Hasler's trail of carnage split club

All I'm saying is we need to distinguish between people that have good intentions and people who don't.

For all his flaws, peters bleeds the club. Your probably right, no one would take him, but that's because he's so manly no one would even consider him. Despite the fact his best days are behind him.

And you know what, he has some idea, otherwise he wouldn't have involved in the media for so long if he didn't.

I thought des was that way too. I'm a very vocal manly fan, working in the west and living in the east. Not many of us around in those places, so you could imagine the crap that was served during that time.

Anyway, when it all started to fall apart, I'd be telling people,

'des is manly through and through, he's only using this as a ploy to extend his contract as the board would just assume he'd be there forever', just like with cliffy in the day. At the end of each contract it looked like he was leaving, but, his loyalty was to bozo an the club and he stayed.

If des loved the club as much as we thought, he would have stayed.

That's it for me on him, great coach but his manly connection is tainted, for now.
What a crock of Shiite.

Sheep! Sheep! Sheep!

People in crowds behave just like sheep, blindly following one or two people who seem to know where they are going or what they are saying. It takes a minority of people the so called "informed individuals" to influence the direction of a few and soon after the remainder of the crowd just follow without realising it.

Jonesyv2, pretty big defamatory statement that Hasler wanted a media fight when he has remained silent throughout the whole sorry saga or maybe, just maybe that is how it was intended it to be seen, try to discredit and shift blame.

Sorry I just won’t buy it, there is more than meets the eye and I doubt that the truth will ever be made public but then again if all parties have a clear conscious why don’t they honestly come out and state what roll they all played in the proceedings that occurred in the sorry affair.

In my eyes it’s a black, black day for our once proud club NO winners and only losers from this. I hope the club will recover from it as you can only take a certain amount of kicks in the guts before you stay out for the count.

It’s laughable how majority of the forum posters will all discredit the Telegraph yet you take for gospel what comes out of the Herald.

There has been no good at all from this sordid saga, it has damaged the good name of the club and have put the faithful fans through nothing but pure hell.

If we truly want a clean slate and start fresh and move forwarded then we need all involved parties to walk. Hasler has now gone so you also need a cleanout at the other end of town. The board and owners need to do the right thing by the club as they are no bigger than the club themselves, they need to walk away. Penn should consider selling his shares and current members from the football and Sea Eagles board should also consider stepping down and bring through fresh blood with modern idea’s and with the ability of being able to raise capital and secure the longevity of the club.

Now before anyone jumps down my back, I am not rubbishing any individual except calling for fresh faces and modern idea’s, people with true business acumen, the people that are currently there have done a job but possible do not have that edge to takes us to the next level.
OneEyedEagle said:
People in crowds behave just like sheep, blindly following one or two people who seem to know where they are going or what they are saying. It takes a minority of people the so called "informed individuals" to influence the direction of a few and soon after the remainder of the crowd just follow without realising it.

And that is exactly what's been happening, the "sheep" believing everything coming from Dean Ritchie's pen.

Finally the board is "hitting back" and now we are accused of being "sheep" believing that.

Des's actions today prove everything, he's not backing down because it's the "right thing to do" he's backing down because he knows he's screwed.

If that makes me a "sheep"...then....Baaaaa
OneEyedEagle said:
If we truly want a clean slate and start fresh and move forwarded then we need all involved parties to walk. Hasler has now gone so you also need a cleanout at the other end of town. The board and owners need to do the right thing by the club as they are no bigger than the club themselves, they need to walk away. Penn should consider selling his shares and current members from the football and Sea Eagles board should also consider stepping down and bring through fresh blood with modern idea’s and with the ability of being able to raise capital and secure the longevity of the club.

Who should Penn sell his shares to? The talk of URM buying into the club was just paper talk, which you said yourself cannot be trusted. Also why should it be Penn who sells out, what proof do you have that he is the problem?

You call people sheep, yet I'm assuming all of your information comes from the media as well. How do you know what is needed at the club?

I think everyone on here is just venting anger at Hasler for leaving. At the end of the day if Hasler really was Manly through and through, and he wanted to stay at the club, he could have.
Mark from Brisbane said:
OneEyedEagle said:
People in crowds behave just like sheep, blindly following one or two people who seem to know where they are going or what they are saying. It takes a minority of people the so called "informed individuals" to influence the direction of a few and soon after the remainder of the crowd just follow without realising it.

