNE: (Chuckles) Oh ...
PEARCE: You under the pump?
PEARCE: Who’s this sheila coming out saying something about ya?
HAYNE: Oh she’s, f**k, she’s from Newie, bro
PEARCE: Newie?
HAYNE: Full-blown weirdo. Yeah.
PEARCE: What, who, who is she? Are you under the pump?
HAYNE: Yeah. Ask, you know what, ask your boys if you – there’s a couple of your boys might know her, bro. F**kin’...
PEARCE: What’s, what’s her name, bro?
HAYNE: I’ll have a look. It’s (says name)
PEARCE: (Woman’s name.) I’ll ask the boys. What, did you put it on her on Instagram and she wigged out, or you hooked up with her?
HAYNE: Nah. She was just sending me all these, all these nude snaps, bro, on Snapchat and that wanting...
HAYNE: … (Stutters) wanting to link up, link up; said “yeah, yeah”. Then I was in Newie, I was like, oh, I’ll pop in on the way home. So I did that and then f**kin she was filthy cause the cab was out the front. I said, “Oh well, mate, I’m only going to be here for, you know, (laughs) a short time.” She just …
HAYNE: Wigged out. And then, um, went – like I watched a bit of the grand final with her old girl. (Laughs)
HAYNE: Come, come back and we were just fooling around and she like, she like bled a little bit. It was weird.
HAYNE: I was like f**k …
PEARCE: And then she wigged out and that … going on …
HAYNE: Then, then she just wigged out. I said, “Listen, nah you’re sweet.” I said, “F**kin my like my fingernail must have clipped you, that’s all.” There was …
HAYNE: … nothing major. Like, it was just a little bit. Full wigged out. Said, “Nah, nah, it’s sweet, sweet.” So we watched a bit of, um, bit of like, um, like f**kin music videos and that. I was like “Oh, OK, I’d, I’d better go now,” rah-rah-rah. And then she was just like filthy that I left her there. (Laughs) I was like, what the f**k?
PEARCE: And then, what, she just wigged, wigged out and called the papers and that.
HAYNE: Yeah bro. Just today, trying to say that I was aggressive and she said, “No, no, no.” I’m like, nate, f**k, I didn’t get my pants off. Like, what the f**k?
PEARCE: What …
HAYNE: Oh, bro
PEARCE: distorted transmission … Yeah have you got a lawyer and that?
HAYNE: Yeah, yeah, nah, I spoke to my lawyer and that. Oh mate, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll get her in defamation easy. Like …
HAYNE: Bro. Full-blown – like the next, the next day she was trying to message, message me going, you know, “I’m in the park, this that.” I’m going “Mate, f**kin” …
PEARCE: I’m what?
HAYNE: “I’m in a park by myself. I don’t feel safe.” I’m like (laughs) what the f**k?
PEARCE: Trying to wig you out and that?
HAYNE: Oy, bro, I’ve got to go, bro. My lawyer’s calling me. I’ve got to go.
PEARCE: Yeah, when are you up in Newie next, bro? We’ll catch up. When you around?
HAYNE: Oh, I’ll let you know, brother, I’ll let you know.
PEARCE: All right bro. Look after yourself. See ya bro.
HAYNE: All right ledge. Bye-bye.