I don’t think Hasler has lost the ‘passion and drive’. If he had, he might have already gone. If anything, he might be worn down by the regular instability around the place.
Ask anyone who is about to, or has reached, retirement age. Des is in that ballpark. It’s easy to appear disinterested to other people. You have reached the point where you just want to retire, in part because you are being told what to do by people young enough to be your children. In turn, they are sometimes lacking the self-awareness to understand that you neither need nor appreciate their ‘career advice’!
Hasler has Mestrov, whose last experience at Brookvale was as a (very junior) part-time first grader. He might turn out to be a great CEO. But right now he looks like he is there to do Penn’s bidding. Then there is Penn. Footballing wise, everything he touches seemingly turns to sh-t.
Imagine being in Hasler’s shoes?