I couldn’t stand that slimey pr!ck Greenturd before he signed up Hasler.
He was a dirty dealer during his time at the dogs and it showed many times, the Barba disaster that he swept under the carpet, Tandy match fixing and no doubt more that I can’t think off the top of my head. Those 2 matters alone were disgusting enough to have anyone sacked.
To think he was then able to entice Hasler in front of the rugby league world and get away with it was gobsmacking.
Did anyone else remember the media following Greenturd to the airport and asking who he was going to sign as dogs coach? He told the media he was on his way to England to land a super league coach.
He laughed afterwards when questioned about it and said it was a lie and he wasn’t flying to England at all and was already negotiating with Hasler.
Then it came out Hasler was leaving and all the information was from his and the dogs side. Only after Hasler said he was going to sue Manly for wrongful dismissal did Manly then release the emails showing Hasler and Greenturd negotiating while under contract.
Manly said if you take us to court, we’ll take you and Hasler said. Don’t worry about it!
Greenturd has shown that he is a slimey disgusting used car salesman and I can’t believe how he got promoted. Someone with power has his back and has seen his push to the top.
I was nearly sick when he was chosen to run the game.
The game has gone downhill and he was always going to be the one responsible.
He’s out of his depth and has no idea.
As he has the support of.......whoever

I can’t see him going anytime soon, not until he gets a better offer somewhere.
Such a shame for us and the game who have to put up with his biased dealings and decisions.