I was intrigued by calls of knowing the facts so went to check it out. These figures are in some ways difficult to find as both governments love to hide where the bucks come from.
Allowing for slightly different figures (Feds – 2003, NSW - forecast 2004) this is the picture:
The Federal govt:
Collects Australia wide 185 Billion (185,000 Million).
They get this from:
Individuals 49%
Companies 17%
GST 16%
Excise 11%
Super 3%
Other 4%
It is almost impossible to find out which States they collect it from (I think this is absolutely deliberate) and it would also be slanted by the fact that company tax would be taken as where the Head Office is based.
NSW Govt:
Collects 15.5B from NSW people
They get this from:
Duties 40% - Property transfers, property and mortgage duties, leases, vendor tax
Pay-roll tax 37%
Land tax 10%
Gaming 7%
Other 6%
NSW revenues total 38,651M (incl tax and commonwealth grants of approx. 18,500M, 2,900M from interest and other)
NSW expenses (spend) total 38,088M
Leaving a surplus of 563M
As far as I can tell the ATO collects GST of 10,361M from NSW and the Feds hand back 9.234M. So for every dollar collected we see 89%.
I know the figures don’t quite add up but they are close to what happens. Anyone who has better ones I would be very interested.
<span class='smallblacktext'>[ Edited Tue Mar 01 2005, 10:34AM ]</span>