And that is exactly what's been happening, the "sheep" believing everything coming from Dean Ritchie's pen.

Finally the board is "hitting back" and now we are accused of being "sheep" believing that.

Des's actions today prove everything, he's not backing down because it's the "right thing to do" he's backing down because he knows he's screwed.

If that makes me a "sheep"...then....Baaaaa

I'm with you.

We only ever heard one side......the telecrap side which NEVER made sense. Now we hear the smh side which covers the emails that scott penn said he had as evidence.

I'll be a sheep too as these emails are obviously the ones scott penn was referring to.

There was always 2 sides to the story, now we have them and the "other side" aren't happy!
I can understand why the board didn't want to release anything earlier....it was in the hope that things would be amicable.....as Jonesey says "Des wanted a "media war", well he got it AND at the VERY first piece of proof released what does he do...."stand and fight"....or "retreat with his doggies tail between his legs"....his actions today are VERY VERY telling.

And every single one of the "other side" on this forum owe, Jonesey, Vidmar, Bob Reilly and the MWSE board a big apology.

I am not saying that the board haven't made mistakes, they have but none of them have deserved the crap thrown at them on this forum over the last month.

I tried to sit on the fence over this period, I had my suspicions, and had heard some rumours but I never made a final judgment until today.

And Des Hasler made that for me!!
Mark from Brisbane said:
Finally the board is "hitting back" and now we are accused of being "sheep" believing that.

Des's actions today prove everything, he's not backing down because it's the "right thing to do" he's backing down because he knows he's screwed.

If that makes me a "sheep"...then....Baaaaa

Mark, maybe Des is not pursuing action as he cares about the club, I may be naive but I very much doubt that.

Maybe Des is not the money hungry grub that certain elements are trying to make him out to be. I'm not about to rubbish him over his intensions and I am not going to rubbish anyone else either yet there are unanswered underlying issue's that caused the sordid state of affairs.

I don't believe that the board is entirely innocent, they are no angels.

The only way to have any good from all of this is that all parties involved walk away. They need to go, the club needs a detox, it needs new blood and can no longer survive on the good old boys mentality.

Let me ask you this question, why isn’t the club back in a strong finically position, how many more years is it going to take.

mcatt, it is not for me to dictate who Penn sells his shares to.

I have no alignment to the board or to Des, my only alignment is to the colours and ensuring we continue to play in the NRL.

I have no inside knowledge of what has happened yet I can confidently state that no good at all has come from it. I appreciate Des for what he has accomplished and I am devastated that he is taking a successful coaching program to another club however I am not going to sit here like many and lay the boot solely into Des.

Way way to much has gone on to solely blame Des.

We have no proof that Des has been leaking to the media yet jonesy has openly admitted that the board has had to hit back. From my point of view tit for tat is childish.

I have never personally meet nor do I know jonesy or vidmar and I will not cast dispersion or question their creditability, personally I think they are great solid bunch of supporters in a difficult situation and they each have their own opinions to which they are entitled to.

I am not asking anyone to accept my point of view all I am doing is exercising free speech and expressing what my view is and where I stand on the matter.
Matabele said:
ManlyBacker said:
In many ways I am glad this article came out. It doesn't show Des in a good light and might put something to bed for all of us, but my mistrusting personality has doubts. My issue with it is the taking of only parts of emails or performance reviews and publishing them without anyone knowing the context of where they came or previous discussions held or whether they are accurate, and really leaving no genuine right of reply. It seems gutless to me. I'm not saying that isn't the closure we have been seeking and it might all be above board and here's the proof. I just don't see why it couldn't have been done as a club release rather than delivered in an underhanded way.

In fairness to the Board, they can't release these kind of things (if they are legitimate) in an official media release while there is the prospect of legal action. And employee confidentiality issues would also stand in the way of it.

However, it would be fascinating to know how this made its way to the SMH. And it would be unfortunate if it hardens Hasler's resolve to have his day in Court.

Des's not taking it to court. That was in another article.
One little aside that is in the paper but missing from the article above, is this exchange with Lowe during the review

Lowe: Are you aware that at times you behave in a hostile manner towards some not on your own staff ?

