Hate to be a doomsayer, but the scientific community has been warning about major pandemics for years. Our increasing contact with other species and our interrelationship with the rest of the World and the ease of viral contagions spreading through our rapid transport systems, made this disease almost inevitable. And this is in all likelihood only the start.
We have been damned lucky over the past few decades that more virulent novel diseases have been caught so quickly. SARS was over twice as deadly and MERS (Middle Eastern Respiratory Disease) passed on from camels and so far confined at this stage, has a mortality rate of around one in three (about the same as the Black Death 1346-53, that killed over a third of the population of Eurasia).
The seemingly draconian strategies by governments may seem like an over reaction. But governments are not going to risk their economic stability unless they consider the alternative more disastrous. In fact they are more likely to play more softly, softly in democratic nations for fear of driving the electorate to the opposition. They are at present between a rock and a hard place as they say. and remember both the US and Australia as well as NSW, have conservative parties in power and they are well known to limit government intervention as much as possible. If they are doing it, there's a big problem.
So I guess we just have to sit back, protect ourselves, and hope that when the next one comes, which could be far more lethal, that we are better prepared.