It was Des all along coaching thread

Who do you think will be coaching us next year?

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I think Barrett will now seek a release. he doesn't want to be here unless he doesn't have somewhere else to go. I could see this becoming a poker game...who flinches first. I think Barrett erred by stating he would leave in July. Otherwise he would have Manly stuck with the full contract
I hope the Turbo boys and other Barrett fans actually realise that this bloke was/is prepared to walk out of them mid-season 2019 in July. I have never heard of this before. How can the bloke claim to have the best interest of his young players and at the same time be prepared to ditch them mid-season?
This timing grates me more than all the yeah/nahs, stunned mullet looks, hair gel and the 'yeah, we need to better'.
The sooner he goes the better.
No more beer bonding and strip clubs. Time to bond by redeveloping the Manly culture and winning on the footy field.
I love these couple of paragraphs in that article.

The development comes as Manly enjoy an amazing off-season recruitment drive. Manly has endured the biggest clean-out — on and off the field — in the club’s long and successful history.

The Sea Eagles have recruited brilliantly, buying Lewis Brown, Nathan Green, Isaac John, Apisai Koroisau, Darcy Lussick, Tim Moltzen, Nate Myles, Matt Parcell, Martin Taupau and former rising rugby union star Tom Wright for next season.
Tim Moltzon and Nate Myles...... wow
The only reason he didn't perform or get the team to perform is because of those bloody demountables. Hopefully Dessie can show him how it's done and will coach the team from a tent.

If this is the case, then Hasler and Penn can settle their differences by burying the hatchet and smoking the peace pipe.

* I apologise for any offence caused.
A simple solution to the Barrett issue would be to keep him on leave with pay until he does something that could be fairly construed as a breach of contract, then tear it up.

Hey Ryan, I do not think my renewing my membership or anyone else doing the same is lining Penn's pocket, we believe the very opposite to that, rather supporting the "team" we follow. The club does not break even, in fact it runs at a loss to the tune of $1.5m every year, my money supports my team not Penn or his holidays thank you very much.
As for the sale of the leagues club land or any other profit he makes, that is entirely separate matter, and has a whole lot of other restriction and conditions were are not privy too.
You have a right to choose to be a member or not, you have a right to your opinion, but please don't try to tell me or anyone else who are supporting our club through membership that we are suckers and just lining Penns pocket.

You expect Penn to pump in millions, from what source it does not matter, you expect Penn to cover deadwood cost of just paying out 6 months, $350K , for a coach that did not perform and is walking along with all the other BS that goes with it, you want him to stump up with all the cash despite his own ego, put the principle aside for the betterment of the Team, yet you won't renew for be a member based on those exact same lines.

I have not and would not critic you for those thoughts, that is your right, sometimes I agree with your passionate points ,you can criticise the Penns as much as you like, but please do not insinuate that anyone who is renewing or becoming a member is doing anything other than simply supporting the team they love.
Lining Penn's pocket my ass.
Hey Ryan, I do not think my renewing my membership or anyone else doing the same is lining Penn's pocket, we believe the very opposite to that, rather supporting the "team" we follow. The club does not break even, in fact it runs at a loss to the tune of $1.5m every year, my money supports my team not Penn or his holidays thank you very much.
As for the sale of the leagues club land or any other profit he makes, that is entirely separate matter, and has a whole lot of other restriction and conditions were are not privy too.
You have a right to choose to be a member or not, you have a right to your opinion, but please don't try to tell me or anyone else who are supporting our club through membership that we are suckers and just lining Penns pocket.

You expect Penn to pump in millions, from what source it does not matter, you expect Penn to cover deadwood cost of just paying out 6 months, $350K , for a coach that did not perform and is walking along with all the other BS that goes with it, you want him to stump up with all the cash despite his own ego, put the principle aside for the betterment of the Team, yet you won't renew for be a member based on those exact same lines.

I have not and would not critic you for those thoughts, that is your right, sometimes I agree with your passionate points ,you can criticise the Penns as much as you like, but please do not insinuate that anyone who is renewing or becoming a member is doing anything other than simply supporting the team they love.
Lining Penn's pocket my ass.

Yet you're here talking for, and on behalf of everyone as well, apparently. Speak for yourself, not "the gang". There are also many who feel the way I do. Disagree with me (fine), but don't attempt to bully by suggesting you have the backing of your roadcrew. This isn't Mad Max.

Now I've been a member, season ticket holder since day dot. That also includes Corporate Sponsorship at times, and the potential of a major sponsorship under previous management.

Secondly, Penn CHOSE to acquire an asset, that includes a profit and loss / balance sheet. Part of that balance sheet is goodwill. In order to keep the goodwill healthy, you need to provide an appetising product, or the goodwill diminishes (which it presently is), hence the NRL' s heads commentary (and many other highly positioned people) suggesting we be rellocated.

The perception of our club is at an all time low. That's not indicative of a product sponsors would be lining up to get on board with. We need to flush the negative, and start progressing. Surely that's not too hard for you to get on board with, surely?

