Greta Thunberg

Cant stand Greta and her bull**** , not worth wasting time on.
as for all the other things after that , well .............
All i can say population control over the globe is what's needed , but nobody will go there , simply there is too many people on the planet .
Me done on this topic cheers
Look TBH Isz the vaccine via real world experience , not alleged (mostly incorrect) modeling has yielded the following results ...
You take the vaccine and you don't get COVID and if you do get it , you are 97% less likely to end up anywhere near a hospital because of it , and you are less likely to spread it as well.So that is a simple and easy proposition to comprehend.Further most of us have had vaccines from birth measles mumps etc and going back in time TB and polio were compulsory at one point.One thing I find interesting is that many of the anti vaxxers out there are massive on social media showing off their smooth foreheads and pumped up lips full of Botox and various other chemicals yet there is no railing against those ,no cancelling of the various peddlers of those chemicals etc ,no all the effort is put into haranguing those that believe in trying to save a few lives by taking a vaccine that is no better or worse than the flu shot or indeed botox filler or whatever .

Now for climate change the difference here is that it is more of a cult than a science.An example is the Bob Brown caravan of climate complainers who had the means and the time to travel up from Tasmania all the way up to the Adani mine to protest about it and try to get it closed down and put the people involved in it out of work.Who has the time ,money and the arrogance to think that is their right ,to take away someone else's right to work and provide for their family ?? Answer ? someone who is just hanging off the government breast sucking all the financial nutrition that productive people with real jobs have contributed to, that then allows the idle the luxury to protest against the active. Disgraceful is one word I would use to describe that scenario

There are many scientific voices out there who do not agree with the alleged 97% of scientists (there is also a story behind that 97% figure) that say climate change needs all these taxes and subsidies paid by ordinary people to ultimately rich(mostly overseas) people to change the temperature of the planet . Have a look at Ian Plymer , Bjorn Lomberg etc to get the other side .

MFB's farm story tells it exactly like it is and is the best metaphor for the argument ,as the climate is changing all the time and has been since time began,its a fact of life
Temperatures rainfalls etc are always moving as Dorothy Mackellar said we are a sunburnt country of sweeping plains ,droughts and flooding rains (or words to that effect) .
I have already had my say on the hoax that climate change is so I wont re visit it , all I'll say is further evidence of the scam is that know one can tell you how much the temperature will change if we got to net zero or what ever figure is chosen ,nor how much it would cost in jobs wages etc its akin to the great Tulip bulb mania of the 1600's.If we go down this track it will be like turkey's voting for Thanks Giving !
Everyone believes in a clean environment that's why you don't have people throwing **** out their car window anymore or factories pumping luminous factory droppings into the rivers etc like they did 50 or 60 years ago the world is actually cleaner in the main than it was then.
If they were really serious about getting rid of our clean coal (that by the way helps to pay for job keepers,job seekers , schools , hospitals etc etc ) then modular nuclear is the answer as it will provide reliable base load which so called highly highly subsidized renewable s and their "batteries" cannot.
That battery in Adelaide apparently can power less than 7 % of the homes in SA for 30 minutes so long as they don't want to put the AC on or have a hot shower .
Food for thought , some would hopefully say.
Anyway enough , its going to be a long off season
This is where we disagree

I do not put as much value on real world or personal experience as it is not quantifiable (the old survey of one) - it us up there with the people who hold up snow and say it is not an example of climate change.

Anyway the purpose of my questioning was to try understand not attempt to convert to my point of view.
This is where we disagree

I do not put as much value on real world or personal experience as it is not quantifiable (the old survey of one) - it us up there with the people who hold up snow and say it is not an example of climate change.

Anyway the purpose of my questioning was to try understand not attempt to convert to my point of view.
fair enough Isz ,if you want quantifiable then please look at the Plimer or Lomberg books ,other than MFB's farm story (i'd argue that a farm record meticulously kept over 150 years by farmers whose lives depend on the weather would be an accurate summary of the situation for that area) , figures quoted in the post are largely quantifiable and then laced with my own special brand of common sense .
You must know this to be true 🙂
perpetuate the myth of global warming/climate change/wealth re-distribution model
Haha what has wealth distribution got to do with the question: whether or not the world's fossil fuel consumption is on the verge of making the planet uninhabitable for humans? Either it is or it isn't.

