Of course they (potential buyers) would and some of the doomsayers like Handsome (cough) Mark from Brisbane need to take a Bex and lie down. Sure, it doesn’t help when Scott gets on the phone to Ritchie and spills his guts.
In the old days it was rugby league’s Tiberius with a telephone, aka Peter Peters, who was on the blower to Ritchie, Brent Read, et al. Nowadays as a cost-cutting measure, Scott has to do it himself.😉
Remember we are talking RL here, many of the so-called experts are feeble-minded flogs themselves.
If one of them told you all they know about the world, it wouldn’t take long. And if two of them did, it would take no longer.
Terry , I’ve left this for a few hours.
But mate , attack my views ( that’s fine) , disagree with me ( also fine) but seriously “ Handsome ( cough)” really is a tad below the belt.
Sure, I’m hardly “ Rueben Garrick “ , I’m an almost 65 year old , balding about to be pensioner but really did you have stoop to personal insults??
We are all entitled to an opinion, I get you don’t like mine and that’s fine but at least I have the guts to list my real name and put a real photo up and I’d really really appreciate not be insulted by someone that hides behind a made up name
I have however taken your opinion on board and hope we can move on.
But that ball is in your court!!