I personally disagree with 99% of people here and think Barrett is a good coach. I admire him for demanding better conditions / environment for our players and club. I stand by that.

But, that's over now, so the club (Penn) has to reach in his wallet, and payout Barrett / Cartwright before front office salary cap restrictions come into place.

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say about the money Penn received from the sale of the Leagues club. Anything that happens with the club / current owners is out of Penn's hands now. He has his coin.

Therefore, he should stump up. I didn't offer to buy the club, Rick / Scott did .If they don't want to service their vehicle, sell it to someone who does. In that instance (especially how he treated legends like Tooves), no, I don't want to buy my $750 a season ticket and line his pocket, while he keeps the purse string tight. If you want to go ahead and do that, fine. In the end, Membership is a nominal percentage of turnover anyway. If there's a shortfall, then the person who decided to buy, create and sustain the asset absolutely needs to stump up the shortfall. If that means Penn has to pay an extra $750, great.

If / when he shows commitment to improving the place, I'll absolutely renew, and promised the membership team that. Until then, Penn isn't buying any glasses of champagne on his overseas holiday on me.
You expect Penn to pump in millions, from what source it does not matter, you expect Penn to cover deadwood cost of just paying out 6 months, $350K , for a coach that did not perform and is walking along with all the other BS that goes with it, you want him to stump up with all the cash despite his own ego.
And right there you've described what it is to own a footy team: a rich boy's vanity project.
Like a yacht but with profile and more moving parts.
Yet you're here talking for, and on behalf of everyone as well, apparently. Speak for yourself, not "the gang". There are also many who feel the way I do. Disagree with me (fine), but don't attempt to bully by suggesting you have the backing of your roadcrew. This isn't Mad Max.

Now I've been a member, season ticket holder since day dot. That also includes Corporate Sponsorship at times, and the potential of a major sponsorship under previous management.

Secondly, Penn CHOSE to acquire an asset, that includes a profit and loss / balance sheet. Part of that balance sheet is goodwill. In order to keep the goodwill healthy, you need to provide an appetising product, or the goodwill diminishes (which it presently is), hence the NRL' s heads commentary (and many other highly positioned people) suggesting we be rellocated.

The perception of our club is at an all time low. That's not indicative of a product sponsors would be lining up to get on board with. We need to flush the negative, and start progressing. Surely that's not too hard for you to get on board with, surely?

I personally disagree with 99% of people here and think Barrett is a good coach. I admire him for demanding better conditions / environment for our players and club. I stand by that.

But, that's over now, so the club (Penn) has to reach in his wallet, and payout Barrett / Cartwright before front office salary cap restrictions come into place.

I have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say about the money Penn received from the sale of the Leagues club. Anything that happens with the club / current owners is out of Penn's hands now. He has his coin.

Therefore, he should stump up. I didn't offer to buy the club, Rick / Scott did .If they don't want to service their vehicle, sell it to someone who does. In that instance (especially how he treated legends like Tooves), no, I don't want to buy my $750 a season ticket and line his pocket, while he keeps the purse string tight. If you want to go ahead and do that, fine. In the end, Membership is a nominal percentage of turnover anyway. If there's a shortfall, then the person who decided to buy, create and sustain the asset absolutely needs to stump up the shortfall. If that means Penn has to pay an extra $750, great.

If / when he shows commitment to improving the place, I'll absolutely renew, and promised the membership team that. Until then, Penn isn't buying any glasses of champagne on his overseas holiday on me.

Ryan, don't play the bully card mate, how am I doing that ? I have no issue at all with your opinion on the Penn's or your stance on your own membership, in fact you will not get an argument out of me for your passionate thoughts on those topics, I give you nothing but respect for that, so please don't you dare say I am bullying you, in fact by your comments in could be considered entirely the opposite.

I am not speaking for everyone, I never said I was, I am speaking on behalf of those LIKE me have rejoined who take offense to YOU telling everyone that who joins or rejoins as members are simply lining Penns pocket. We are supporting our team the way we want.

I do not give a rats ass if you join or not whatever your arguments, certainly don't try to tell me I am a sucker for lining penns pocket. I have not called you anything, I have not deliberately went out of my way to personally attack you, yet here you are calling me a bully and for what FMD.

As for the rest its just a circle a merry go round of sam old same old so would be just repeating ad nauseam
And right there you've described what it is to own a footy team: a rich boy's vanity project.
Like a yacht but with profile and more moving parts.

