I'm not swinging the guilty axe or not guilty feather as none of us will ever really know what happened that night.
What I do know is some people are less than honest when scorned. after a party with friends when I was 20 or so a girl who I gave a ride home to as a favour to the host next day accused me of getting all hands on with her. IT NEVER HAPPENED.
Besides the fact she was a bit of a Minger she was drunk and wanted to get it on. I said no dropped her home and next thing I was 'the bad guy'.
Luckily it was only between the group and never went any further but the he said she said is such a dangerous place to be. Some girls when scorned can drop to pretty low acts as revenge.
And conversely some people are less than honest when their behaviour is called to account and will say they didn't think they did anything wrong.
As we’ve all said here, none of us will know the full story but for a 19yo girl to take this to court knowing full well her behaviour and actions that night will be forever on the public record is very brave and commendable, there is no hiding from this whether the charges are proven or not.
She'll be suffering either way.
Yes, we all make mistakes and put ourselves in situations that with hindsight may not have been the brightest idea but if even a skerrick of what's been alleged happened it doesn't absolve the accused.
How many of us have thought yep, I'm up for this only to go uh uh, it ain't happening?
In my experience whether you're under the influence of booze or drugs your values and predisposition generally underpin your behaviour - yep, I've done stupid stuff on both but not to the point where I didn't care about the major consequences, I've gone close but nuh, not happening.
How many of us have mates that want to punch on, get nude or race shopping trolleys after a few schooeys but are mild mannered conformists normally?
I've never thrown a punch in my life and being as pissed as doesn't change that, I'm just generally not an aggressive person.
Sure, I like to have fun but not at someone else's expense.
Everyone has a line that can/can't be crossed and they may be different for many people but whether we are old school, footballers, blue collar or white collar we should show empathy and understand when we've crossed it.
Note: speaking from experience as 50yo divorced re-married bloke with three kids not a 19yo girl or 20something footballer.