These clubs make money off players that are in many cases clearly "neurodivergent". They crush it in junior leagues because of their recklessness, that same recklessness is their downfallHe fits the alcoholic mould - just as Curtis does.
Carney had 3 drink driving offences, plus numerous other driving offences, plus numerous other incidents such as setting a mate on fire, and, significantly, repeated failures to comply with programs he agreed to follow.
I've no doubt there were good reasons for this talented guy to develop that awful addiction, and I've no doubt the same applies to Scott.
However it's not really a surprise that clubs, and the NRL, at some stage say enough's enough.
I don't think the addiction is that hard to draw a straight line to, and I am not saying we should then mollycoddle, I do believe clubs need to develop better systems to manage these guys that are paid huge $ before they can regulate their mental faculties