Exactly. But be warned, this view may set you against "everyone else" 😉

And what is the problem ?
That Rich boys project originally saved the club with a much needed Injection, I am talking about the original partnership and not the take over before you get you knickers in a knot.
When I called to stop my family auto renew last week I did it for one reason and that is because it is the only way that I can make a point that I am not happy with the direction of the club. When the nice lady in membership asked why? I just said I am waiting for the coaching announcement and if it's Cartwrong or some other dud I wont renew and I wont renew only because it is one small way that I make my voice heard...... I'll still go to games, I'll still follow Manly .....
You expect Penn to pump in millions,

What was he expecting when he bought the club? The fact it costs millions wasn't a secret, he wasn't happy with being a co-owner he agitated for sole ownership he than achieved it and now seems to struggle to come up with the funds for anything. He cut the soul out of our club and has been in charge when the club has lurched from one disaster to another and now at 1 minute to midnight with no crowds and the few members we have bailing out(or putting on hold) he go's back to a manly man in Des.
The only reason he is even entertaining Des is he realises the club is in a mess not because he believes what we believe that Manly needs Manly people. I agree I wouldn't want to pay Barrett a cent but sometimes you have to suck it up and say I made a bad decision employing this clown and I'm not going to compound it and do damage to my brand by keeping him around. That's what I expect from an owner and a leader of our club.
When I called to stop my family auto renew last week I did it for one reason and that is because it is the only way that I can make a point that I am not happy with the direction of the club. When the nice lady in membership asked why? I just said I am waiting for the coaching announcement and if it's Cartwrong or some other dud I wont renew and I wont renew only because it is one small way that I make my voice heard...... I'll still go to games, I'll still follow Manly .....

You are and have every right to that, if that is how you feel, I applaud you for making that stance, I imagine it is nt an easy one to make, and its the same for my renewal, I believe there are some good people in the club, I want to support by renewing, I do not expect to be told I am sucker for lining Penn's pocket because of my decision.

Edit --- You did so but you didn't come on here and insinuate everyone else who has renewed as being suckers for lining Penn's pockets.
That is the difference mate
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Ryan, don't play the bully card mate, how am I doing that ? I have no issue at all with your opinion on the Penn's or your stance on your own membership, in fact you will not get an argument out of me for your passionate thoughts on those topics, I give you nothing but respect for that, so please don't you dare say I am bullying you, in fact by your comments in could be considered entirely the opposite.

I am not speaking for everyone, I never said I was, I am speaking on behalf of those LIKE me have rejoined who take offense to YOU telling everyone that who joins or rejoins as members are simply lining Penns pocket. We are supporting our team the way we want.

I do not give a rats ass if you join or not whatever your arguments, certainly don't try to tell me I am a sucker for lining penns pocket. I have not called you anything, I have not deliberately went out of my way to personally attack you, yet here you are calling me a bully and for what FMD.

As for the rest its just a circle a merry go round of sam old same old so would be just repeating ad nauseam
If you disagree with me, disagree. That's fine. Happy to debate. There are others that agree with your point, there's others that agree with mine, but that's their perogative to say / debate.

We are individuals. I don't talk on behalf of anyone.

That's all.

If there is a shortfall in the P&L for the business, where does it come from? Your membership is income there. Therefore, your membership absolutely goes into Scott Penn's pockets, sorry.
What was he expecting when he bought the club? The fact it costs millions wasn't a secret, he wasn't happy with being a co-owner he agitated for sole ownership he than achieved it and now seems to struggle to come up with the funds for anything. He cut the soul out of our club and has been in charge when the club has lurched from one disaster to another and now at 1 minute to midnight with no crowds and the few members we have bailing out(or putting on hold) he go's back to a manly man in Des.
The only reason he is even entertaining Des is he realises the club is in a mess not because he believes what we believe that Manly needs Manly people. I agree I wouldn't want to pay Barrett a cent but sometimes you have to suck it up and say I made a bad decision employing this clown and I'm not going to compound it and do damage to my brand by keeping him around. That's what I expect from an owner and a leader of our club.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner. Wish I could winner that more than once.
What was he expecting when he bought the club? The fact it costs millions wasn't a secret, he wasn't happy with being a co-owner he agitated for sole ownership he than achieved it and now seems to struggle to come up with the funds for anything. He cut the soul out of our club and has been in charge when the club has lurched from one disaster to another and now at 1 minute to midnight with no crowds and the few members we have bailing out(or putting on hold) he go's back to a manly man in Des.
The only reason he is even entertaining Des is he realises the club is in a mess not because he believes what we believe that Manly needs Manly people. I agree I wouldn't want to pay Barrett a cent but sometimes you have to suck it up and say I made a bad decision employing this clown and I'm not going to compound it and do damage to my brand by keeping him around. That's what I expect from an owner and a leader of our club.

I am not defending Penn, he has Fkd up big time along the way and the way in which the take over was handled and everything else along the way I know that, everyone does. My stance is not with or against Penn.
My stance is purely of others trying to imply that anyone with a different view and deciding to join or renew to support and I again say TEAM, that somehow that equates to lining Penns pocket and then banging on about how much the Penns make as a profit bla bla bla bla when the club makes a loss each and every year.
He bought it, he knew he was losing money and would like to limit the loss, whats wrong with that. Yes he has fkd up, but people want him to sell...who too ?

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