Temperatures rainfalls etc are always moving as Dorothy Mackellar said
OK that's a pretty strong argument right there. You win.
Genuine answer , 90% no 10% maybe.

My family are farmers and have been since 1870.

My grandfather , father , brother and now his son have recorded the rainfall and the temperatures for 151 years.

Let me tell you it goes in cycles , hotter summers , wetter summers , colder summer’s , dryer summers but by averages not a thing has changed.

In my travel business I went to the Maldives in the early 80’s, “ we need money and lots of it because our land will be lost in 10 years “, 40 years later not a thing has changed.

This whole thing is all about a few making a **** load of money , and the rest of us paying for it.

So yes I’m not in any way convinced but 10% of me thinks some things are changing.
My old man comes from a long line of farmers from the Bega/Bodalla areas.
I have heard him quote chapter and verse exactly that.
My beliefs there are more related to a conspiracy theory than science.

By the way I don’t subscribe to the theory that the chinese released it on purpose , I’d suggest they were working on bio weapons ( anyone who thinks they don’t really doesn’t have a grasp on how evil the CCP can be ) and some poor bastard caught it and bingo , away we go!!
Exactly how I see it. Same as saying Iran doesn’t have a nuclear program running.
My old man comes from a long line of farmers from the Bega/Bodalla areas.
I have heard him quote chapter and verse exactly that.
Yep , it’s not one degree hotter ( or colder ) as an average that it was in 1870, and that’s back when my Grandfather only had a horse and cart.

As for rain , when it’s La Niña it’s as wet as anything , when it’s El Niño it’s as dry as all ****.

Hasn’t changed a bit in 151 years.
Can't stomach all that BS ,she is just being used by the cynical left and looney green's to perpetuate the myth of global warming/climate change/wealth re-distribution model i.e from the rich to the richer at the expense of the poor who cant afford to heat their homes or drive their cars. Just look at whats happening in the UK as an example of what will happen to us if we don't get off our arse and fight for whats right .The whole thing is a farce,how many carbons do you think it takes to produce the windmills and solar panels that only last 20 years and what happens to them when they become landfill with all the chemicals etc in them.The Chinese manufacturers will be rich and retired.

If they were really serious re "saving the planet" they would go modular nuclear-- no emmissions ,economic ,power for all under any weather conditions and importantly base load .Affordable and reliable and a job creator not a job destroyer.

But what about Fukashima I hear everyone cry !!!
No one died from anything to do with the nuclear plant despite it being 50 years old and built on a fault line,nothing not even a rash. Chernobyl !!! I hear someone scream ,again the technology and systems deployed were Russian for a start and are now pretty much 70 years old (prehistoric) ,there is no comparison between what can be done now its like comparing what Edison's phonograph did with today's i-phones

Australia's only economic advantage is relatively cheap energy ,as we pay huge wages and have very good conditions.By going down this net zero by 2050 and the general shyster filled track of renewable's we will rob ourselves of that advantage for nothing , for no benefit and loss of jobs .
On top of that if we were really ever to be all renewable and no coal or nuclear we wouldn't have the land mass needed for all the panels and windmills ,we wouldn't be able to feed ourselves because of all the panels and wind mills ,modular nuclear is a no brainer for so many reasons.
Carbon dioxide is 0.04% of the atmosphere and we contribute approx 1.2% of that while China alone contributes 30% with a bullet, and dont mention India or the US or Russia
The height of farce and hypocrisy when the Climate change gab fest conference starts is that if you looked at the Glasgow airport from space the number of private jets on the tarmac would look like rats on the ground. Why can't they do a zoom like the rest of us have had to do for nearly 2 years

My heart really warms when I think of all the billionaires and the elites and various levels of privileged all jetting into Glasgow to save the planet ,I mean really you cant make this up .

Anyway you got me started on this MFB ,no doubt it will be pitch forks and flaming torches for this climate heresy I will be howled down, ridiculed ,derided as a climate denier ,burnt at the cross ,you get the drift but I feel we are really being sold down the river with this for what benefit ? I cannot fathom.