Des: No. Do you want me to smile more ? Will that do it ?..

mcatt said:
OneEyedEagle said:
If we truly want a clean slate and start fresh and move forwarded then we need all involved parties to walk. Hasler has now gone so you also need a cleanout at the other end of town. The board and owners need to do the right thing by the club as they are no bigger than the club themselves, they need to walk away. Penn should consider selling his shares and current members from the football and Sea Eagles board should also consider stepping down and bring through fresh blood with modern idea’s and with the ability of being able to raise capital and secure the longevity of the club.

Who should Penn sell his shares to? The talk of URM buying into the club was just paper talk, which you said yourself cannot be trusted. Also why should it be Penn who sells out, what proof do you have that he is the problem?

You call people sheep, yet I'm assuming all of your information comes from the media as well. How do you know what is needed at the club?

I think everyone on here is just venting anger at Hasler for leaving. At the end of the day if Hasler really was Manly through and through, and he wanted to stay at the club, he could have.

In addition who says the Board is to fault at all? After reading that article I'm starting to think that they didn't want Des but wanted to keep it as private as possible. Unfortunately all the dirty laundry was being aired from one side so they had to even it up a bit.

I still can't believe it. How can someone stab one of their good mates in the back like that?
Gee yeh why we are getting ride of the owners and board why dont we get new players also. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water.

There is no one looking to buy in at this stage. I have not been a huge of Penn but he is paying the bills.

Maybe Des did not speak in public but who else within Manly could of got any benefit from all the crap in the telecrap? The only other possiable party who could benefit from all those reports in the TC would be the dogs who would of needed to get info from somewhere.

Des also never came out and said it was nto true? If someone started saying things like that about me and it was not true I would of made a statement saying itis a load of crap. But he never did.
Jono said:

In addition who says the Board is to fault at all? After reading that article I'm starting to think that they didn't want Des but wanted to keep it as private as possible. Unfortunately all the dirty laundry was being aired from one side so they had to even it up a bit.

I still can't believe it. How can someone stab one of their good mates in the back like that?

I am not blaming or laying the boot into the board either Jono, all I am saying is we the supporters have lost in all of this.

By no means at all were the board angels either in the whole fiasco, it should never have got to this stage.

Even more importantly we need fresh blood now so that we can move on. Coach is gone, time for a new board and owner with fresh ideas, different direction.
OneEyedEagle said:
Mark, maybe Des is not pursuing action as he cares about the club, I may be naive but I very much doubt that.

Maybe Des is not the money hungry grub that certain elements are trying to make him out to be. I'm not about to rubbish him over his intensions and I am not going to rubbish anyone else either yet there are unanswered underlying issue's that caused the sordid state of affairs.

I don't believe that the board is entirely innocent, they are no angels.

The only way to have any good from all of this is that all parties involved walk away. They need to go, the club needs a detox, it needs new blood and can no longer survive on the good old boys mentality.

Let me ask you this question, why isn’t the club back in a strong finically position, how many more years is it going to take.


Way way to much has gone on to solely blame Des.

We have no proof that Des has been leaking to the media yet jonesy has openly admitted that the board has had to hit back. From my point of view tit for tat is childish.

I have never personally meet nor do I know jonesy or vidmar and I will not cast dispersion or question their creditability, personally I think they are great solid bunch of supporters in a difficult situation and they each have their own opinions to which they are entitled to.

I am not asking anyone to accept my point of view all I am doing is exercising free speech and expressing what my view is and where I stand on the matter.

1) Yes we do have proof that he wanted a war through the media: the 3 statements Des has released since leaving to the Dogs were released to the media. That means he wanted to fight this through the media.

2) The club brought David Perry in to get us financially stable. He started back in June this year so how is he going to do this overnight? You are asking a bit much there. In addition, you wanted us to keep Des but to do so would have put us in financial ruin. What do you want, Des, or the club to be financially stable? I'd take the latter thank you.

3)Even in Des's statement he mentions that it was about the money. Therefore, the money grabbing is EXACTLY why he left. The SMH article just solidifies this.

What I'd like to know from you is, what has the Board done wrong to warrant them having to not only give up their positions, but to also give up ownership of this club?

