We are not Europe
We are not USA
We are an island
Apart from NZ (one death) we are thousands of km from anywhere with ZERO borders
Our country should be easy to defend
South Asia deaths are extremely low in high population areas
Other than a cruise boat debacle cases would be even lower
Our borders are now shut and travellers in Quarantine
People dying here are all over 75 , with terminal cancer patients in that mix and flattening of the precious curve is obvious already
In Victoria where they have just banned seeing your girlfriend they have four deaths , 32 in hospital and 6 in ICU !! And they are on tv boasting about getting 30000 more beds off private hospitals ! 32 in one ****ing state and they have an extra 30000 lol Number of cases is irrelevant It’s how many need intensive care, and it ain’t many folks.
My partner works at one of the biggest hospitals in ED in this country and has just taken four days leave The hospital is fine Busy but business as usual
Continued bungling and mixed messages from the very start from those in control and the numbers are still this low after three months
Death toll 20 !!!!!
Geex imagine if we’d just tucked away the vulnerable and got on with it . And yet that announcement came two days ago !!!
Answer to the above from the geniuses:
Promised six months social isolation , maybe more. Can’t wait to see that
360 billion in welfare payments with more to come which will take decades to pay back by our kids
20 percent unemployment projections
Massive increase in beyond blue calls and an
incredible increase in domestic violence
Small business being killed off every day
Liberties we have taken for granted being taken away with ridiculous requirements and history says they are rarely removed post crises
Sporting clubs and associations , part of the fabric of our society , bring decimated
For weeks I’ve been hearing about hundreds of thousands of deaths and the end of the world
It’s ridiculous bull****
In the three months since this started 54000 people have died in this country by various means
The sad fact is that these politicians now need people to die to justify this crucifixion
Why the hell continue to use this Six Month Plus language which basically invitites CEOs to sack even more people and destroys the public’s state of mind
Common sense says it should be lock down for four weeks and reassess but they just love the power these clowns
Parking attendants in suits
And always remember the old saying
“ Only God and doctors can hit a one iron”
In this country the one iron hitters just don’t want to admit we are different to the northern hemsisphere down here in so many ways , they love the attention re this virus and the next generation will pay for it
OK this situation is distressing in so many ways but I don't think we're at the stage yet where we can say its an overreaction.
Check this out (quoted with approval by the conservative Fox & Friends over the last 24 hours)
“Once infected with the new coronavirus, a 20-something has about a 1% chance of illness so severe it requires hospitalization, and that risk rises to more than 8% for people in their 50s and to nearly 19% for people over 80, a comprehensive new analysis finds…
…A person's odds for death after infection with the new coronavirus also rose with age. An estimated 0.031% of people in their 20s will die, the new analysis found, compared to 7.8% of people over 80.
The new report, based on data from almost 44,700 cases occurring in mainland China, was published March 30 in The Lancet Infectious Diseases medical journal.
"Our estimates can be applied to any country to inform decisions around the best containment policies for COVID-19," said study co-author Azra Ghani, also from Imperial College London."
So – using our population from the last census, we have about 3.2 million people aged 20-29, and similar numbers in each of the age groups 30-39, 40-49 and 50-59
We’ve got nearly 5 million aged 60 and over. say we ‘tucked them away' (Arko & co!), and others with underlying health vulnerabilities (Wombat & co!). (Let’s leave aside for now
where we’ll tuck them away,
who will be virus-free and able to look after them, and who we may exempt from the forced ‘tucking away’ (presumably some of our best and most senior captains of industry, government, the judiciary, science, etc (and John Laws!) and nearly all our billionaires are in this group but no loss, I’m sure we will be fine with them safely tucked away).
So, aside from those tucked away, if we let the rest of population just ‘get on with it’…
A 50% infection rate for all those not tucked away is a conservative projection. Could easily be 80%.
But working on 50%, that would mean in Australia:
1.6 million people
aged in their 20s would be infected, of which 16,000 would need to be hospitalised and 480 die.
Rising to 1.5 million aged 50-60 infected, 120,000 needing hospital, and 9000 dead.
Plus all the others aged between 30-50.
Plus a couple of kids and teenagers, and a few of the vulnerable getting sick despite being tucked away.
Now I've just mocked up those calculations so please correct any errors, but I think the gist is sound. And do you think ‘the economy’ including our sporting clubs and everything else could just plough ahead and get on with it in the midst of such carnage? I doubt it.
I also find it revealing that around the world the sort of leaders advocating ‘just get on with it’ are the likes of Jair Bolsonaro and Belarus' President Lukashenko.