So are Des Hasler and Trent Robinson Numnuts for publicly advocating a flu jab option for N R l players ? Again where is the indisputable medical evidence that having a flu shot will definitely prevent someone from contracting the covid virus . Fair point about certain institutions and facilities imposing some conditions where highly susceptible and vulnerable people are at increased risk , That is their prerogative but unless it does become a government requirement for the general public , again not sure why N R L players in a general form of self isolation should have to comply as well and if they are not in direct contact with prone groups of the community . Walker and A F B apparently have no covid symptoms at present so not too sure how they can or will be a covid threat by preferring to not get the flu shot if that is their choice and that should still be their right ..
1) Unless they have a relevant medical qualification ... what Des and Trent have to say is irrelevant .. they are football coaches ... ask them again if 5 of their players display flu like symptoms a day before a game ...
2) The football players ARE the prone group ... it is to protect the team from a flu outbreak that the need to have the flu shot has been mandated ... under the current stand down and quarantee conditions if anybody displays flu like symtoms the disruption to training and games could be very detrimental ... bringing flu into the group would be irresponsible ...
If one person sneezes on a bus or in the plane ... the biosecurity reaction and subsequent quaranteeing would be distasterous .....
All for the sake of getting a jab ... numbnuttery gone viral ..
3) Getting the flu shot has nothing to do with getting Covid ...