Finally It tells you all you need to know about Glasgow and the whole climate change hoax in general when the likes of Rudd and Turnbull (who are joint winners of the worst Prime ministers in history) are going to be in attendance and are big supporters of it .Fact storm over !!

As always Go Manly
100 percent correct
On a side note I'd be interested to know what they were using to measure temperature back in 1870?
Thermometers, exactly the same as today.

And rain gauges , exactly the same as today.

My nephew has upgraded significantly with modern technology of course with much of this data automated.

Nevertheless my brother ( a little older than me ) still uses the old gauge and the thermometer on the back veranda.
Interested to hear what her hypocritical ways are? Does she secretly burn coal in her private train?
Flying around to protest meetings , using electric vehicles ( whilst ignoring the catastrophic conditions of child labour to obtain the Lithium), using the latest iPhone , IPad etc ect , drinking her Coca Cola , eating her Maccas and the list goes on.

Whilst demonising anyone not playing to her tune.

Let’s face it , it’s her family behind her , she’s just the “ how dare you “ figurehead.

Seriously she absolutely grates me !!
Flying around to protest meetings , using electric vehicles ( whilst ignoring the catastrophic conditions of child labour to obtain the Lithium), using the latest iPhone , IPad etc ect , drinking her Coca Cola , eating her Maccas and the list goes on.

Whilst demonising anyone not playing to her tune.

Let’s face it , it’s her family behind her , she’s just the “ how dare you “ figurehead.

Seriously she absolutely grates me !!
Australia produced 42,000 tonnes of lithium in 2019, next biggest was Chile with 18,000 then China 7,500. So most likely most of the batteries lithium is Australian.

But seriously you hate her for drinking Coke? She does not look obese or even overweight, has good teeth so I'd suggest she has minimal cola.
The giant hail apparently estimated at around 100 klm per hour falling from the sky . Pretty scary stuff .
Had a giant hail event here yesterday, pictures of our local town getting blasted, hail banked up a foot deep on the road, my house is 5000 metres from town we got gentle rain that freshened the garden, so the sky fell 5km away and we got nothing, its just the luck of the draw my friend.
Australia produced 42,000 tonnes of lithium in 2019, next biggest was Chile with 18,000 then China 7,500. So most likely most of the batteries lithium is Australian.

But seriously you hate her for drinking Coke? She does not look obese or even overweight, has good teeth so I'd suggest she has minimal cola.
No I don’t hate her for drinking Coke , I’m just saying she spouts all this anti everything bull**** but then acts normal herself.

The whole “ you’ve taken my childhood away from me “ crap , and the “ how dare you “ bull****.

Nah sorry , you can love her if you like but I can see through her bull**** !!
Had a giant hail event here yesterday, pictures of our local town getting blasted, hail banked up a foot deep on the road, my house is 5000 metres from town we got gentle rain that freshened the garden, so the sky fell 5km away and we got nothing, its just the luck of the draw my friend.
not questioning any of that , just my local area where hail storms have been far and few between until recently . Late spring and summer temperatures again on the increase the past couple of years , getting a lot more 35 - 36 degree temp days then say a normal 32 - 33 range , had a 33 the other day [ well above average for Oct ] just prior to the record hail . Can"t dispute world wide trends as well , better late then never but have to get the nature and climatic balance going better then it is now anyway like your daughter "s outdoorsy style and certainly her outlook to make the joint a better place with her practices , maybe Greta should take note of that for an example
like your daughter "s outdoorsy style and certainly her outlook to make the joint a better place with her practices ,
Thanks mate, we just need a couple of million more to join in. BTW up on the very outer reef where they go, she jumps into the water to grab turtles amongst plenty of Tiger sharks and Salty crocs, I am scared for her every time.
Given my age Ive had vaccines all my life and back when I was a kid there wasn’t a choice , they rolled up at school and gave you jabs for everything.
Same here except my old man was thirty years in the Navy, we lived all over the world, the Navy innoculated us at every opportunity, then I joined the RAAF who innoculated me at every opportunity,
never got sick, never got asked if I objected.

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