Definitely 1,000% don't agree with that.
I own a small business and so far I'm not seeing anything that will help me through this. Nothing, I actually wish I could get the dole, $1,100 a fortnight and I'd be *en happy to wait in a queue for 8 hours to get that *, if that's what it took? FMD, I dream for that kind of money.
Small business owners like me will earn nothing, we will eat into every last bit of our cash reserves, all our personal savings and we'll try and survive by taking on more debt and even then without customers or sales many of us will probably still go broke.
As far as I can tell, the measures announced so far are designed in a way to enable employers like me keep my staff employed. What I will receive at the end of April might cover a months wages, but they are not paying it until end of April anyway. They do nothing to help cover my daily overheads,. ..... insurance, rent, electricity....... bla, bla, bla. You get it. So if I don't have sales then those things aren't covered and then my team don't have a place to work anyway.
Its probably not the best financial decision but I've too much personal energy and money invested in my business to walk away without trying everything but at the moment that $1,100 a fortnight looks pretty sweet and I really wouldn't complain about having to wait in a queue or that the My Gov website crashed.
Anyway, **** times for all.
Go Manly.
Best wishes mate ..