Q) .. Did Jesus .. (or his many biographers) .. teach anything new ... or did he just package known and accepted wisdom very well ...
For example ... I am fairly certain ... even in caveman times ... it would have been frowned upon to shag your brothers missus and steal his favourite club ...
Hahaha! I am constantly entertained by the way you put things, Woodsie!
Now...let's see. Jesus did talk about love a lot. Love God above everything...love you neighbour...love your enemies...we also know he wasn't big on theft and bull****ting lol, BUT...
Do you think that if Jesus was ripping around first-century Judea telling people to love each other, hewould have been crucified on a roman cross? Neither the romans nor the jewish authorities would have been particularly bothered by a jewish prophet who told people to love each other and don't knock stuff off. The jews may have been a bit worried about loving their enemies, but the romans would have protected a peacemaker that tells the jews to love the romans and turn the other cheek.
So what did he teach that excited everyone so much...pissed off pretty much every religious leader he encountered and eventually saw him scourged and crucified?
After John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee and proclaimed...‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news". Mark 1; 14-15
That's what upset the apple cart.
Atheists often say that Christian morality is no different to other ethical systems based on The Golden Rule...and you can find pre-Christian examples of the same concept if you research the analects of Confucius, in the Mahabharata, the Dhammapada, the histories of Herodotus.
The mistake in this argument though, is that Christian morality is not based on the Golden Rule which states..."A man should not do to others what he would not have them do to him" The Golden Rule can't provide a basis for a functional moral system.
Jesus said, "In everything, do unto others as you would have them do to you, for this sums up the law of the prophets". That's summary advice...not the basis of Christian morality. How do we know that? Well..in the same chapter (Matthew 7) Jesus says, "Only those that do the will of my father will enter that kingdom". Not, only those that do unto others.....
The heavenly father's will overshadows the true foundation of Christian morality and was articulated in Mathew 22 ; 37 where Jesus answers an expert in jewish law...
Loving the Lord your God and submitting your will to his is a very different moral system and far more objective.
The golden rule is entirely subjective and incapable of accounting for rational calculation or human psychopathy. It provides no moral basis to criticize say...me, if I decide to slip into Miss World's bed unannounced...as long as I don't try to bar her from doing the same to me. It also sanctions a thief to steal on the belief that he wouldn't miss what was stolen if I stole it from him.
The Golden Rule can also easily be transformed into...do unto others as you believe they wish to do unto you....which was the basis for the holocaust.