[quote author=Barks]
[quote author=Daniel]
[quote author=Barks]
Not really Daniel. I'd support any Manly coach above Matas or anyone on these forums, unless Des became a Chris Anderson or Max Krilich-like coach.
I wonder when the day will come when we all get tired of the sniping of Silvertails from MSE people....and vice versa.....
It's the 2nd trial....i doubt Des will be using Cherry much this year..so personally I'll wait until round 1 or 2 before i have some concerns.
wow way to completely miss the point. it wasnt about the people it was about the loyalty!
not sure i really understand you, but I guess it can be misleading considering you feel so strongly as to snipe at MSE in your quote.
Out of interest, did you guys try and get the gig of running the manly site?
like you said in a later post you didnt see some of the posts and the ones that were deleted. These were retalitory remarks, the snipe had nothing to do with MSE and all to do with AJ, nothing else and no-one else.
Thanks for the apology later, even if it was back-handed!
No worries dan. 😀 Hope to say hello to Byso and a few of you this saturday.