I think Penn has dealt with this very well. You talk about supporting the club but in another paragraph you are saying that we should get rid of the people who pump the money into the club in the first place. Money doesn't grow on trees.

If what SMH is saying is true, then the Board had every right to NOT want to extend Des's contract.
This is all very well sprouting we need a new board and new owners but I dont think there are too many multi millionaires knocking down our doors to sink millions into a football club with litle chance of a monetary return. Getting highly experience business people onto our board who also are dedicated Manly people may not be as easy as you think. It takes a lot of a persons time and effort to be on the board with little thanks or financial gain out of it.
Oh, OK then One-eyed, I'll just go over to the Emirates and get ourselves a new owner. Easy peasy. And while I'm there I'll get myself a new board. I happen to know a whole conga line of billionaires wanting to own a rugby league club. Simple really. NOT...Get a grip my man. The owner and board will see us through this current malaise and we will rise like the phoenix. All power to the Toovs.
Im starting to wonder now if Zorba's been made to look like a bad Media Manager because Des had him silenced and probably threw a tantrum if he wrote any press releases. Wow Des really controlled everything i only hope that that isnt what it takes for us to win premierships. All strange very strange???
I still think there is something rotten in the club. However, it certainly seems like Des was a big part of the problem. I must say some of the stuff in the article came as a shock. I don't think we will ever get the full story. I do have no doubt that Des was guilty of breaches of his employment contract, even without all the facts it was pretty obvious.
OneEyedEagle said:
What a crock of Shiite.

Sheep! Sheep! Sheep!

People in crowds behave just like sheep, blindly following one or two people who seem to know where they are going or what they are saying. It takes a minority of people the so called "informed individuals" to influence the direction of a few and soon after the remainder of the crowd just follow without realising it.

Jonesyv2, pretty big defamatory statement that Hasler wanted a media fight when he has remained silent throughout the whole sorry saga or maybe, just maybe that is how it was intended it to be seen, try to discredit and shift blame.

Sorry I just won’t buy it, there is more than meets the eye and I doubt that the truth will ever be made public but then again if all parties have a clear conscious why don’t they honestly come out and state what roll they all played in the proceedings that occurred in the sorry affair.

In my eyes it’s a black, black day for our once proud club NO winners and only losers from this. I hope the club will recover from it as you can only take a certain amount of kicks in the guts before you stay out for the count.

It’s laughable how majority of the forum posters will all discredit the Telegraph yet you take for gospel what comes out of the Herald.

There has been no good at all from this sordid saga, it has damaged the good name of the club and have put the faithful fans through nothing but pure hell.

If we truly want a clean slate and start fresh and move forwarded then we need all involved parties to walk. Hasler has now gone so you also need a cleanout at the other end of town. The board and owners need to do the right thing by the club as they are no bigger than the club themselves, they need to walk away. Penn should consider selling his shares and current members from the football and Sea Eagles board should also consider stepping down and bring through fresh blood with modern idea’s and with the ability of being able to raise capital and secure the longevity of the club.

Now before anyone jumps down my back, I am not rubbishing any individual except calling for fresh faces and modern idea’s, people with true business acumen, the people that are currently there have done a job but possible do not have that edge to takes us to the next level.

Mate I don't know what article you were reading but it is painfully obvious the Club supplied the SMH with the material.
Certain members of the Board did NOT want Des to stay at Manly and at the Awards night in 2010 I was personally told by a Board member "we have to get rid of Des" and when I asked why was told "he is too controlling". I was gobsmacked at the time but now it all makes sense. Whilst I don't condone what Des has done in any way I certainly don't see why we should "apologise" to the board as they were obvoiusly making it very difficult for Des to stay at Manly in the first place. why did G Lowe say he wouldn't support him for an extension beyond 2012? Because he sided with certain board members that wanted him gone. Obviously any negotiations between Des and the Board were always going to be difficult and he must have known he wasnt fully supported by them and not wanted after 2012 so you can hardly blame him for going to another club (just wish it wasnt the Dogs).
All of this happening over the last week has shifted the focus back onto Des as the main culprit. I still think the Board have a lot to answer for over this whole saga. What concerns me now is the players and how this will impact them.

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