I personally love the innovative jersey and also fully support the cause for Kids with Cerebal Palsy. Obviously its a mixed bag in regards to our fan bases reaction to the jersey and everyone is allowed their own opinion on them good or bad.
While I absolutely believe in tradition and heritage, I also embrace moving with the times and evolution. This being a one off promotion means its unique and should be viewed as such. I'm sure everyone understands why the Wolverine character and colour design was used with the Hugh Jackman connection.
Something interesting I did note was my 12 year old son is a huge "Incredible Hulk" fan. Now while he supports Manly like his old man, I told him he could only buy 1 Marvel Superhero jersey. Due to the fact he already has 3 Manly jerseys I thought he probably chooses the Canberra jersey being it's a Hulk themed jersey and looks pretty cool too. Well to my surprise he said while he loves the Canberra Hulk jersey, he still wants the Manly jersey because no matter what the COLOUR or DESIGN he is loyal to his team.
This really reminded me that its not about the jersey, but loyalty to our team no matter what they wear or look like.
However at the end of the day, I guess people will purely like it or dislike the jersey simply from a fashion standpoint. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder is the saying that comes to mind lol.
Either way I think the most important part about tonight besides the charitable side of things is getting a W. Always has been and always will be!!!